Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 801 Italian Town (Part 1)

The huge heat emitted by the jet propulsion instantly evaporated the accumulated water under Salomon's feet, and the strong recoil force slowed down his acceleration. When he turned off the thrusters, the accumulated water covering the upper square flooded over again, submerging the foot armor of the powered armor. The completely waterproof power armor was not affected, but a small amount of steam still blurred his and the witch's vision. Salomon didn't take off his helmet, the detection system behind the scarlet lens continuously fed him information about the town of Noah'dune, charting a short path. The white data runes kept scrolling on the display screen, the countdown to the arrival of the sky carrier, the amount of ammunition for the bolter, the fuel percentage of the jet propulsion, Catherine's message and other information were all crowded on the screen.

Salomon blinked and closed the data.

Half of the very delicate white building in the center of the square is built in the pool. The circular colored windows inlaid in the center of the building spire have gorgeous red and blue geometric patterns and gold and silver borders, full of the exquisiteness of the witches and sages. Perhaps it is this kind of aesthetics inherited from blood that makes witches have an extraordinary obsession with gems and precious metals. Half of Beunita's collection is all kinds of jewelry.

Thank you, little boy. The witch jumped out of Salomon's arms and took a few steps forward. She crossed her hips and looked at the small town and the snow-capped mountains in the distance. It's winter, but thanks to the unique local geographical conditions, the town's climate is still warm. The continuous flow of snow-capped mountains filled the place with vegetation, and the excess water even formed a huge lake at the foot of the mountain. Although the town is located in a remote place, it can be seen from the goods that the vendors have not had time to take away that the living conditions of the people here are actually pretty good. Selling aquatic products and fruits is the main means of income here.

How do you know? the witch asked curiously.

Salomon pointed to the tourist notice board erected next to the square.

The witch glanced at it, and found that there was information about the goods in Noah Doon Town on the notice board, and even what kind of fish it produced was written on the blackboard. There were also restaurants recommended by the local area and many high-priced specialty products prepared for tourists. Bayonetta gave Salomon a glare, as if blaming the mystic for not telling her about it first.

There's wine here, she said. Maybe we can have a drink after the mission.

Let's talk about it later. Salomon replied, I don't have much hope for the wine here, it's too watery.

Maybe we should have some sea bass, they're good here.

You're right, but I believe the cook should have run for his life, and—

The mystic tilted his head and pointed his chin in the other direction of the square. Two stray cats were running out of the restaurant dragging fish like no one else, and it seemed that there were more cats wanting to enter the back kitchen.

—and our dinner already has an owner, I don't think the local cats will be willing to give up food.

Bayonetta shot him a reproachful look.

Anyway, talking to Salomon always puts her at ease. The way Bayunita expresses her love is also quite direct and passionate, even when Salomon was underage. You're such a sweet little guy, she said, Do you want Big Sister to reward you well?

They walked through the square and walked into the real town of Noah Dunn. What they saw was not only the glamorous side shown to tourists, but what was hidden under the spiritual core of the residents. Under Bayonetta's strong suggestion, Salomon took off his helmet and enjoyed a moment of tranquility before the battle.

The culture and architecture of this frontier town are incompatible with the entire country, and they can feel the exquisiteness and elegance unique to the two races of World Watchers everywhere. There are no turbaned women here, nor any fanatical religious places, but there are many exquisite, tall marble statues, and passionate and bold portraits can be seen everywhere. This town does not seem to be in Central Asia, but on the Italian coastline. At least the criss-crossing waterways and boats in the town are quite Venetian, and the residents who want to come here are as enthusiastic as the people on the Italian coast. Generally speaking, this is a nice town with smooth roads, clean environment and peaceful life, much better than that garbage dump in New York.

If it wasn't for this mission, Salomon would have wanted to stay here with Bayonetta for a few days.

This looks like my hometown. The witch expressed affirmation of everything here, including the Italian-style espresso black coffee.

I sense the enemy. Salomon did not draw out the long sword from his waist, but pointed his finger in the direction of the foot of the mountain. The reason why he didn't do this was because he had just walked into a roadside cafe and made a cup of hot coffee and black tea with milk for Bayonetta and himself. His other arm was still around the witch's waist, so he couldn't draw out the long sword. There is a lot of malice, but I still can't judge the type of enemy. I recognize one of the souls. It used to hover near the gunboat, and that thing was following us. It should be a high-ranking angel, the same rank as the one I killed in New York.

Salomon was a little worried about Catherine and the team she led, but in fact, as long as the high-ranking angels didn't stay too far away from Finbowent Mountain, they shouldn't have any safety issues. His psychology can be attributed to the worry of his old father. After all, the artificial man has a little connection with his soul. He is really reluctant to let the artificial man suffer casualties. He couldn't help but reply to Catherine's message. As a result, the over-excited artificial man sent another text message for several days, and the mystic was so angry that he completely closed the communication channel.

As long as it can be killed. Bayonetta pushed the glasses with the new pistol Rodin gave her.

In fact, she could see those enemies without Salomon's prompting. The wings of those angels reflected the sunlight in the clouds under the snow peak, and the wings fluttered together, like a shimmering golden sea hanging upside down in the sky. Finally seeing the enemy, Bayonetta quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and the anxiety in her heart since Joan of Arc lay in the coffin gradually eased. A visible enemy is always easier to deal with than an invisible one. Beunita knew that the enemy was targeting her, but the enemy just didn't expect that Joan would fall into a trap in order to rescue her. The intrigues that surround the Eye of the World are as annoying as mosquitoes singing high-pitched in the ears on summer nights. The Witch felt anger running in her veins, but she didn't show it.

She drew out a long knife with a slight arc, and the dark purple magic power was attached to the blade.

Boy, are you ready?



Tony Stark circled New York City, using his clearance to listen to the police radio, but still found nothing. After returning to upstate New York, he found his connections in Washington and forcibly participated in the interrogation and investigation of the pilots of the Platinum Star stunt team. Of course, he is nominally the technical support for the investigation of the air crash, but the real investigation is Agent Maria Hill behind the scenes. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D.'s property is swept away by the U.S. government, Agent Hill still has many unknown secret technologies in his hands, and the Stark Group has not yet fully digested this part of technology.

Agent Coulson cannot participate in this investigation, Stark. Agent Hill lowered his voice, trying not to let other people in the Avengers base know the news. Most people thought Agent Coulson was dead, and the current situation is best for others to maintain that perception. Tony Stark and Thor are the only ones who know that Coulson has returned from the dead.

what happened?

The magic boy is making trouble for him. Agent Hill rolled his eyes at the imaginary object, It is said that Agent Coulson's team touched some extinction-level event, and Salomon even threatened to drop a nuclear bomb.

Stark jumped up all of a sudden, He has a nuclear bomb?

If you count the nuclear bombs that S.H.I.E.L.D. used to have, excluding those that were snatched by Hydra... Yes, he has nuclear bombs, and there are many.

Ask for a ticket!

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