Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 759 Death Announcement (Part 1)

When the parking gates on the surface were slowly closing, the surrounding fluorescent lights lit up one by one, and the tarmac of the entire base was filled with the desolate and dusty smell unique to abandoned buildings. Agent Coulson quickly glanced at the agent who came to greet him out of the corner of his eyes. Unexpectedly, he didn't see the person he wanted to see. Where's Fitz? he asked. I got someone to help him. These scientists need to connect with him.

He's after clues to the boulder. Barbara shrugged.

Ever since Fitz saw video of the boulder engulfing Jemma Simmons, the young physicist has been frantically trying to find any clues about the boulder. Sometimes he even looks up ancient legends rather than deciphering the boulder's physical properties through scientific methods, an act that many see as madness. But they could also understand his behavior—it was unacceptable to anyone that Leopold Fitz and Jemma Simmons, a shy couple who had almost lifted the last veil, were about to marry.

I need him, get him ready. Agent Coulson didn't explicitly debunk Barbara's cover-up for Fitz, but gave Barbara and Melinda May a wink. I'm now going to take our guests to see The Rock.

He moved sideways so that his companions staying at the base could see the person walking slowly behind him. Under the harsh lights of the assault transport ship, they saw only a huge and vague black figure, a heavy and silent figure like a long sword. As early as on the Sky Carrier, Salomon had already put on the armor made by Marbus——Although the armor made of vibranium alloy and Mars technology is not as precious as the Uru metal power armor, there are very few things in this world that can break it. The black Baroque-style armor is inlaid with silver edges. The knight's helmet has blood-red narrow goggles and silver wings. The exquisitely carved golden eagle feathers spread out from behind the energy backpack and tilt towards the shoulder armor inlaid with silver edges. It seems to be integrated with the thick shoulder armor. The breastplate bulges forward, forming a sharp angle at the neckline. The legs are not equipped with too much defensive armor, but are similar to medieval knight plate armor, and the ankles have an extremely flexible range of motion. The white robe around the waist is covered with runes, exuding magical aura all the time, and the whole armor is like an exquisite work of art.

This is power armor for everyday combat, not gear for the most fearsome foes. Stephanie gave up bickering with Daisy Johnson and looked at him longingly. Catherine walked proudly beside him, vowing with the heavy weapons squad to clear all obstacles for the monarch (she would have liked to be a standard bearer, but Salomon didn't think such a thing was needed for this fight).

You're not here to fight, Salomon. Agent Coulson pointed to the jet-black long sword decorated with gorgeous golden laurel leaves and the large-caliber firearm with a golden skull embossed on Salomon's waist. You're here to conduct research.

Perhaps. After putting on the armor, the mystic mage's words were much less, as if his humanity was swallowed up by the black armor, which made him look like a high-tech robot wearing knight armor. Who can tell clearly what will happen next? The world you know is just the tip of the iceberg, like reckless children lighting matches at a gas station. I don't care if you live or die, but I cannot tolerate the disaster that will be caused.

What did you foresee? Coulson asked. Daisy Johnson was extremely dissatisfied with Salomon's arrogance, but she couldn't be angry when faced with such a situation, because Coulson had told her that everything Salomon took seriously could lead to extinction-level disasters. It's best not to question his decision when he's serious about it.

Including Jiaying? When she was still on the Sky Carrier, Daisy questioned Coulson, Even if he used that method?

If he decides to do this, it means that sacrificing Jiaying can save many people. Coulson nodded, SHIELD has made this choice countless times, and not every mission can end successfully. You are an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., and you will encounter such problems in the future.

This has nothing to do with you, Coulson. Continue your work, and leave the killing to us. There was strong confidence in his words, and he seemed unwilling to explain too much to the agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Salomon turned off the loudspeaker and turned to the team communication. Good encryption measures allowed others who were not on the communication channel to only hear the sound of tick tock. He issued instructions to Stephanie, asking Stephanie to take a small team to take over the warehouse where the boulders are stored.

The boulder originally belonged to the Malik family, and he came here to erase any evidence that could be related to the Malik family. But he will not face the biological and chemical weapons created by the Cree with a frivolous attitude.

All armor is extremely airtight, and the air filtration system can filter out poisonous gas. Armed with incendiary and plasma weapons, the Sisterhood's Heavy Weapons Squad pursues mass destruction. This is his response to nano-level parasites. He must not let any parasites come to the earth, otherwise this biochemical weapon will become a terrible disease that destroys the world.

Also. Just as Stephanie and her team followed the S.H.I.E.L.D. field personnel in charge of monitoring them into the base warehouse, Salomon intentionally or unintentionally made a request to Coulson. Keep your Discharge Boys away from them, he said. I can't guarantee that the Inhuman will survive if he strikes first.

The research on the boulder began soon. Daisy Johnson and her little alien boyfriend wanted to watch as an excuse to supervise the work, but under Stephanie's tough attitude, the two were forced to stay away from the research site and the boulder. They were replaced by the blond-haired Barbara Morse and her husband (ex-husband) Hunter-Hunter was a member of the S.A.S (Special Air Service), optimistic and humorous, but a little out of tune. After the initial squeamishness, the British guy with a thick London accent started telling jokes to a group of physicists—presumably the difference between American and British English—and asking Catherine what she usually called French fries. In any case, at least Hunter has relaxed the atmosphere where the gun could go off at any time.

I thought you recruited Tom Clancy's kind of people. The mystic put his hand on the hilt of his sword. I like Hunter. I guess he is a guy who can shake fists and beer bottles on the football field.

Coulson responded with some embarrassment, Hunter did have the experience of being arrested for participating in public violence...but that's not what we need to care about. Why did you ask Skye and Lincoln to leave? I don't think it's caused by your distaste for the Inhumans. Could it be that the boulder is related to the Inhumans?

Salomon didn't respond.

I think limited information exchange helps us cooperate, Salomon, Coulson said. If there is an enemy on the other side of the rock, we can't be ignorant of it.

That boulder is indeed related to the Inhumans, but it's not as close as you think. What we are going to face is an alien civilization, even a warlord faction. With the hissing sound of the gas leak, Salomon took off his helmet, This is a war, Coulson, not a place for your adopted daughter to fall in love with her little boyfriend, and it is not a place for you to show your humanity. I know you will not let us carry out this task alone, so you better get your guns and pension ready now, today Many people will die.

The combat ability of the hive is based on the manga.

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