Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 312 The Age of the Gods (Part 1)

Alcohol is the best spice between people, and so is God. After Hecate and Athena drank a few bottles of wine, the bad atmosphere suddenly disappeared. Given the open concept of ancient Greece, Hecate said something extremely shocking based on his experience and insights. These shocking speeches are not so appropriate for men, but Athena was amused and giggled. Her long golden curly hair danced mischievously on her shoulders. The whole house was filled with warm light and the aroma of wine, and even the dust was stained with the fragrance of sunshine.

Salomon fared much worse, and might have fainted after hearing those words if he hadn't also had some pinnacle and wine. After drinking, Athena seemed to have a bad temper. She patted Salomon on the head and seemed to want to correct his shyness. She said that this is not the character that a hero should have. Athena began to criticize Salomon non-stop, including his little hobbies, paper man and school girl idol, she kept poking Salomon with her fingers, almost poking him off the chair.

After she finished counting, Athena turned her head and drank wine with Hecate. The two goddesses seemed to want to drink more after drinking a bottle of wine, so Hecate took out her own brandy, which was a good wine in Napoleon's time. After they drank a whole bottle of strong liquor at a very fast speed, they sang the poems of the past:

Like a hyacinth on a mountain,

Trampled and trampled by the shepherds,

But purple flowers bloomed on the ground.

Just like the banquet of the Olympian gods in the old days, Athena was always the most dazzling one. She is now too, only this time she is not on the clouds and mountain tops, surrounded by gods, electric lights instead of beeswax candles, organic fruit instead of golden apples, blaring TV instead of magic, even the sun has to fight through the clouds to reach her. She seemed to be missing the era of the gods of Olympus, the noisy age of the gods.

Drinking and merrymaking lasted from afternoon to evening.

Salomon took out two blankets from the closet and put them on Athena. She drank too much wine, the ground was full of empty bottles of spirits, and now she was lying on the table and sleeping soundly. The mystic turned off the TV and went out. He walked on the corridor covered with cobblestones, the black waves were noisy with the salty sea breeze, and the warm Mediterranean wind brought the hem of his clothes to billow.

What he didn't know was that when he closed the door, Hecate and Athena immediately sat up straight, not at all like they were drunk just now. He is very cute. The children you raised in the past were not as gentle as him. Hecate looked jealous. Do you know that he walked out the door on tiptoe? He really treats you like a mother.

These are the things I'm most worried about. Athena was not happy because of Hecate's praise of Salomon. His heart is too soft, like a cotton candy. He may be able to sacrifice himself and kill the enemy, but he can't attack the innocent—maybe he can, but I don't know when.

Why do you have to train your child to be a cold-blooded killer, Athena? I always feel that there is a problem with your thinking. Being a hero does not mean doing great things. A person who is willing to tell bedtime stories to a helpless little girl can also be a hero. Hecate said, There is nothing wrong with marshmallows. I like marshmallows. It is the greatest invention of mankind.

That's someone else, Salomon is different.

That's right. Hecate poured herself another glass of brandy. She closed her eyes and sniffed, squeezing out wrinkles on her forehead for a few days, and her drowsy head became clearer. His essence is great enough, but also cruel enough. said the Goddess of Magic, Do you think he will abandon his life to pursue his essence?

I don't know. Athena tightened the blanket on her body, although she was not cold, Maybe, maybe not.

What kind do you want? Or, do you treat him as a person with a stigmata, or as a stigmata? He is different from the children you taught in the past. You can't use the old methods.

I don't know. Don't look at me that way, I really don't know. Athena said with some hesitation, Abandoning humanity and accepting divinity means becoming a certain law of nature. I don't want him to go on that path, but it would be nice if he is the same as God the Father... If necessary, I think he can still make a choice. The Supreme Mage has taught him.

Tsk, those guardians... Hecate smacked her lips, and she looked through the wall to see the mystic not far away. She saw Salomon pick up the cup in his hand, which was filled with amber liquid. Hecate watched the mystic raise the cup and sniffed it closely. Immediately afterwards, he couldn't help but wrinkled his face. After a while, Salomon cautiously stuck out his tongue and touched the spirit in the glass.

Bah, bah, bah! He smacked his lips and shuddered, My God, how could anyone like to drink this kind of thing?

It seems that he hasn't learned to enjoy the fun of adults. Hecate winked at Athena, When are you going to teach him?


It's the weekend now, I thought we were going to eat the delicious orange peel duck! Master Xiao Wang looked at the sneaky mystic in a peaked cap. He rubbed his belly in dissatisfaction, You can only eat once a week, and I skipped a meal on purpose today, what are you still hesitating about? Or are you stalking someone? I thought we could have a good rest!

Of course we're going to eat tangerine duck, and I've specially prepared cash. Salomon dragged Master Wang to the side of the alley, trying to avoid being caught by the camera. But even though he walked carefully, he ran head-on into a traffic camera and a dashcam. Hell, I'm just doing this to avoid being picked up by some artificial intelligence. Salomon rolled his eyes at the traffic camera. Hey, don't bother me, you hear?

The signal light of the camera flashed, and then turned left and right.

Why are you talking to a camera? Master Xiao Wang asked puzzledly. He wasn't qualified enough to attend the meeting of the deacons, and he didn't know anything about the artificial intelligence Mr. Finch had created. Salomon promised him that he would explain it while eating, and now that he had endured a week of British food and endless exercises, he desperately needed the comfort of food.

Suddenly, Salomon's new mobile phone vibrated twice, he took out the mobile phone, and a text message told him some information.

What's the matter? Master Xiao Wang looked curiously at Salomon's cell phone.

It's nothing. Salomon hesitated for a moment, and then showed the message to Mage Wang. Some people have the same destination as us. If we go there now, we may meet them.

Which wizard group is it? There are not many spellcasters in Hong Kong, but there are more in Qingcheng Mountain, and there are only some fortune tellers here.

There's a sackcloth god in that store, and the AI's message to me is... well, the fortune teller is an irrelevant variable, and a team of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents placed an order there, and they have a lot of people. If we don't want those items to be sold out, we're going to have to move faster. Salomon looked at the traffic cameras. That's not going to earn my trust, you understand?

The camera's light blinked again, then bobbed up and down.

Ask for a ticket!

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