Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 766 Casting spells to fight (second update)

Daisy Johnson only felt that her nasal cavity was blocked, her eyes were hot, and her grievances kept coming up.

She felt like she was running around the base, doing nothing to help her. Even Lincoln, the Inhuman doctor, joins in the rescue of Agent Coulson, using his own powers to replace the electromagnets that catch shrapnel—Barbara is quite surprised to see him in a surgical suit, until he shows how to make an electromagnetic coil with his own hands in a short time. This is a great help, at least to make room for the huge automatic surgery machine. Mike asked me to tell you, 'Don't trust the automatic surgery machine too much, use the manual mode if you can'. Daisy said angrily, My abilities are not suitable for this, I'm sorry. If Fitz or Simmons is here...

Hey, girl, I don't have time for psychological counseling right now! But you know, you were a hacker before you got superpowers. At least you are more useful than Hunter. He can't help with anything except carrying medicines. I don't even dare to let him hold a hemostat. Barbara tilted her head and scolded her ex-husband mercilessly. Hunter opened his mouth to refute, but there was no room for him to speak in this situation. Why don't you check the software settings of the automatic surgery machine while I'm bleeding? I have the same opinion as Mike, and I don't like this cold thing very much. Barbara said in a cheerful tone, Fortunately, some of the ribs in Coulson's chest were replaced with alloys, otherwise his chest cavity would definitely be scratched by shrapnel. When he wakes up, he will definitely say that he has become a robot.

Daisy smiled, That sounds like a joke Coulson would make.

It would be more like if he transplanted the artificial organs provided by the gang.

Daisy threw a puzzled look. Barbara explained, They provided mechanical organs, mechanical lungs and mechanical hearts made of vibrating gold, and they also had bio-batteries. Don't worry, we will never do it in the worst case scenario. It's too radical.

Stephanie provided biochemically modified organs out of good intentions, and she had already jumped out of the narrow perspective of Hydra.

Salomon had already told her about the arrangements for S.H.I.E.L.D., including some of the future adventures that S.H.I.E.L.D. agents will complete, so she knew the importance of Agent Coulson. A biochemically engineered blood circulatory and respiratory system will help Coulson survive future adventures, even if he is shot in the chest. If she can, she also wants to support Agent Coulson in replacing the ribs with stronger, more resilient alloys to withstand the deadly risks that accompany the adventure.

I suggest that you follow my plan. She said to Mike, who had always received medical supplies, This will be very helpful to you. The medical staff in Immortal City are quite good at organ replacement operations. They are all professional and have experienced a lot of organ transplant operations.

Thanks, but we have our own plans. Mike was barely polite.

Part of the reason Agent Coulson was sent to the operating room was because the woman fired the gun without any explanation as to why no one was allowed to approach the vitrified pattern behind her. He checked the surveillance repeatedly and knew that the main responsibility was still on Skye, so he tried hard to suppress his anxiety and anger caused by Coulson's injury. But he also believed that Skye didn't know the special features of the bullets of these people, otherwise she wouldn't use her super power to disarm the opponent in her usual way.

Stephanie shrugged. At least let our military doctors join the operation. She said, There are not enough medical personnel in your base.

I agree. Mike said kindly, Besides, I don't want any more accidents. Do you understand? I will restrain Skye so that no one will interfere with your work, but you also don't want to interfere with other affairs in the base.

We were invited to help prevent you from destroying the world because of your own carelessness, not the servants of SHIELD. Although she was wearing a helmet, Mike knew that the expression under the helmet must be a disdainful sneer, My monarch cares about the whole world, not SHIELD. We don't care about the survival of SHIELD, not at all.

Mike nodded expressionlessly, This is the best.


This planet does not exist in Karma Taj's star map, let alone Karma Taj's planetary defense system as a coordinate system, so it will take some time to sort out the coordinates of this planet manually. Even though he had started this task from the moment he landed on this planet—Number Zero looked at the crystal ball in his hand and shook his head. The only result is the detection of spiritual veins. Zero said, but not many, this planet is going to die. - Until now, this work has not been fully completed.

Sandstorm and that monster won't give him this time.

With the help of magic, Salomon led the Sisterhood and the Praetorian Guards all the way forward at an astonishingly fast speed.

Right here, my magic is ready. He stopped suddenly, and the sisterhood immediately formed a defensive formation familiarly to protect him from casting. Salomon opened his hands, pointed to the desert, and chanted ancient verses loudly. Immediately afterwards, a whirlwind of sparks formed in the gravel, and after a few seconds, the whirlwind began to expand, and scorching flames flowed out from the whirlwind. After a few blinks of an eye, the sandstorm, which was only as tall as one person, turned into a behemoth dozens of meters high wrapped in molten sand. The bright flames shot straight into the sky, illuminating the originally bleak desert like daytime.

The high temperature warning runes flashed on everyone's helmet display screens. Even though they were some distance away from the storm, the force feedback power armor still felt the heat coming towards them. If someone touched the surface of the armor with bare hands now, they would jump up like touching the shell of a car that has been outside in the sun all day in the hottest summer.

The temperature control system was working at full capacity, which kept them from dehydrating like being locked in a car with no ventilation.

Salomon directed the whirlwind to move in a certain direction, ordering the wind and flames to absorb the power of the spiritual veins to grow on their own.

This wasn't the first time he had stopped to cast a spell, and just beyond the horizon that ordinary people could see, another bright whirlwind of flame was also moving forward. That fiery and bright force is getting stronger and higher, leaving huge molten trails on the desert. As the molten sand cooled, a path of shining glass appeared across the desert, glistening in the blue moonlight.

In order to fight against the coming huge storm, he has cast this powerful magic five times. He tried to use tornadoes with different wind directions to fight against the staggering sandstorm, and used heat and flames to kill the tiny parasites contained in the sandstorm.

So far, that creature should not have noticed that this planet has become extremely lively.

Salomon believes that if the monster knows that there is still so much biomass on the planet, the monster that has been hungry for hundreds of years will definitely rush over without hesitation. The Flame Hurricane is both a means of destroying it and a challenge to it. That idiot must have thought that an Inhuman with the power of fire had come into this world. There is no greater temptation for the hive than this.

He was going to kill it here, that slimy tentacle creature, that disgusting parasite. The mystic drew his long sword, and bright flames filled the blade. Salomon sensed the creature's surprise, and he knew the hive accepted the challenge.

On the horizon, black desert giants loping forward.

Ask for a ticket!

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