Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 790: Head of the Family (Second Change)

This is the information we found in the local government of Gloucestershire. The renovation of the tourist attraction started a year ago without the owner. However, the ink on this paper is not dry yet. Melinda May opened the file with disdain on her face. Unlike this file, other files are covered in a fine layer of velvet ash, which shows how lazy the local government is, and the local economy rarely relies on real estate. Coulson and Melinda got in with a fake document. No matter how bad MI5 was, the local government couldn't refuse, but the efficiency of the local government was extremely poor. It took them two full days to find the document that S.H.I.E.L.D. wanted.

They had already been to the castle identified by Professor Randolph, but it was now surrounded by construction teams, and construction continued around the clock. Agents Coulson and Melinda had to live in the Quinjet that night, and then searched for clues in the construction team's scrap pile the next day. They found nothing but old brick and steel—this is the real life of an agent. The kind of high-flying, wearing sunglasses and suits, and showing the ID can solve most of the problems will only appear in Daisy Johnson's dream before she became an agent.

In desperation, Melinda May could only go one step ahead and search for answers in the archives of the local government. She complained, We're not here to investigate the corruption of local politicians, but it's also too bad for fake technology. The internal affairs clerks of S.H.I.E.L.D. are more lazy than those politicians.

You mean, someone predicted our actions, and then erased the evidence first? Agent Coulson had an ominous premonition in his heart, Can we use politicians to find out where the money he collects comes from?

It's nothing more than political donations and political donations. This kind of thing is completely legal. Even the donors may not be named, or the political donations may be hidden in the donations of local companies. Melinda May said, And there is no need for investigation at all. I can guess who did it with my toes.

Agent Coulson understood. How bad?

In the worst case, Salomon has completely lost control since the Hydra rebellion. Melinda May made no secret of the fact that she had communicated with Nick Fury during that time. They just evacuated, but if they want to hide and attack us, we can't detect the movement of the sky carrier with our technical level. As you can see, they are a group of thugs with nuclear warheads. Even the death fighters can't deal with all of them.

In this way, he manipulated my mind and asked me to ask him for help. At least he didn't directly attack the S.H.I.E.L.D. base to seize the boulder. We still don't know the importance of that boulder, and Salomon doesn't lack a portal, so there must be some secret hidden in that boulder. Agent Coulson looked solemn, Since he wants it, then we will give him the boulder.

Are you assured of letting him play with such dangerous things?

Yes, after all, he has hardly caused much trouble so far. Agent Coulson said truthfully, Although the means are a bit bad, he is indeed solving troubles, just like SHIELD in the past.

Remember the earthquake on the east coast? Melinda May rolled her eyes. Salomon's behavior is indeed very safe, almost never a major problem. But it is only almost, which is incompatible with the current concept of zero casualties of S.H.I.E.L.D. As long as he doesn't tell us the password to the isolation room where Fitz and Simmons are locked up, we'll have to keep going, she said. If he never releases Fitz and Simmons, can we just watch?

Ahem, you know? In order to convince Melinda, Agent Coulson brought up another topic. Actually Nick Fury's first psychiatrist assigned to Salomon was Dr. Garner, not Steve Rogers.

Andrew? Melinda May didn't understand why Coulson mentioned her ex-husband, which made her a little embarrassed, especially in front of Agent Coulson. She had a great relationship with Agent Coulson when she was younger, but for some reason they didn't end up getting along.

What does it have to do with him? I mean, Andrew, not Salomon.

If there is anyone in the world who understands Salomon's psychological activities best, besides Nick Fury, Dr. Garner is the only one. Although Salomon has never had psychological counseling, Dr. Garner is one of the few psychologists who have seen the psychological profile and intelligence analysis of Salomon by the SHIELD intelligence department. Agent Coulson said, Perhaps we can consult Dr. Garner for his opinion on this suggestion.

Salomon answered the phone at the dining table, but unexpectedly both Wanda and the Witch stopped whispering and turned to stare at him. The mystic rolled his eyes in embarrassment, and while carefully observing their expressions, he dialed another phone and gave instructions to the person on the other end. The atmosphere at the table was a bit bad, and Salomon regretted that he had rejected Beunita's invitation to let Constantine come in to eat. The bones and internal organs of the Praetorian Guard needed special ingredients, and those foods would poison ordinary people. What's more, Salomon didn't think that Wanda Maximoff, as an ordinary person, would have any appetite for delicious food after those nutritious foods like mud were put on the table.

After hanging up the phone, Joan said angrily, We agreed that we can't deal with official business in private time.

I'm sorry, the Gloucestershire MP called. The castle repair work I was doing there was investigated by MI5, so I need to find out what's going on. Salomon shrugged. It's okay, it's just MI5. Stephanie can solve the problem.

It's Stephanie again, how many times a day do you want her to come to your house? Joan rolled her eyes, I hate that woman, she smells of cunning.

Why didn't I know you turned into a dog, Jeanne.

The table knife flew at an extremely fast speed, and it made a roar in the dining room, shaking the expensive crystal chandelier and making clanking noises. However, in an incomprehensible way, the knife, which was flying faster than the speed of the naked eye, turned its direction during the flight. Wanda felt the flow of magic power, but before she understood what was going on, she found that Joan who was sitting in her place had disappeared. Like a frame-dropping video, she suddenly appeared next to Salomon's chair, and the gravy-stained knife was approaching Salomon's throat.

All this happened before she could blink, and Wanda didn't know if she should do something, because Joan didn't look like she was joking.

Salomon takes the Witch's invitation (Konstantin carries it in the armor compartment) to her penthouse. After she was settled, Salomon gave her all the keys, and he rarely came here except during teaching time. Wanda had happily invited him to stay and taste his latest cooking skills until she got the invitation letter.

Bayonetta smiled at the panicked witch, then turned around and stood up, took out two pistols, and aimed them at the heads of Joan of Arc and Salomon respectively.

It's supper time, rascals! she said. Meat or bullets?

Ask for a ticket!

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