Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 792 Christmas Special (Part 2)

It's over? Bayonetta asked.

Very old movies were shown on the TV in the living room. Salomon could tell at a glance that these movies were liked by witches, because whether it was Roman Holiday, Breakfast at Tiffany's or War and Peace, the heroine was Audrey Hepburn. In a sense, witches learn how to wear modern clothes by watching old movies. Different from the minimalist trend of postmodernism, witches prefer complex and elegant dresses. Against their beauty, they will not look old-fashioned, but very charming. Salomon was able to guarantee that the witches possessed of the Hollywood elegance of the last world will never go out of style.

This made Wanda a little uncomfortable. She didn't expect someone with older tastes than her. But the witches agreed to her suggestion to watch a seventies family sitcom, which was still very new to them.

Yes, it's just a small thing. Salomon squeezed over and sat between Bayonetta and Joan of Arc.

Dinah dimmed the living room lights just in time so her master could immerse herself in the world of the movie. She did this to hide Constantine in the dark. After all, no matter where a big gold man stands, he may attract the attention of guests. This is not a hospitality etiquette. The floor of this apartment is much thicker than that of other apartments. This is because the walls and floors of the witch's apartment have been renovated during the time when the witch and Salomon lived in the manor in Oxfordshire. An alloy plate was added to the walls and floor, enough to protect against shell attacks, so Constantine was able to walk around the apartment after wearing the power armor, instead of stepping through the floor and falling downstairs.

Is this buttered popcorn? With chocolate?

My master, here is the popcorn you asked for. Dinah gave Constantine a look, as if she was proud of being able to meet all the master's needs. But the Praetorian did nothing about it, he just stood silently in the corner, the golden power armor shimmering. He held the halberd tightly in his hand, and screened all surrounding things that might threaten the monarch's personal safety through the electronic eyes and display screen in the helmet. Salomon allowed him to initially obtain the authority of the intelligence department, and required the Imperial Guard to have its own intelligence network—whether it was a senior or high-ranking official, the intelligence network of the Imperial Guard must be independent of the existing intelligence department. Constantine knew that this was the monarch's backhand, mainly used to deal with those less loyal Hydra agents and less loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agents.

He knew that almost all the people the monarch trusted were in this living room.

Constantine knew that the monarch had made a plan to kill Wanda Maximoff early on, and this part of the content he had to learn after he put on the power armor, he knew that he would be deeply involved in the plan to kill Wanda Maximoff. Konstantin knew Wanda Maximoff well, both mentally and physically, and he had to learn in order to kill with one blow.

Even so, this did not prevent Salomon from sitting on the sofa having a good chat with the witch who used chaos magic, and it seemed that he sincerely regarded her as a friend, teaching her and protecting her with his own feelings. The Praetorian Guards couldn't imagine how rational it was to make such a judgment, what kind of psychological quality it was to bear the pain of killing relatives and friends. He felt that the weariness of the sovereign's soul was hidden behind a mask of laughter and toughness, and that all the pity and compassion he held dear had to be thrown away.

He had to, he had no choice. Let him enjoy the holiday, Konstantin thought.

Wanda, which room do you like? Bayonetta turned her head and asked Wanda who was sitting on the guest sofa.

Although Wanda has given up some restraint, she still seems a little caught off guard when faced with the witch's suggestion of staying overnight. However, at this moment, Beunita cast a spell quietly, and said directly to Salomon through her own thinking, I have to go to pick up a necklace tomorrow morning. The jewelry store is not closed for Christmas. Joan will accompany me, so you can stay at home with Wanda. This poor girl has almost no relatives now. I really don't understand how the Avengers are worth Pietro not coming to accompany my blood relatives.

Wanda obviously didn't notice this slight ether ripple, and her attention was focused elsewhere.

Don't worry, we have all the daily necessities and a change of clothes you need, and you can stay here for a few days.

Bayonetta said, but her mind was thinking of something else. Salomon didn't know why Bayonetta mentioned this, but he always felt that the witch seemed to have other meanings in it. The sudden invitation to Wanda Maximoff must have some reason that Salomon didn't understand.

So he chose to kiss the witch on the lips. Wanda blushed suddenly.

Tastes like honey. He said it with his mouth. Salomon said to Wanda, Don't be shy, Bayonetta likes you very much, you can stay here like your own home. For you, there will never be something like 'guests are like fish, they will stink after three days'.

Joan licked the syrup off her hands. She would have looked like a lady if she hadn't put her feet on Salomon's lap. Joan of Arc's mother taught her etiquette when she was a child. Although most witches have very rebellious characters, Joan of Arc has always been proud of it. Maybe she still has royal blood, but no one can confirm it now.

Shut up if you can't speak, little fool.

Well, in fact, you can use this time to learn spells. The disliked mystic reissued the invitation, Wanda, I haven't taught you for a long time, and some spells are best taught by female spellcasters. I believe Beunita and Joan will be happy to help you with this. What's more, your compliments for today's dinner made Dinah very happy. She wants to satisfy the guests' demand for delicious food. Please do me a favor, she rarely cooks for people other than us.

Okay... Wanda agreed hesitantly.

In order to match what Salomon said, Dinah asked herself to put on a happy expression, and took out a Christmas cracker from the pocket of her maid outfit. With a slight bang, colorful streamers and cheap paper hats popped out. However, these Christmas crackers have been secretly cast their magic by Pixie and become a complete prank toy. This is a situation that no one expected.

The living room suddenly became lively.

Beunita and Joan of Arc stood on the sofa, they pulled out their pistols, shot one by one, and killed all the dolls who wanted to get close. Salomon quickly drew out his dagger and stabbed a Christmas cracker that was trying to set himself off. Dinah dodged the flying streamers and bouncing Santa toys, and rushed to ask Wanda what she wanted for breakfast, but the young witch was now busy getting the grimacing, out-of-key Christmas carol off her head.

Constantine sighed softly, brandished his halberd and joined the drama.

Ask for a ticket!

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