Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 846: Report on the Battle of Fenbowente (Part 2)

Catherine, Alice, Elizabeth, Cleopatra. Tatiana silently recited the names of the war dead, and she took a deep breath to forget the dull pain in her abdomen. These are the names of her sisters, who shed blood in her stead, whether monarch's creations or ordinary girls. Vera, Nastya, Alina, Valeria. In the hall, there were only the sounds of chiseling stones and sisters reciting prayers. Tatiana closed her eyes and let her consciousness sink into incense and prayer. She said the names of her dead sisters silently, and then again, each one like a whip of thorns on her back.

No one would question the tenets of the sorority because they had all witnessed miracles.

Tatiana looked up at the golden statue, and some unbearable pressure gradually rose with the light blue smoke. That's why all sisters die for it, she thought. It's a cause for which we all bleed. On the mural that is about to be completed, Vera and Catherine are the only two sisters painted with white wings.

She didn't tell the ladies everything, she couldn't recall what Lady Catherine had said to Vera before she left her body, and even that little bit of memory in the nightmares that haunted her was vague, like erased tape, just a blank noise. She only remembered that when all the lights disappeared, Vera slowly floated into her arms, silently as if falling asleep, this was a scene that everyone present saw, but Tatyana was sure she saw more than that.

They have fulfilled their duties, and they shall stand by the side of the monarch and enjoy the glory forever. Ms. Tita, the head of the sisterhood, stood beside the altar and preached loudly. A rough black iron chain was added to her shoulder armor, and a coat of arms and prayer parchment were engraved on the chain in gilt. All the sisters who survived the Battle of Fenbowent Mountain have such decorations. As an honor to have reached the top of the mountain, Tatiana has an extra piece of parchment written by Tita herself, which records her achievements in detail. They are at peace, for the enemy has been burned. Rejoice in them, sisters. Love them as much as they were alive. Their sacrifice is the honor of the Sorority.

Tita was wearing a gorgeous black power armor, with a golden eagle emblem surrounding her neck armor, dark red robes and cloaks were embroidered with darker threads, and long texts were embroidered, and a sun-shaped gold-plated iron ring was placed on top of her energy backpack. This is a set of power armor for ceremonies, but it is also an extremely powerful weapon when necessary. It is said that the monarch designed some of the components himself. She leaned on the long sword made by Salomon in one hand, and held a huge parchment book in the other. On the cover of the book, there are gilt hot characters, a huge uncut ruby ​​that flows like blood, and a code lock for genetic identification. This book can only be opened by the senior leaders of the sisterhood. It is said that it not only records the prayers of the sisterhood, but also records the alchemy and the ultimate secret weapon given to the sisterhood by the monarch. Of course, only a few know the truth, and the Sisterhood holds more secrets than the intelligence agencies guessed.

After this battle, a long prayer is held by all fighting sisters to ensure that no one is corrupted. Even the wounded who had just got off the hospital bed were no exception. Tita personally brought the wounded who smelled of disinfectant all over their bodies.

We will remember what they did, and their stories will be engraved in stone and written in our books, so that those who come after will know what a great faith they sacrificed. Praise the Lord, praise St. Catherine!

Praise the Lord. Nearly a hundred sisters kneeling on one knee said in unison, Praise St. Catherine.

Let us hold the last vigil, and send the fallen sisters to the grave of eternal silence.

Tatiana was chosen as one of the people who carried Vera's coffin, and the other three candidates were members of the assault team. After Tatiana finished her last prayer and watched the servants engrave those names on the stele of the Hall of Glory, she left the hall. Before she stepped out of the baroque oak doors, she couldn't help but glance back under an unknown impulse. In the dim light behind the sculpture, she seemed to see Vera on the mural smiling at her - Tatiana rubbed her eyes, thinking that it was a hallucination of fatigue caused by three consecutive days of vigil and prayer and taking drugs.

The funeral is not only held in the sisterhood, the regular army and the intelligence department are also held at the same time as the funeral. Unfortunately, no clergy attended their funeral, which was to be expected given Salomon's distaste for the Abrahamic pantheon. Therefore, the coffin of each sacrificed soldier was covered with a crimson banner embroidered with a golden eagle, and then these soldiers would be buried in a specially purchased cemetery outside the Immortal City.

Sophia had just finished attending the funeral of her own clan, and rushed to the towering interior ministry building with a Baroque church on the outside, and bumped into Victoria Hand.

She could guess Victoria Hand's purpose with her toes, because she thought the same.

The military supply department has already sent the logistics supplies needed for the sky aircraft carrier and the sky battleship. If it was for this matter, there was no need for Victoria Hand to come to the interior department, and she would have hid on the sky carrier or the carrier fleet in the Pacific Ocean long ago.

We need ordnance. It's not ordinary ordnance, but a war machine. Sophia said to Stephanie with dark circles first, I know that this matter cannot be controlled by the Military Supply Department. Only the Ministry of the Interior and the Mars Foundry can make a decision.

Neither Huxing nor I can make a decision. Stephanie waved her hand irritably, empty medicine bottles and documents were all over the table.

As a result of Salomon's astonishing decision, many experimental devices forged on Mars and Earth, along with evidence of the existence of the World Watcher, were buried under the dumped mountain. As a result, Stephanie was unable to collect data on the use of those weapons and equipment, and the Mars Foundry had to spend more time testing and modifying the equipment—not only that, but too many human resources were spent in this operation, and even the special operations team belonging to Hydra also sacrificed part of it. The Immortal City has no shortage of weapons and equipment, and some even have excess production capacity. The Immortal City only lacks well-trained soldiers-the cost of producing a genetically modified soldier (Jian Guard) is really staggering, and it cannot be expanded on a large scale. Stephanie would rather pay double the pension than double the size of the regular army.

That's Karma Taj stuff, I don't know about magic.

Where is the Sovereign? asked Victoria Hand.

I don't know. Stephanie rolled her eyes and nearly fell asleep. How could I know where he went? I only know that he came to the Immortal City today. I will fall asleep in twenty seconds. I don't want to die from overwork like my subordinates. Do you have any other questions?

Do you have any other questions, snot-nosed brat?

In the depths of the dungeon of the Immortal City, the Praetorian Guards were guarding outside a gate, and the boy who had experienced the entire Battle of Fenbowent was staying in a magic circle formed by brilliant sparks. Unlike what others imagined, Salomon did not imprison him, but was protecting him——the boy's fingertips were constantly emitting light blue light. Without the restraint of this magic, the boy would now be a blob of unconscious light.

The Chaos God Asa has completely disappeared, what do you want to do next?

Ask for a ticket!

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