Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 756: As expected (second update)

It took two minutes to decide whether to call himself a philanthropist, and then waved his hand to ask Praetorian Zero to shovel the litter of the Wakanda little black cat. Salomon felt that he should get off work, and he lifted his spirits when he thought of this. The busy season has passed, everything is proceeding step by step, the production capacity of the Immortal City can barely cope with the current situation, and the logistics supply of the air carrier and sea carrier is not a problem, he only needs to supervise all the plans from the sidelines.

My lord, do you need to transfer your consciousness back to your body? Zero asked.

What nonsense, my alchemy golem is still in Oxford! The mystic blinked playfully. Anyway, I can't learn anything in school, just a degree. And the working principle of the alchemy golem is not the same thing. It is an automatic robot with part of my personality, controlled by my soul. I also need to improve the golem so that it can write papers automatically.

Ms. Miranda Minerva may have objections to your actions. I don't think your alchemy golem can fool her.

My dear adoptive mother won't mind such a small thing. Salomon seemed to be going back to the look of humming while holding a teacup. No. Zero is no stranger to the fact that his monarch has multiple personalities. Even if he was wielding a long sword to kill the enemy one second, he can start making witty remarks before even wiping off the blood on his face the next second. Of course, for some people who only know what Salomon did, he is a thug who tramples on human rights and social order, and has no respect for life in his eyes.

Specifically, a stubbled, middle-aged, elderly white male who may have served in the Vietnam War. This is the CIA intelligence analyst's portrait of the man behind the attack on Langley Air Force Base, and it is with this portrait that the CIA has turned its attention to the Vietnam War and Afghanistan veterans, so it has not been able to search for anyone connected with the Immortal City. Salomon finally knew where the CIA spent so much money. Today's CIA is no longer the CIA during the Cold War. Today's CIA's business capabilities are getting worse and worse. Salomon really didn't expect that the intelligence department also had connections and corruption. This kind of intelligence ability and embezzlement of funds will be shot in the Immortal City, and there is no need for a trial.

Praetorian Zero turned off the floor-to-ceiling window display that played the field scenery in a loop through the console, and the meeting room returned to darkness, only the desk lamp in front of Salomon's seat was still on, as if this spacious room fell from the surface into the abyss in an instant. Zero pressed another button, the central air-conditioning system closed the ventilation ducts of the meeting room, the double curtains stopped fluttering, and the whole room was as quiet as a pale grave.

If you have nothing to do, can you train me in sword skills? He said, Your requirement for the Imperial Guard is to be proficient in all kinds of martial arts, and I am still a long way from your requirement.

It's not impossible, child. Take your sword and go to the arena and wait first. I'm going to talk to Sophia. She has become more and more like a gangster godfather than a soldier recently.

You asked her to deal with the wild dogs of war, my lord. Zero said, It would be better if it was to recruit the South American anti-government army. Although those people's war skills are quite bad, they are full of enthusiasm. The veterans of the US war in Afghanistan are all millennials. I don't expect them to have any enthusiasm for war or ideals. All they want is money.

So it's still my fault? The mystic asked with a smile, How dare you talk to me like that?

That's because you asked me to be your advisor and to speak out about problems.

Good boy, you've done a good job. I hope you can keep thinking like this. Salomon nodded with satisfaction. What Number Zero said was indeed reasonable, and he really wanted to find some well-trained soldiers, but the current situation simply did not allow him to do so. Although the anti-government armed forces in South America are very enthusiastic, more than half of them are supported by the United States, and the government forces are anti-government forces that have escaped from the control of the United States. The fighting is just a proxy war for resources. However, the reminder from No. 0 still reminded him of someone, and he decided to call an old friend whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Go ahead and wait. I'll be here in ten minutes. But then I'll add salt shots from five automatic machine guns.

I think your mind is too small, and you plan to avenge yourself. Zero also laughed, and then he slapped Salomon on the head. The genetic alchemy that Salomon spent a lot of precious materials on him is powerful enough, and also added the mysterious genome from Salomon that has been carefully adjusted by the biological laboratory. This makes Zero, who was originally an ordinary person, still carry some Salomon's power.

The bulletproof door of the meeting room was slowly closed, isolating the figure of the Imperial Guard Zero, and the resentful eyes of the Sisterhood armed personnel in charge of security flashed past. Salomon manipulated the information processing system of the holographic projection desktop and called out a person's communication method. He believed in being able to use this means to contact the man.

Good morning, Agent Coulson, I hope you have finished dealing with the Inhuman race. The mystic sent a brisk greeting to the other end of the phone, I came to ask you for someone.

Agent Coulson looked surprised.

He originally thought that after the Inhumans incident, Salomon would no longer communicate with his team.

What's so surprising about this is that the world of adults isn't about quarreling among kindergarteners. Everything has to be discussed. The video call of the mystic did not reveal any environmental information, but Coulson's was different. It can be seen that the environment where Agent Coulson is located has plenty of sunlight. Combined with the information obtained by Salomon from the CIA and the intelligence department of the Immortal City, Coulson's team seems to have resumed activities under the name of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I think...Skye might not agree. Oh, her name is Daisy now. Agent Coulson's forehead lines were as numerous as ever. His smile is as peaceful as ever, except for the thing hanging around his neck.

I have to say, I don't know what kind of world this is until I see your hairline. The mystic raised his chin solemnly, What's wrong with your arm?

Oh! Some safety accidents came into contact with the Terrigen crystal. Agent Coulson deliberately showed his arm in front of the camera, and he said casually, Mike's ax is very sharp and doesn't hurt at all. Fitz plans to help me make a mechanical arm. He thinks it will be better than the original hand crank. I have to say, your contact came at a very good time, and I am busy.

You are too blatant. The current S.H.I.E.L.D. has not completely ruled out the shadow of Hydra. At least before this Avengers operation, you stand up and claim that you are S.H.I.E.L.D. is tantamount to claiming that you are Hydra. I can help you delay with the military, Coulson. As a condition, I need to get a person's position. That is your old friend, Peruvian government officer Camila [see S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 1, Episode 2 for details].

No, it's not this matter, Salomon. I will find a way to deal with it at the Ministry of Defense. Coulson shook his head, I need your help on another matter. Or, your portal.

I see. The mystic nodded in agreement. He seemed to relax a bit, We still have to talk, because this matter is nothing compared to your compensation.

Ask for a ticket!

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