Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 876: There's always someone behind (second update)

Salomon knew about the small actions of the Sisterhood, because Tita and Dinah told him this, but he still did not tolerate it, and even issued extremely strict orders not to allow the Sisterhood's ideas to spread outside, even if Finnbo His orders have not changed despite the cost of the Sisterhood after the Battle of Winter. The artificial man's worship of the Creator is something he cannot change, but in order to cultivate the original and loyal armed force of the Immortal City, he must let the sisterhood take over the training and life of those girls, because this is also a rare thing in the Immortal City to take over the secular world. Socio-demographic opportunities.

After that, the African base was established with the help of Wakanda, and the sisterhood contributed a lot to it. Therefore, many local industries belonged to the sisterhood on the books of the internal affairs department, allowing them to have a little economy other than financial allocations. source. Salomon wanted them to buy some leisure clothes, evening dresses and some cosmetics for themselves. Although they didn't need them, it was better than nothing.

For the monarch's order, all artificial humans expressed their submission and resolutely carried it out.

The artificial man said to the human girls, This is the test of our faith given by our Lord, but when the girls asked why they didn't spread it to others, the artificial man said, Faith is what he gave Our gift - one can imagine how embarrassing Salomon was when he knew this statement. Still, he gave some cards to the Sisterhood, whose fighting prowess and loyalty allowed them to wield dangerous weapons. But as the Sisterhood holds more and more dangerous weapons, Salomon's admonition to the Sisterhood will become stricter and stricter. Power and responsibility are integrated, and even the Sisterhood that enjoys tough love cannot escape.

I have to know which will happen first. Stephanie raised the file in her hand. There was a pile of similar files on her desk, and in the adjoining room, twenty-six Interior Ministry employees had been drawn out to clear the mountain of parchment. These are requests for war readiness - Salomon has already disclosed two impending wars to the higher echelons of the Immortal City. One is Ragnarok, which can affect the situation of the earth and the entire universe, and the other is the war of subjugation launched against the Inhumans. As the director of the interior department, Stephanie needs to know the sequence of the two wars in order to specifically configure the production of ordnance, the priority of soldier training programs, the quantity of bulk commodities and raw material purchases.

I don't know. Salomon spread his hands and sat on the sofa of the head of the interior department, Ragnarok is getting closer, and it is always right to prepare for the war in Asgard first. Whether it is God’s Twilight or Attilan, we all need the Mars Foundry to repair spaceships, manufacture landing pods and airdrop pods, our current manpower can only produce the smallest one, but if we have a spaceship, then A Tilan's battle will be much easier. But I'm still worried that such firepower won't be able to deal with Ragnarok at all, and all forces in the universe will try to get a piece of the pie, and I have to make sure I get the biggest piece.

In fact, the influence of Ragnarok is not limited to the real plane, but Stephanie has no understanding of the world behind the curtain, and Salomon doesn't want to spend more time explaining something that sounds unbelievable or even weird. This will only be blind Add to Stephanie's workload. She was already busy enough, and she didn't even have time to ask about the hickey on Salomon's neck—she just pointed at it, then rolled her eyes, prompting Salomon to cover it up with his collar, scornfully The love is almost overflowing the office.

There is no factory on earth that can provide so many high-quality alloys. As for the factory in Wakanda, we have already placed an order, but Shu Rui said that in order to protect the environment, we can only produce in small quantities, and the output is about the same as that of the laboratory. Stephanie mentioned Su Rui was full of anger. It is true that Wakanda provided the technical and material support that the Immortal City initially needed, but Wakanda also took away a lot of the legacy of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield from the Immortal City-with the help of Zhenjin, Wakanda's technology has been improved. It is ahead of ordinary human society, but the technology of the Brotherhood of the Holy Shield is a product of another dimension, including magic technology and black box technology that humans cannot understand. Stephanie has always believed that the Wakanda people have hidden many key discoveries when analyzing the legacy of the Holy Shield Brotherhood, especially after going to Wakanda to negotiate with representatives of the royal family, this suspicion has occupied her brain even more.

However, since most of the technical support of the Holy Shield Legacy Investigation and Research Committee comes from Wakanda, Stephanie can only let Salomon pay more attention and find an opportunity to improve the plan to completely annex Wakanda and those technologies— She knows Salomon's thoughts on Wakanda and is willing to fully support it.

In particular, the vibrating gold mine is even more eye-catching. The Wakanda people can have such a wealth of resources just by scraping off a layer of skin. It is impossible to say that the Immortal City does not need it. Needs for repairing warships, manufacturing space stations, manufacturing weapons and equipment, and power armor. Although Wakanda has provided a considerable amount of vibration gold since the conclusion of the covenant, it is far from enough. The Wakanda people know that Zhenjin is the foundation of the Wakanda country, so even if there is a little bit of metal shavings, they will use a vacuum cleaner to suck it up. In addition, Shu Rui is now using the protection of the environment as an excuse to extend the production period of the Wakanda factory , The progress bars of many plans are just stuck there, and anyone who takes a position in the interior department will suffer from high blood pressure.

Now the Wakanda people already think that the Immortal City is their tool. Stephanie sneered twice, We give the Wakanda people so many things, but they are extremely stingy. My lord, either negotiation or force threat, we must all change Wakanda's attitude.

Salomon nodded solemnly.

He just read the outline of tomorrow's meeting of the Ministry of the Interior, and urging Wakanda to produce industrial raw materials that meet the standards is the top priority. Stephanie's concerns are quite reasonable. The Immortal City received Wakanda's assistance from the beginning of its establishment. Some Wakanda people even think that this is a kind of funding rather than cooperation.

For example, the current king of Wakanda, T'Chaka.

The most ideal result is to completely merge Wakanda, but the premise is that they must do a good job of the possibility of Wakanda's death. Although Salomon was able to occupy Wakanda by force, this does not mean that he can let those Wakanda scientists work wholeheartedly-the scientists hired by the Malik family and the laboratories purchased have long been operating at full capacity, but they still cannot. Fill the research needs of the Immortal City. It is an indisputable fact that the Immortal City still needs Wakanda.

Some people should die. He nodded and said, How is your side?

The combination of assassination and financial means is invincible. We have already begun to acquire shares in Mobil, and you have fulfilled your commitment to Tony Stark. Stephanie took a copy from the pile of files and handed it to Salomon, Now is the time for Tony Stark to join the R\u0026D team. When are you going to show him around the Mars Foundry?

Now! The mystic jumped up from the sofa, Twitter shows that he is bored right now!

Ask for a ticket!

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