Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 784 Self-esteem (second update)

Athena's advice does not come from her personal senses. Maybe, but not more than ten percent, and the mystic was very sure not to exceed that percentage, because as soon as it was exceeded and he said it, the beautiful foster mother would throw the spear over, pointed forward.

Although Salomon didn't understand what kind of unhappiness happened between Hela and Athena, what the wise Goddess of War said was the truth. The aging father of the gods is indeed quite dangerous, and all the dangers are getting higher and higher as time goes by. Even the supreme mage can't be sure what Odin will do for the future of Asgard, because there are too many possibilities, and some prophecies seem quite scary and cruel. Part of Athena's foresight, including the many backhands that Odin has buried to deal with almost any situation, but there are places where even Odin can't reach.

That is Karma Taj, which is the safest magical place in the entire material plane.

The path of life can be predicted, and a powerful prophet can plan a person's life trajectory like building and guiding a plant, allowing him to grow in a specific direction. The Sorcerer Supreme and Athena took the pressure to educate Salomon carefully while ensuring that no other ill influence intervened in his upbringing, not even the equally powerful prophet Odin. Because of this, Athena initially opposed Salomon's cohabitation plan with the witch until they negotiated for several years.

Salomon was born with a plan for a great rise, yet there is no vacancy in the galactic niche.

Therefore, in this plan, a former Galactic Empire will retreat from its original position, Asgard will be used as a sacrifice, and the Asir Protoss will be used as a stepping stone. This is a bloody plan, with countless conspiracies intertwined in the deep universe, and now His Holiness and Athena have finally revealed part of it to him. Although Salomon has already guessed some truths through his own wisdom, the truths he knows are still somewhat different from the whole picture of the matter. Hela was Odin's attempt to coexist as the Aesir with the human race, escaping Ragnarok by giving him titles and powers. No one can guarantee that after Salomon refused, Odin would jump up and throw Gungnir to shoot Salomon because his hopes were dashed. Don’t think that Odin couldn’t do it. Except for the naive Thor and Loki, no one familiar with the history of the rise of the Asa protoss would think that the father of the gods is an amiable old man.

It was a carefully crafted conversation, to take care of Salomon's ego and make him accept that he might need to hide. The witches knew in advance, at least Bayonetta knew.

Although I don't care about those plans, Miranda, I, and His Holiness all think that you must know your situation. She wrapped her arms around the neck of the mystic, and her aggressive aura dissipated like a mist in a clear sky in the blink of an eye. It's proof that women are the best actors in the world, with natural emotional transformations, and the Witch is one of the best. But even when she was apologizing, Bayunita still maintained her proud and witch-like way of speaking, teasing Salomon with soft whispers and tactful touches all the time.

You are the man who wants to make me pregnant, just like half an hour ago. She took off her high heels, and her long and strong legs moved from the armrest of the sofa to the lap of the mystic. I must not take the risk of losing you. Do you understand, my little boy?

I'm not angry, and I don't need to accept advice in this way. Salomon said with a smile. He kissed Bayonetta on the cheek, and opened up his emotions and thoughts to her, in this way to prove that he really didn't care about this little concealment, and there was only warmth and love in his heart, just as he had been longing for. Although this behavior made him seem like the one apologizing, he didn't mind it one bit.

Then give up your feelings, because the king has to make many decisions against his own feelings. Keeping his feelings is not only easy to make irrational decisions, but also a kind of torture to his spirit. Salomon still remembers what the venerable said. This conversation happened many years ago when His Holiness said the previous sentence when he talked about how to become a qualified monarch. We don't have the luxury of the Asir, boy. We have to do whatever it takes to survive.

But now is not the time. Salomon said to His Holiness at that time, I think I will know when to give up.

The Venerable nodded and said nothing more. Of course, I believe you will.

I know you're doing it for my own good, and that's enough, said Salomon, but I need more direct advice next time. Don't think of me too weakly, dear witch.

Beunita grunted contentedly, Joan gaped in dissatisfaction, little Lorna rolled her eyes, and jumped off the arm of the sofa to play with the Cheshire cat and the barn owl.

So you can still pretend? Athena snorted, Do you want me to prepare a room for you?

Stephanie, who had just walked into the Office of the Ministry of the Interior, received a call from her superior through an encrypted line. Before she had time to start reporting on the movements of SHIELD agents yesterday, and before she had time to report on the hiring of Lara Croft, Salomon spoke first.

Need to keep the teleportation room full of energy today, he said. I'm sorry, but I need you to host the mystics of Karma Taj for me.

What happened? Stephanie suddenly became nervous.

She speculated on several possibilities at the moment Salomon paused, but none of them were very bad. Whether Kama Taj took over the Immortal City or the exposure of the black magic creatures in the Immortal City dungeon caused the mystic to come and take him into custody, it means that Salomon has lost control of the Immortal City. She felt like she had swallowed a piece of ice, and then the sharp piece of ice surged up again with stomach acid, burning her spirit continuously.

Salomon could hear her nervousness. Anyone speaking to her could hear her panting almost on the microphone. Don't worry, I don't know what you're thinking, but I'm sure things are definitely not that bad. He smiled to comfort Stephanie, They're just going to deploy defensive spells for the Immortal City.


The anti-teleportation spell I cast before can only cover a part of the building, and they will help strengthen and expand the range and type of the spell. As for why they did this—

Tell me, my lord. I think I have a right to know about it.

—Before the Praetorian Guards form a system, Karma Taj needs to find a way to protect my safety. He said, This is an order from His Holiness.

Who can threaten your safety, my lord?! Stephanie swallowed, We have invested a lot of money in the intelligence department, and they have the ability to explore all forces that may threaten you. The Mars foundry has begun to forge weapons, and your Titan project has already begun planning. Even if the other party is a damn warlock, the Immortal City is capable of destroying it, unless—

—Unless the other party is not a mortal, the other party is a character that needs to be taken very seriously. Salomon said, Before the defense system is formed and before a diplomatic agreement is reached, I must reduce the number of times I return to Europe. I am sorry that I cannot tell you more information, Stephanie, there is a lot of work that needs you to come to New York to complete.

Ask for a ticket!

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