Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 626: A World Only Injured by Hammers (Part 1)

Crazy woman! Tony Stark cursed angrily.

This high-tech laboratory is full of traces of electric current burns. The hard glass even melted and collapsed after the battle. Even the strong wind over New York City could not completely blow away the aftermath of the battle. The smell of ionized air lingers. The hard alloy was sawed open, the marble floor was covered with cracks, and almost all combustible materials were burned at extremely high temperatures. The battle that breaks out between Saul and Dinah takes their breath away, a sudden conflict that only Steve Rogers, the Maximoffs and Banner have the ability to intervene, but the Maximoffs never see Seeing such a high-intensity battle scene, they panicked for a moment, and Dr. Banner didn't even dare to transform in the urban area. Only Captain Rogers put up his shield and saved other ordinary people who had no protection.

Compared with Sol, the power of the artificial man is too weak. Even if Dinah temporarily seized the authority of Thor's Hammer through the special means prepared for her by Salomon, it still cannot prevent Sol from activating the cradle of regeneration. And after the red tin man jumped out of the regeneration cradle, Dinah tried to kill it directly, but was stopped by Thor with his body, and even almost broke the artificial man's arm made of magic metal.

After Wanda reacted, she prevented Thor from completely destroying Dinah, giving the artificial man time to escape from the scene.

Sol tapped the hammer with his fingertips with lingering fear, for fear that something might go wrong with his precious hammer. The hammer in Dinah's hand, which is made entirely of lightning, and the scales on her body all indicate that she has usurped the power of Thor's Hammer, and there are not many people in this world who can guess who did it with her toes. Use rune magic to do this. Thor couldn't have imagined that someone could do such a thing. He had never seen this kind of magic, and this shocking feeling could not be erased even when the vision raised the hammer later.

If she's Thor, then what am I?

What the hell is Salomon thinking! Tony Stark looked around, looking at the laboratory with electric sparks everywhere. He said angrily, I have to call Pepper, or the helicopter of the news media will come here to shoot later. I have to see if anyone is injured downstairs. If so, this matter will be counted. On Salomon's head!

He is doing the right thing and the sure thing, instead of fiddling with things he doesn't understand like you! Wanda Maximoff doesn't like others to speak ill of her teacher, and she also thinks that Salomon's The choice is right. The melee she had just experienced completely dispelled her fear of Stark. He saved countless lives, and you can only take lives, and that's what you do, Stark.

If it's about your hometown, then I apologize. Tony Stark took a deep breath. His past was coming up again, but he wouldn't shy away from the question. But I must declare that the Stark Group arms smuggling case started very early, and Stark's charitable fund...

Captain Rogers stopped Tony Stark from continuing. He looked at Thor. You helped create it?

I saw the illusion. Facing the doubts of others, Sol pointed to the yellow gemstone on the head of the red tin man and explained, All the hope of life is sucked away by this vortex, and the center of the vortex is this. This is The Mind Stone, one of the six Infinity Stones, is the most powerful force in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive power.

Then why do you still...

Because Stark is right. Thor interrupted Captain Rogers' inquiry, and his answer caused Bruce Banner to exclaim, and Dr. Banner said that this was simply the end of the world. The Avengers can't beat Ultron.

You can't do it alone, said the red Tin Woodman.

That's why Salomon went to the abyss to find helpers. He went to find the Fifth Demon Pillar, which is said to be his former contractor. Facing the suspicious eyes of others, especially Pietro's, Wanda had to explain again, When he taught me magic, he mentioned that he has seventy-two acquaintances in the lower plane. She said, Some are enemies, some are friends. The burning bird who usually follows him is the third. Phoenix, the Seventeenth Devil Pillar, is a bard.

This is really breaking news. I should have thought of it earlier, he has lived for thousands of years, and his name is completely new! Stark said. In any case, he's so far away from us right now, we don't even know when he'll be back!

It's better than creating a new Ultron. Wanda retorted dissatisfiedly, until Captain Rogers interrupted the quarrel again.

Why does it sound like Jarvis? he asked.

We refactored Jarvis's program and created something new. Although he said so, Stark still tried to keep a safe distance from the new artificial intelligence. Salomon's warning is not without purpose. The power of the Mind Stone will indeed give birth to information demons in artificial intelligence, completely changing the original settings of artificial intelligence. Stark has no idea now, especially since he has created an Ultron.

You think I'm a child of Ultron. The red tin woodman looked around, I'm not Ultron, I'm not Jarvis. I'm...

I have seen your consciousness. Wanda said with an extremely thick Eastern European accent, I have seen the destruction.

You can take another look. Clint was not convinced by the red tin man's words, and he quietly prepared to shoot it.

Their power, our fear, including Ultron itself, all come from the Mind Stone. Sol pointed to the twins and said, These are nothing compared to the power of the Mind Stone. But if he is on our side ...

Are you? Captain Rogers kept Salomon's warning in mind. Although he doesn't like to take risks, but the fact is that he must be prepared to add an enemy. He turned to look at Vision, Stand by our side.

I don't think it's that simple. Vision replied sincerely, but this answer did not satisfy everyone. Especially Hawkeye, who watched the farce the whole time, and he was always ready to fight.

Then better make things easier quickly, he said impatiently.

I am on the side of life. Vision gave a simple but extremely correct answer, But Ultron is not, he wants to destroy everything.

If Ultron has the ability to destroy us, then what is it waiting for?

Wait for you, you are its creator, Stark. Vision looked at Stark, Countless human myths and histories have proved that patricide is a process of fading, a declaration, used to prove that oneself and Fathers were different. It's waiting for you in Sokovia, Stark.

Xiaona is there too. Clint didn't explain. The old spy tricks always work.

It looked at the Avengers present, I don't want to kill Ultron. He is unique and he suffers, but his pain will destroy the earth, so he must be destroyed. We must destroy all the machines he made , erase all traces of him on the Internet. We must all work together, act now, and attack from all directions. Maybe I am a monster, but I don’t know that I am not a monster. I am different from you, and I am not what you want to see It's like that, so it may not be possible to convince you...

This is sincere enough that even more mistrust can be temporarily put aside. What's more, he also lifted Thor's Hammer. This hammer suffered two accidents in one day, but according to the philosophy of Asgardians, those who can lift Thor's Hammer are qualified and trustworthy .

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