Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 861 Promote Manager (Happy New Year! First update!)

As we all know, New York is the first time the Avengers fought and appeared in public view.

Many New Yorkers will be proud of the appearance of superheroes like the Avengers in this place, so there will be a large number of admirers of the Avengers in certain groups of people, for example, adolescents will like Natasha Romanoff, and mature women will like Like Steve Rogers, Tony Stark or Thor. Coupled with the influence of the superhero culture in the United States, which advocates individual heroism and complete freedom, some people will imitate the superheroes in the comics and run to the streets with their faces covered to fight crime.

And with a gun.

Chief Stacey has caught several masked idiots since he took office and sent them to the D.A. for not having a concealed gun license, teaching them a lesson. Recently, there was a masked vigilante in Hell's Kitchen who was causing trouble everywhere, and he also wanted to get a felony after catching that guy. He was very worried that such people would appear in this city again, and he was even more worried that the two cases that happened today were done by masked freaks, which meant that the future of the city of New York would be quite uneven. It's not that he doesn't understand that vigilantes are sometimes a supplement to social order, especially when the police are unable to act because of illegal evidence collection, superior orders, police vacations, cuts to police funding to eliminate racial discrimination, and all kinds of random reasons At times, masked vigilantes are a deterrent to criminals. These people lived out the oldest and most sincere visions of mankind engraved in the Code of Hammurabi on the basalt columns.

A tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye.

Because of this, the public welcomes those superheroes who are heroic and righteous because they see the wicked being punished. However, Director Stacey scoffed at the name superhero, and he believed that the behavior of these people was completely uncontrollable. Some people regard superheroes as some kind of creatures living in the clouds, but he knows that superheroes are also human beings. No matter how powerful they are, their hearts are still the same as human beings. That's not a good thing, and it means that superheroes will one day be a big problem for society as a whole. Anyone who has mastered the ability beyond the limit but has no corresponding character will eventually fall into this end, which is the pessimism of Director Stacy.

He didn't tell anyone his opinion.

But if the real culprits behind the two cases knew his true thoughts, they might nod their heads in agreement.

The search team searched along the blood on the sewer, but they couldn't find the place where the crime happened. All the clues stopped in a very old sewer that was no longer used and maintained. There were no witnesses, even the sewer crocodile. No, there are a lot of dead snakes. After six hours, Detective Carter finally called the director's office to report the situation. She glanced at her partner, then stalked a little further away—and Detective Francesco threw up again as his curiosity led him to follow the search party into the sewers.

Although the search party has taken a lot of pictures, I'm sure you don't want to see there because the situation there is worse.

How bad can today be? Send the photo to my email, I have to see it. Chief Stacey sighed and hung up the phone. Ten minutes later, the civilian staff who were summoned to work overtime urgently outside the bureau chief's office to write files suddenly heard the sound of heart-piercing vomiting coming from the office. He hurried in. Don't say it. The director rinsed his mouth and threatened the staff, At least for the sake of the bonus.

I thought you were sick, it's good that you're fine. The little policeman glanced at the blurry image on the computer screen and said with a smile, Isn't it the scene of a murder, and you're not a young man who just entered this industry.

I can allow you to see the photos of the scene, as long as you can keep it secret. After the little policeman swore to God that he would absolutely follow professional ethics, the director then called the little policeman to stand in front of the screen to see the picture clearly. He said slowly, If you vomit, you will be responsible for taking out the trash. A few minutes later, the little police officer walked out of the office with a pale face holding the trash can. explain. Knowing that the search team came back, the whole office was filled with a sour smell after that.

The culprit who caused all this is not far from the police station at this moment, and it is also in the hospital a few blocks away.

He came here straight after waking up and having breakfast, accompanied only by an android in a black women's suit. However, the artificial man was standing outside the door on guard, and did not enter the room. The Sisterhood had scouted the building facing the parlor window the night before, making sure no snipers could shoot him.

Christina Palmer persuaded Salomon to wait with embarrassment, because Stephen Strange had an emergency operation to do and couldn't get away. However, the mystic sitting on the sofa in the living room was not as anxious as she imagined. Instead, he was drinking the hot black tea he bought. Christina Palmer felt that it was more black tea than black tea The scent of molasses, the aroma of sweet and cloying honey filled the room. Do you know that this hospital is about to be acquired recently? It is said that even the acquisition plan has been finalized.

I'm just a nurse, not an administrator.

Ms. Christina Palmer, you will be a manager in the future. Salomon threw the fashion magazine on the small glass round table. He raised his head and looked at the anxious nurse. I decided to appoint you as the head of neurosurgery after the acquisition. I believe in your ability and... um, kindness. Facing the nurse's surprised expression, Salomon continued to speak unhurriedly, Don't worry Well, I'm not going to move too much management, and I'm not going to fire Stephen Strange, he's the best neurosurgeon in New York, after all. But I want you to manage him and make him stop being so miserable, okay ?

Are you going to buy this hospital? Christina Palmer felt that she was still in the clouds and would not be able to get down for a while. Why? As far as I know, the profitability of this hospital is not actually...

Because of Stephen Strange, he pissed me off, Salomon said.

Christina Palmer didn't quite believe that reason.

Although she doesn't know much about business, she's never seen a guy who buys someone because he hates it, unless it's a wayward rich man like Tony Stark. But even the rich may not be able to acquire a hospital in such a short period of time. This was a lie of course, Salomon would not allow anyone other than Maya Hansen to have access to his body data, but Salomon would promote her whether she believed it or not. Not only because of Christina Palmer's outstanding ability, but also because Stephen Strange, a guy with eyes above the top, is extremely uncomfortable. He must let her be the manager.

Don't tell him, treat this as a little secret between us, I believe you can do it. The mystic blinked. Few could resist his charm, especially when he was intentional, as beautiful as the marble gods of ancient Greece. But Christina Palmer didn't respond much, she just nodded and resisted Salomon's casual persuasion.

I will also set up a bonus so that you can go to medical school to continue your studies. I believe you will be able to become an excellent doctor, even better than Strange. Therefore, please be stricter in your management methods, I hope the doctors are serious about their work.

Ask for a ticket! !

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