Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 837 Time Travel (Part 1)

As one of the few people who has penetrated into Beunita's heart, Salomon has seen this scene more than once, but he always observed it from Beunita's perspective at that time, and felt the helplessness and despair in her heart when she saw the dead Rosa. This kind of magic that goes deep into the dream requires the subject to open up and have no resistance, so that the caster can repeatedly observe certain details. As part of the psychotherapy between couples, Salomon often performs it after the bedtime affair while Beunita is in a deep sleep, slowly increasing her acceptance of the scene. If she casts the spell while Beunita is awake, her inner resistance will affect the effect of the spell.

Perhaps it is for this reason that when Bayoneta saw her dead mother again, she was able to maintain her sanity and come up with the right solution in the midst of great grief. Baldr didn't notice at all that Bayonetta was nodding towards an empty corner, and then walked into the moonlight, all his attention was on the dead Rosa. The white moonlight makes the witch's power passively amplify. Beunita can cast [Witch Walk], a magic similar to [Spider Walk], without casting a spell. She stands firmly on the glass of the circular skylight—Beunita will only actively use the power of [Eye of the World] in rare cases, but now there is no choice. Only the power of [Right Eye of Light] and [Left Eye of Darkness] can bring them back to the future.

The dimensional channel has been opened, we must go back to my time! Beunita saw Balder holding Rosa motionless, and couldn't help urging loudly, Hurry up, we don't have time!

Balder. Maybe Beunita's voice awakened the dying Rosa, or maybe it was Rosa's lingering soul pushing the already dead body. Rosa miraculously opened her eyes and looked at her lover, Take care of Theresa. Our child will awaken her power, and she will be awakened by the eyes of the world.

Out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at the black figure flooded by moonlight on the circular skylight. After that, Rosa seemed to have completely fallen into the quagmire of death, she lost all consciousness, and her soul slowly sank into the darkness as warm as a hot spring. Balder yelled her name in grief, but no matter what, he couldn't wake Rosa again. He hated his incompetence. This was not the first time he saw Rosa die. He thought he could change something this time, but he couldn't do anything—the first time he fought alongside Rosa, Rosa was killed by a secret attack. After that, he listened to the man named Prophet and traveled through time to the future to take revenge. The second time he didn't even make it in time and watched Rosa get killed by the damn guy. Anger and grief are like two rusty gears in his mind, creaking and unable to move.

He wouldn't even be able to think if Rosa hadn't told him their daughter's name. Obviously, Rosa clearly remembered the memory after the time loop, and she gave Balder that lipstick for the first time.

Balder! Bayonetta urged eagerly. We're out of time!

Balder gently put Rosa on the ground, and slowly stood up with great anger. He jumped into the air and took Bayoneta's outstretched hand.

Mummy... Bayonetta looked at her mother's figure full of nostalgia, and then cast a spell firmly, activating the power of the eye of the world.

Mummy... No! Beunita and Joan of Arc of this era ran into the room, and Joan of Arc closed the door and put a seal on it to prevent others from breaking in. However, there are more than them in this room. Beunita of this era pointed a pistol at the golden figure holding Rosa in the room full of grief and anger, I saw you killing angels. Who are you! Put her down!

Salomon slowly took off his helmet. The witch of this era immediately gasped, It's you, you are... big brother!

Ceresa! Do you know this person? Joan of Arc asked in surprise. She did not put down the gun aimed at Salomon's head, and remained extremely vigilant. Yes, I know him. The scene in front of her left Celesa in great confusion, What the hell is going on...

This is a time loop, Celesa. A time loop in which parallel universes and timelines merge, and you will understand what's going on in the future. Salomon now knew why the supreme mage would keep him in this place, and he ran back to Karma Taj's Himalayan headquarters ahead of time. His Holiness wanted him to see the cycle brought about by the Sun Island incident with his own eyes, but at the same time, he also avoided seeing the bloody ethical scene.

Salomon knew that the witch in front of him was not the Beunita who had been with him for many years, but Teresa who had not lost his memory, the little girl he took care of at the beginning. So he changed his usual tone, as gentle as when he was taking care of a little girl. I will take Rosa away, and no one will be able to find her. He said, This is my agreement with you. You will face difficult choices in life, and I will take care of your worries.

What is he talking about, Ceresa? Joan asked irritably, Do you want to kill him here?

No... Celesa stepped forward, looking at her dead mother with grief, I leave everything to you, big brother.

Salomon nodded, Don't worry, we will meet again in the future.

He opened the portal to the Himalayas in front of Celesa and Joan of Arc, and the strong wind mixed with blizzard surged out of the portal. Salomon put on his helmet, hugged Rosa's body and walked in without looking back. When only the slowly melting snow was left in the room, there was a faint cry of killing outside the door.

Ceresa puts her grief aside and stands with Joan to meet the enemy. This is the result of the Sun Island incident. In the past, Teresa did not indulge in grief, which led to her being sealed by Joan of Arc.

Salomon understood why the Supreme Sorcerer had to teach him this lesson. Seresa is Beunita, and Beunita is Ceresa. Beunita and Ceresa in the multiverse after the timeline merged are the same person. Because of this, Beunita became his partner, and even proposed cohabitation when he was underage. This is the mystery of time, cause and effect do not follow logic.

No one stopped him when he walked into Karma Taj.

He first went to the crypt of the cemetery behind the Karma Taj headquarters, and placed Rosa's body in a stone coffin that had already been completed. He brought a piece of stone from outside, and spent several hours casting the spell to carve the marble into the shape of Rosa. Finally, he closed the secret room and completely sealed the cemetery. After finishing all this, Salomon went to the meditation room of the Supreme Master, where the Venerable had already been waiting for him. The master and apprentice didn't speak, but nodded. His Holiness led Salomon into the dungeon where dangerous creatures were held. Salomon had been here more than once, but he didn't know what was in some rooms. It wasn't until His Holiness pointed to an empty cell that he realized it. When he was studying magic in the future, he had checked the archives of the dungeon. According to the archives, this cell had been sealed for five hundred years.

Several cells next to the empty cell have already been sealed. The dark-faced Dungeon Keeper retreated into the shadows, and Salomon saw his face clearly, which was exactly the same as five hundred years later.

Is there anything else you want to do? asked His Holiness.

No more, teacher. Salomon shook his head, lying on the stone bed engraved with runes, holding the hilt of his sword with both hands, like a knight buried in a tomb. He put the helmet next to his face, took off the shroud and folded it to the other side. I just hope Rosa's cemetery won't be disturbed.

No one will disturb her. The Supreme Mage took a deep breath, Get ready, you will lose consciousness after this spell is completed.

See you in five hundred years, teacher. Salomon closed his eyes. He knows the principle of this magic, and when the spell is completed, he will fall into a frozen state, like an insect frozen in amber. This is the magic with the slightest disturbance to time. Salomon will inevitably be backlashed by time when he crosses time. Only here can he slowly pay off his debts without affecting himself.

See you in five hundred years, my favorite disciple.

An orange-red light flashed, and Salomon fell into endless darkness.

Ask for a ticket!

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