Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 867: Emergency Assistance (Part 1)

Mycroft Holmes was no ordinary civil servant, and to some extent he represented MI6, MI5 and cabinet secretaries. Sir Arnold, the Honorary Chancellor of Oxford University, often went to Salomon for dinner because of his recommendation. Under the rhetoric of Mycroft, Sir Arnold, who was old and dizzy, already believed that Salomon would become one of his own in the future.

Without these powers and access to information, it would have been impossible for Mycroft to pull out the nail buried by Salomon in such a short period of time and lead Sherlock Holmes to the final answer. But he didn't expect what kind of gunpowder keg the final answer would be. The vampires ran out of the sewer one after another trying to take revenge on Sherlock Holmes who was too arrogant. This result was also unexpected by McCoff, so that he had to call New York for help in the middle of the night, and at the same time sent SAS to block the sewer exit. It wasn't until Salomon arrived that Mycroft heaved a sigh of relief.

He always wanted to assimilate Salomon, and win over Salomon, a guy with strong external support, as one of his own, but Salomon had already rejected him as early as when he was in school. This time Salomon and Mycroft have their own demands, and both sides know that the other party does not want to make this matter public, but the negotiation is a process of mutual compromise, no matter how unwilling they are, they must compromise with each other .

This kind of conversation has happened between me and Nick Fury. You are asking for secrets, and you have been asking for my secrets since you met me, just like when Nick Fury first met me. Same. Salomon spread his hands and said, But you still have a choice, Mycroft, I can show you the secret. Nick Fury is dead, I can only assure you that this has nothing to do with my secret .Block the news until I complete the task.

Then what are you going to do? Fighters can't enter London's sewers. Mycroft relaxed, knowing that the appearance of Salomon meant that the task had been completed. What followed was a long time of wrangling, and he was confident that he, who had been honed in Whitehall for decades, would definitely be able to wring out some secrets from Salomon.

Salomon knew he would block the news, but Mycroft pretended not to know that Salomon knew he would block the news and used it as a bargaining chip. It is absolutely impossible for Mycroft to call the Prime Minister to tell the Prime Minister that the nightmare in the sewer is about to come out. Just like Salomon hides many secrets of his own, Mycroft is also a person who hides many small secrets.

I have my own way. Salomon pointed to his earphones.

He is very disdainful of the small tricks and structures of civil servants like McCoff. It is precisely for these reasons that he rejects McCoff's solicitation and refuses to join the center of power in this way. As far as he knew, when he was a student at Oxford, Mycroft used to hang out in the Sackler Library, donated by the family behind Purdue Pharmaceuticals, which makes OxyContin. McCoff and civil service interest groups are included in the opioid sales license in the UK, otherwise where did he get the money to build an island prison to detain his sister.

Tell your men to go away. My men are taking over there. I don't want those elite soldiers to die because of this misunderstanding.

We still have time to talk slowly, Salomon. Mycroft unhurriedly pointed around with the umbrella. The mystic tensed his muscles as the tip of his umbrella passed in Salomon's direction. He knew Mycroft could pull the trigger at any moment. This is not the place for conversation. Come with me, where there is a warm fire and sherry.

Sorry, I'm not cold-blooded enough to sit and watch soldiers bleed in front and enjoy myself sitting in the back. In this respect, there is still a big difference between me and the British. The mystic responded indifferently. He doesn't mind exposing his weakness in the negotiation first, and it is more important for him to resolve this matter first. Now the SAS is blocking the way, and the elite soldiers will only leave after waiting for Mycroft's order. Obviously, McCoff will not let go of any chance to win the negotiations. He stood there with an inscrutable smile—the current situation is that Mycroft is threatening the benevolent Salomon with the life of the SAS. If Coulson's team, which has witnessed Salomon's brutal methods, knows this situation Will be dumbfounded. Especially Skye, who is now called Daisy Johnson, might even find the courage to punch Salomon in the face.

Your sympathy always comes out of nowhere, Mr. Damonette.

A veteran of many world-saving operations, Mycroft! It's not compassion, it's reluctance to waste such a resource.

Salomon changed his attitude, making McCaw nod again and again. I said you were talented, and it seems to be. Now you are also in a moral vacuum, and you adapt quickly. If you don't like sherry, we can also taste the wine in the wine cellar. Or do you want to talk to the manor in Oxfordshire?

This is my second visit. Wanda said to Constantine. She was followed by the Sisterhood's heavy fire team, but no one except Wanda was very happy to talk, so she had to find topics for herself. There weren't so many vampires last time. Where did these guys come from?

Constantine said in a muffled voice, According to the file...

I already knew what it looked like in the file. I was just curious, can vampires really reproduce so many?

In fact, ghouls, werewolves, and vampires belong to the same blood line, so when only thin blood is passed on, the ugly guy we saw will be born. Constantine bent forward and walked forward , I am obviously not suitable for this environment.

Go a little further, you need to stick to the main road. Ola interjected, We need to complete the task as soon as possible. What about those SAS, let them go ahead and explore the way.

Salomon was not happy. Although he didn't show it, that didn't mean he wouldn't settle accounts with McCaw.

The vampires in the London sewers are not too much trouble for the elite Immortal City. The gunboats of the Immortal City also brought a few unlucky people with them when they returned, including being killed by Mycroft. Abandoned SAS members. They witnessed the tragedy of their teammates who died tragically at the mouth of the vampire because they did not receive the order for a long time. They boarded the gunship plane under Constantine's persuasion, because they already knew who the culprit of the tragedy was. Eager to avenge his comrades.

McCoff obviously did not expect the loyalty of SAS to appear so vulnerable at this moment.

Salomon pressed him firmly on the soft chair. This is Mycroft's apartment in the West End. Salomon followed him, not worried about an ambush at all. Constantine had already informed him of the situation through the communication system, and Salomon also gave the recording of his conversation with McCoff to Constantine for him to play to the SAS players. A soldier's loyalty is only for display, Mycroft. Guys who sit in an office all day don't understand that sentiment. He shoved the sherry glass into the servant's hand. Think about how to fix it. This question.

But I don't think the contradictions need to intensify to this extent. This is a country with laws. You always forget the role of power, Salomon. Mycroft took a sip calmly, You haven't told me yet But what are you going to do with my brother. Go on, I'm listening.

Ask for a ticket!

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