Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 882 The Last Gift (Second)

When Sherlock Holmes stood in front of the plane door with a face full of grief and anger, despite the strong wind that made the skin on his face not covered by goggles hurt, Salomon had already left Baker Street. His technique of divination and solving crimes with a hand of Tarot cards made the stubborn Sherlock have to admit the power of magic. With the clues provided by the Tarot cards, coupled with the powerful search ability on the Internet, even the unmentioned parts of the dossier, the privacy that only people around him can know, were cleaned up by Salomon through the Tarot cards. The context of money and power transactions is as clear as glaring ink dots on white paper, and the case of resurrection from the dead, which seemed strange at first, is as dull as a boring paper under the combing of the mystic. If MI5 and MI6 are still unable to catch people with this intelligence, it can only prove that from World War II to the Cold War, and from the Cold War to the present, the British intelligence system is still talented in large numbers as always.

The divination of Tarot cards replaced the reasoning of Sherlock Holmes, which made the detective very dissatisfied. He still refused to incorporate the unstable factor of magic into his reasoning system. The mystic doesn't mind this, because Sherlock Holmes has already made an appointment for a visit, and then he will gradually expand his horizons and deeply realize how difficult it is for the human race to survive today. His sense of social responsibility and curiosity will push him forward until he falls into the chess game played by Salomon. This was an open conspiracy, not a conspiracy to recruit Stephen Strange, even if Holmes was aware of it, he could not escape it.

He won, so Sherlock Holmes was not able to carry the parachute when he skydived.

Watson tried every means to dissuade his cohabitants from doing such stupid things, but Holmes, who had already seen Salomon's methods, knew that tarot divination was nothing more than a demonstration and display of ability, and the portal was the real trump card. At the same time, he also believed that Salomon hadn't lied during the previous meeting. Since he dared to raise such a condition, it proved that the mystic mage didn't dare to let him die, so he was willing to stop him. Do I look unhappy, Watson? he exclaimed. I am glad that there are still many unsolved mysteries in this world ... and you. I am very glad to be friends with you. !

Actually, you don't need to say your last words, Holmes! Watson firmly grasped the cohabitant's coat. He really didn't understand how the plane took off, and how they went through the procedures to board the plane. However, these are not issues that the military doctor needs to think about. He exhausted all his strength just by clenching his palms tightly. Don't be stupid! That person must be teasing you!

See you later!

The military doctor didn't even have time to react, Sherlock Holmes deftly untied his almost convulsed palm. John Watson screamed like crazy looking for the parachute bag on the plane, then jumped with the parachute bag on his back, even without the goggles and altimeter. It wasn't until he started fumbling for the switch that he gradually recalled his military training. He watched the figure of Sherlock Holmes fall to the ground under the pull of gravity, but he was still out of reach. The military doctor shouted desperately in the air, but he didn't realize that he was approaching the limit of the parachute opening distance step by step. He opened the parachute bag with his eyesight and previous skydiving experience, and when he finally landed, he dragged his sore and weak legs towards the place where his cohabitant fell——he walked over while dragging his legs. I prayed out of breath, and wanted to rush over to see the situation, but my heart was full of fear. John Watson plucked up his courage and walked over with cold sweat on his head, but the expected scene of Sherlock Holmes turning into a meat paste did not appear, and his cohabitant was lying on the grass, laughing weakly and even hoarse .

The feeling of gratitude is fleeting, followed by uncontrollable anger.

You're crazy! Watson pointed at his head angrily. His heart was pumped to the limit for this thrilling skydive. He felt dizzy in his head, his hands and feet were cold, the tip of his nose was numb, and his lacrimal glands were as heavy as if they had been poured into molten lead and cooled down quickly. He couldn't even recall how he came here a minute ago . I should have known! I should have known that you didn't take your life seriously! You're a fucking madman! the doctor yelled. I'll leave you alone, Sherlock Holmes! I Shouldn't care about you!

I'm all right, I floated down like a feather. Sherlock Holmes closed his eyes, spread his limbs, and smiled all over his face, I never do anything uncertain, and I'm sure he doesn't want me to die. But thank you for your concern.

No! I don't care about you! Watson seemed like a balloon that had suddenly deflated. He waved his hand, That's it, I'm tired. I asked Mary to pick me up, you go back by yourself, remember to tell Mrs. Hudson that I won't be there for dinner today.

Say hello for Mary.

Don't even think about it!

Miss Morstan, this is a gift from the Immortal City. Salomon, dressed in a black suit and mourning clothes, knocked on the door of the apartment. Facing a stranger who called her by her first name, Mary Morstan's first reaction was to play dumb until she saw the document wrapped in a brown paper portfolio. I know it's very rude to visit without permission, but if you use the mail, I'm worried that you think someone is trying to threaten you. He said, I can assure you that from now on, neither S.H.I.E.L.D. Nobody, not MI6, MI5 and CIA, will ever know who you were. Because this is the last piece of information about your past, and all traces of you on the Internet have been censored Erase, even all information about the former owner of the name you impersonate is also erased. You can take this secret to the grave, and no one will ever threaten you with this secret.

Who are you? Mary Morstan was very calm. The quality of being a top agent is fully displayed at this moment. She took a half step back, using the door panel to cover her hand stretched behind her to hold the gun. Salomon knew that the muzzle of the pistol was aimed at his body through the door, but at this moment he had already cast the protective spell, and he was not worried about the bullet within the duration of the spell. However, he still erased the spell that could reflect bullets, leaving only the three layers of protective magic that can eliminate kinetic energy, soften metal, and protective force field, so as not to prevent Mary Morstan from actually shooting, and then the bullet was reflected under the effect of magic go back.

Barely a friend of Dr. Watson and Sherlock Holmes. The mystic shrugged, That's why I will guarantee your safety.

You did not answer my question.

Excuse me, ma'am. Salomon replied, I definitely don't want to mention to John Watson that I have been here. Now the nearby cameras that can see here are temporarily powered off, whether it is a mobile phone or a bank. Surveillance probe, no one will find that we have talked. Oh yes, if Mycroft Holmes finds you... believe me, all his threats are false, there is no evidence of your past. Laugh for me by the way He, you can tell him my name, Salomon Damonette.

Who is Mycroft Holmes?

Don't worry about the CIA, they thought you were dead. This is the information obtained by Immortal City directly from the CIA database. Salomon smiled, but still did not answer the question, Goodbye, ma'am, this is your Seeing me for the last time in my life.

Ask for a ticket!

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