Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 773: The Fate of Weapons (Part 1)

When S.H.I.E.L.D. was destroyed, some of the aircraft carrier command centers cruising at sea either cleaned up the Hydra rebellion on the ship, or became assets of Hydra. With the help of the city, his carrier, led by Commander Gonzalez, Agent Weaver, head of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Sisterhood from the Immortal City, and Agent Victoria Hand, cleared out most of the insurgents extremely cleanly.

After the rebellion ended, Gonzalez sent Barbara and Mike undercover with Coulson's team of agents to figure out what was really going on. Then Agent Coulson took out the secret vibration gold black box that Nick Fury handed over to him, and a series of events where Gonzalez died in the seclusion of the Inhumans. Mike joined the team with Barbara Morse after being honest with Agent Coulson.

It can be said that Mike, who was originally an aircraft carrier maintenance pilot, may be the person with the highest quality of agents in this S.H.I.E.L.D. base. He didn't have the espionage gadgets that Agent Coulson had collected, and he didn't have the many dangerous missions experienced by field agents like Melinda May and Barbara Morse, but he definitely wasn't low on vigilance. He will not have other views on intelligence because of his personal perception. He had enough communication with Stephanie long before Salomon returned.

Stephanie warned him that if the quarantined subject was infected, it meant that the quarantined subject's brain was controlled by the parasite. What the quarantined subject says is what the parasite says, and the quarantined person cannot believe a word of it until it has been determined how far the infection has spread. It's just that Mike didn't know who was infected and who wasn't, so he asked for space to have a private conversation with Fitz, Simmons, and Will. He understands the pain caused by inspection and isolation, but he knows that the venom of betrayal and lies will eventually erode the organization, because he has personally experienced it.

He had to, even though the people behind the thick tempered glass had been his friends.

On the other hand, Mike didn't fully trust Stephanie either. He wanted to find a way to help the infected get rid of the infection, rather than take the solution of the Immortal City and simply burn things down. In order to achieve this goal, he must first understand the truth about the monolith. Even if Fitz is infected now, Mike has to seize this only clue to investigate.

When Stephanie whispered Mike's plan to Salomon, the young mystic began to take a different view of this rational and emotional agent. In an organization that has gradually lost the credo of agents, Mike possesses admirable wisdom. He didn't agree with Stephanie's suggestion of Mike's planned manipulation, even though he knew that Stephanie couldn't tolerate such uncontrollable things happening.

Salomon looked further.

In a vague prophecy, the Monolith will attract an archenemy of humanity and an alien who has long observed intelligent races. He needs boulders as bait, and Mike's investigative work is also a necessary part of this. He didn't mind Mike's efforts to save his companions until the science team and the astronauts were checked and quarantined.

Anyway, they only need the astronaut. The NASA project can trace the Malik family, and Stephanie must cut this clue.

Now is not the time for destruction. His voice was very low.

Stephanie and he had already left Agent Coulson's ward, and she felt that what seemed to be an old friend's accidental injury made him very sad. But she quickly put this idea behind her, because an agent Coulson is not enough to make her monarch so sad, even if Agent Coulson is his old friend, it is difficult to touch her monarch-she knows what a ruthless person her monarch is. Maybe he saw the future sacrifice, maybe he saw how much blood would be stained on his hands when the plan was carried out, Stephanie didn't know. She could only tightly hold Salomon's palm, leaning against him without saying a word, she wanted to call back that Salomon whose eyes were shining when he was just sent back to Earth, that kind of majesty and ruthlessness that made her tremble, that kind of calm divine radiance.

After a few minutes, the mystic seemed to finally come to his senses.

Solve this matter, and our real purpose.

The assassin is ready and ready to release at any time. She was close to the mystic, using him to block the cameras in the corridor, so that SHIELD agents could not discern what she was saying through her lips—she was now quite envious of the illusion that the mystic often used to cover her face, and people without strong enough etheric vision could not see through his true face—We have mapped the warehouse where dangerous items are stored.

Very well, we must remove that part of the alien mutated genes from the Earth's human gene pool. We are now preparing for the next phase of the war against the moon. The genetic mutations and potential risks of those alien races have exceeded the allowable range.

Salomon's voice was as clear as a whisper in her ear.

Stephanie knew that her sovereign had ordered a genocidal order that was no less genocide than the United States did to the Indians and the Nazis to the Jews. But she also knew that this was helpless, because not every Inhuman race had a slight mutation like Daisy Johnson or Lincoln. The Inhuman race on the moon had already lost their human form due to the genetic mutation experiment of the Cree. Stephanie's authority allowed her to read the mysterious books that Salomon kept on the bookcase. She knew that the Inhumans were more likely to be polluted by outer dimensions than ordinary people, which was a hidden danger brought about by the forbidden mutation technology used by the Cree.

What's more, the Inhumans of the moon experimented on their own genes in order to restore the mutation process of the Cree to ancient humans. This behavior is almost unacceptable. They may think this is science, but they don't know the terrible witchcraft contained in these sciences.

She squeezed Salomon's big hand with satisfaction.

Then I'll retreat back to the snipers who hunted Melinda May and Daisy Johnson, she said softly. Facing Salomon's puzzled eyes, Stephanie explained, When they set off, I had arranged for a sniper assassin.

Which assassin? Salomon asked. All assassins are produced in Maya Hansen's biological laboratory. Without the use of genetic enhancement technology, Maya Hansen can finally realize her long-standing creativity. In order to support her work, Salomon still used the Time Stone and the Philosopher's Stone.

Stephanie told him the Assassin number.

He could feel his serial number, and the code composed of numbers and letters was engraved on his skull and became his name. Maybe he used to have another name, but after intensive chemical and secret method brainwashing, the brain developed again, his thinking mode was completely changed, and the memory of the past was no longer so important.

He didn't want to go back to his past, that was meaningless to him, and whenever he had this thought, he would feel like he was chewing on a tasteless nutrient block. He is a weapon, a weapon made to kill, a weapon modified. The rush of chemicals mixed in his veins, endowing him with unparalleled combat capabilities. He was wrapped in a tight-fitting black bionic muscle fiber suit. The life support system of this combat suit allowed him to avoid being frozen to death by the low temperature at an altitude of 10,000 meters while lying on the belly of the Quinjet fighter jet.

And the tiny bomb in his head proves his loyalty.

He is a silent killer. He has a sniper rifle. This world-leading high-tech sniper rifle is a gift from him. He once used this gun to kill an African warlord and all his soldiers from a distance of three kilometers. He didn't care, he didn't think about what crimes those people committed, he only knew that someone disobeyed his master, that's all.

But this time, the two women on the plane were his targets.

He needed to wait for the order, the order to kill them.

Ask for a ticket!

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