Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 886: Hallelujah (Second Change)

Kraft opened his eyes from his dream, and immediately sat up from the blanketed steel floor. The air ducts whirled cold air, but it didn't reassure him. Even though this was his rare peaceful sleep, he still fell into a panic, his curly black hair covered in gunpowder smoke and dust was tightly stuck to his forehead with cold sweat. Beside him are many children of his age, both male and female, they don't know where they are, the dazzling bright white lights above their heads and the quiet air create a terrifying atmosphere.

Without exception, almost everyone is waiting for the final outcome with trepidation. As a child living in a war zone, he had long heard about the behavior of those foreign soldiers.

A bar of chocolate can be exchanged for the virginity of the most beautiful maiden in the village, and farmers must grow poppies for a paltry morsel of food. Every kid just stay away from foreign soldiers because they could kill any local at any time just because they have reasonable suspicion - foreign soldiers will tie people to the barrel of a gun and shock them to death, no chance Shoot villages for no reason, strip civilians and beat them. When Kraft and his partner were forced to board the plane ramp at gunpoint, he originally thought that this was the end waiting for him, but there were only a few women in black armor and red robes standing inside the plane, facing He looked at their group of lambs expressionlessly.

They said these things to them in a language that Kraft could not understand.

After the plane landed, Kraft was pushed and pushed off the plane, walked down the ramp hatch under the escort of the soldiers, and walked into an extremely wide space. There are many planes parked here, but the two women in black armor don't allow them to stay, but continue to drive them until they are stuffed into a huge room. The room had no windows or furniture, and the bare steel floor was covered with futons. There were no beatings, no death threats, but even more disturbing were the men in white robes who then entered the room, drew everyone's blood, and handed out food, water and sweets. Kraft's legs curled up, his arms wrapped around his head. Fear enveloped the hearts of all the children. Without exception, they all remembered what the old man in the village said - it is said that foreign soldiers would use local children for experiments. bad condition.

He didn't know how long he slept, but he felt hungry and thirsty. Just then, with the noise of grinding gears, the two scary women walked in again.

We used to be so scared. Tatyana whispered to her companion, looking over at the children who were quietly pushing back. But what's worse is that we have to teach them Latin from scratch.

No, we have to get rid of lice and fleas for them first. The artificial man said lazily. She tilted her head, as if she was sifting out the right ones from the vast amount of knowledge she had been instilled. Kraft heard her begin to speak in the language of the next village, and then the language kept shifting until it settled into a tone that Kraft had heard most often. Everyone, stand up, the android said in out-of-key Persian, This is an order.

The children climbed up from the ground in surprise, and many of them still have weak legs.

Come here, girl.

Kraft heard the woman say this. He originally wanted to stand in front of the girl from the same village, but the gaze cast by that demonic woman made him feel chills all over his body, and the courage he had accumulated with great difficulty disappeared in an instant. The beautiful Farah gave him a grateful look before pushing past him. The crowd started to squirm, girls in various costumes were spit out, and the androids put their hips on their hips, looking at their gains with satisfaction.

You're a boy. She caught a glimpse of a short figure in the girls' line, I want girls.

I know. Kraft gritted his teeth and clenched his fists trying not to let himself be overwhelmed by fear. He didn't know how he was squeezed into the girl. What do you want to do to them!

Kraft felt that the air began to freeze after this, and with the woman's silence, the horror visible to the naked eye began to squeeze his shoulders, almost crushing him, making him regret why he was so hotheaded. Of course I take them to take a bath, clean up the dirty things on their bodies, and then put on nice clothes. The corner of the artificial man's mouth rose, You will also go through this process later, because my master doesn't like too many parasites entering his city.

Kraft didn't relax because of this answer. What are you trying to do to us?

Nothing, because you are worthless to my master. The artificial man looked down into Kraft's black eyes, Maybe you have seen the brutal behavior of the soldiers we killed, but the fact is We are not like those people, we do not take pleasure in killing lives. Your lives are of no value until you have completed the studies my master has given you. Some of you will become scholars, warriors or clerks, girls even have Qualify to be one of us. But this is in the future, you have a lot to learn, the only thing I can be sure of now is that you can sleep well every night, and don't have to worry about hunger in the morning. Girls, with I come, my master does not like pagan clothing.

The sky carrier slowly sank into the huge vortex on the sea surface, and the giant steel gate slowly closed above the head of the sky carrier, isolating the sea water.

Hundreds of transport vehicles that had already been prepared began to replenish immediately, and Kraft and the children were driven off the sky carrier as one of the cargo. They smelled of soapy water all over their bodies. Their dirty clothes were replaced with simple white long-sleeved trousers and disposable cloth shoes. Their faces covered with dust and tears were clean. Only then did they see where they were before, and the feeling of standing directly under the huge sky war machine made many children turn pale with fright.

Come here. The android stretched out its arms to guide the children's journey, and Kraft saw a long silver carriage waiting in the distance.

The children jostle each other, as if to gain some courage. They walked slowly over and into the undecorated compartment. Unsurprisingly, when the woman in black armor finally walked in, the door of the carriage was closed immediately, and then the glass door outside the carriage was also slowly closed, and the sound of the wind whistling like a giant animal breathing in passed by outside the carriage. A very mechanical female synthesized voice reminded the passengers to sit in their seats. The radio repeated the broadcast dozens of times. After confirming that everyone was sitting in their seats, the silver-white carriage slowly began to move.

Only ten seconds later, the train crashed into the dark tunnel. The lights shining into the carriage from outside the tunnel flickered faster and faster, and the speed of the train became faster and faster. The frequent flickering lights made people dizzy, and the piercing radio kept screaming incomprehensible words. The speed of the train was unbearably fast, and if everyone was not strapped tightly to their seats, they would have been hit with bloody heads. Even with seat belts on, many children can't help the physical reaction of throwing up. Kraft didn't know how long the train had been traveling, because his brain was dazzled by the flickering lights, and he felt as if he was not in the real world, but fell into hell.

five four three two one

Accompanied by the countdown broadcast, the speed of the carriage began to slowly decrease, and the vacuum train brought the children into a brilliant sea of ​​light. Through thick armored glass tunnels, Kraft sees tall, glowing buildings rising from a world so dark it seems submerged in the depths of the sea, bright searchlights piercing rock domes as high as the sky, even though Kraft has never done so. In any art class, he can also feel that every brick here is full of solemnity and elegance.

Welcome to the Immortal City, said the broadcaster. Hallelujah.

Ask for a ticket! Can anyone figure out what's going on?

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