Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 810 Demon Construct (Second Change)

Falls Church is a magnificent building that has long been abandoned. Even after years of disuse, the exquisite reliefs on the arches of the stone walls are still vivid, and more than half of the intricate gilded runes have withstood the test of time. The once glorious gate is now hidden in the turbid lake water. The collapsed thick gray stone wall is covered with dark green moss and various creeping plants. The roots of the giant tree are slowly and firmly cracking along the cracks of the stones, decomposing the collapsed stone wall at the bottom of the church. Perhaps in a hundred years, the part of the waterfall church that sank into the lake will be completely reduced to gravel and silt.

The dense green shade blocked Salomon and the Witch's view of the church spire, but they had already seen it on the way here. To build that exquisite spire must have mathematics and architectural knowledge beyond the time. Any scholar who is familiar with history will find that this building is not something that human beings could have built hundreds of years ago, because at no time did the area have the productivity and population to build such a large building.

Only magic, a power beyond common sense, can explain this reason.

Salomon felt that Laura Crawford would definitely like the ruins of the Falls Church, but it was a pity that she had to go to the Middle East and South America for investigation. The mystic felt that he could introduce this place to her after the mission was over. After all, Richard Crawford's lifelong pursuit was to uncover the secret of eternal life, and Laura Crawford also went down this path. If she knew this place, she would definitely jump for joy.

He liked Laura's work very much, so he did not hesitate to tilt the resources of the Immortal City to her, revealing some mysteries hidden in history to an ordinary person. Lara Croft's job is to dig into the past and define what it means to be human as a race. Even if human beings lose all their technology, even if human beings start interstellar colonization, this definition will reunite the human race, and re-endow this race with history, legends and myths, as well as ways of behavior and thinking.

Little thing, are you okay?

The witch's voice brought back the lost mystic. Salomon found that the boy seemed to have another headache, as if the building had awakened some of his memories. However, the boy just shook his head and didn't remember as much as before. The mystic took a look at him, It looks like you're fine, I thought you were going to be a projector again.

The boy was so angry that Salomon bared his teeth, and he didn't even care about the headache.

You're too mean, dear. The witch rolled her eyes.

Although the road to the Waterfall Church has been flooded by the lake, it is not too difficult for the mystics and witches present to solve this problem. They found a window.

What was really confusing, however, was what they saw once inside the Falls Church. Inside the church, many strangely shaped gray stone tablets stand on the circular steps, with dizzying runes engraved on the stone tablets, and there is a huge diamond-shaped device on the central circular field.

Before the mystic and the witch figured out what those runes and the device were for, the boy walked up involuntarily, and the mystic tensed instantly. At that moment, both Salomon and Bayoneta felt the mysterious connection between the boy and the church, and some inexplicable will drove the boy's actions.

He opened his hands, released the magic power, and drove the device in the center of the church. The astonishingly huge magic power poured into it like the torrent of the fjord at low tide. With the boy's unconscious movement, the device started to work.

The mystic and the witch raised their heads and found that the broken dome of the church had begun to be repaired, and the bricks and stones that had fallen from the wall had returned to their original positions. Even a piece of dust falling from the stone brick returned to the inside of the brick, returning to its original position like a stretched spring. Both witches and mystics have seen this exaggerated phenomenon of manipulating time before. It was the ring-shaped arena where the witches' clan once lived on Sun Island, where they first met the four-yuande angel [Perseverance]. As bystanders, they have to avoid the trajectory of the gravel. After all, bullets have the highest right of passage on the battlefield, not to mention the unstoppable space movement.

The Eye of the World. Beunita said softly. The town is more connected to the World Watchers than others imagined.

She raised her hand to keep the wind that was blowing through the cathedral from blowing sand into her eyes. Salomon nodded. The boy's power was very similar to the power of the Eye of the World possessed by Beunita. The mystic even recalled the memory of meeting Beunita's biological father in Sun Island in the past. When the boy used the card to fight, his strength was too weak, which prevented the witch and the mystic from distinguishing it.

This boy. Salomon's shoulder armor was hit hard by a large piece of gravel. Since he had been protecting the Witch, who was wearing only the combat tights, he suffered the most attacks, and the stones beat the armor like a drum. This boy has something to do with the Eye of the World. No wonder the sage wants to kill him. Perhaps your summoned beast lost control and Joan's death is related to this incident. My dear, it seems that we are in big trouble. I have to take a good look at what's in his brain.

Originally, Salomon wanted to forcefully ask the boy what he still remembered after he finished casting the spell, but the reality did not give them this time. A blood-red teleportation circle suddenly spread from the dome of the church, and a gray-blue metal coffin carved with a spiral pattern fell from the sky and hit them in front of them.

The metal coffin began to deform. The gray-blue metal block with a complex mechanical structure was stretched from bottom to top along the seam, and two funny small wheels with thorns protruded from the top, and the metal blocks stretched to both sides were regrouped to form a rectangular head, and two limbs composed of three bladed ratchet links with skulls inlaid were stretched out.

A demon? Beunita was a little puzzled, It seems that they are not very friendly.

This monster is named [Pain], there is no roar, no threat, but anyone can feel the evil breath of this monster, as if those cold metals are constantly cutting its flesh and blood, torturing its spirit, making it very manic and eager to attack. This demon is a little different from other demons with animal forms summoned by the witch. It is a created thing. The general production process should be to stuff the souls of the lower plane creatures into pre-made machines after being tortured and tamed. Salomon could guess whose masterpiece it was with his toes. He really wanted to ask Malbus to find out how many monsters the Fifth Demon God Pillar had created for the lower planes when it was idle.

No wonder Malbus was so active in helping when he learned that Salomon was going to the lower planes. It turned out that he had already guessed that Salomon would encounter works he had sold to certain hell lords during his trip. In order to prevent Salomon from being held accountable for what he had done in the past, Marbus speeded up the production of weapons and equipment without any hesitation, without even a single complaint.

The forces that keep everything in balance have gone awry.

Before setting off, Rodin said this.

As a fallen angel craftsman who often went to the lower planes to buy goods, Rodin did have the right to speak. Perhaps this is why the Witch's contract demons break the contract, because they cannot violate some greater power. There is no doubt that this power is far inferior to Madame Butterfly, and the evidence is that Madame Butterfly still retains the contract with Bayonetta. Maybe some lord-level demon did it, but before they entered the lower plane, they couldn't find the answer anyway. Salomon believed that there were enemies waiting for Bayonetta to throw himself into the net.

But that guy sure didn't expect Karma Taj to be involved.

Ask for a ticket!

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