Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1592 Moon War (One Hundred and Four)

The armored convoy drove down to the lower level along the deck that had been reinforced by Martian technicians after the collapse. As the chief commander of the sisterhood, Tita was standing on an armored vehicle with a black background and gold fleur-de-lis pattern, waiting excitedly. The emperor's command car arrived. The genetically modified warriors and the troop carriers of the First Secret Regiment drove past her in a long queue under the cover of infantry. The Sisterhood androids and the trained and enhanced girls joined the convoy in tacit understanding. Only Tita and several other Sisters The commander got into the emperor's giant command car.

This war went a little too smoothly. Amon said in the communication channel. It is not that he has not read the battle damage report. The cumulative casualties of the mortal army exceeded 2,000, and the casualties of the genetically modified soldiers exceeded 50. However, in the eyes of the Imperial Guard, only such casualties in such a high-intensity combat environment can be called Very little. Every time our Lord is present, the war will end very smoothly. What if those human armies become dependent on our Lord on the battlefield? He has other work to complete and cannot waste it all on the battlefield.

Legitimate concerns, but concerns too early.

Hannibal was walking on foot next to the command vehicle. Although the reconnaissance drone had explored a relatively safe path that could accommodate armored vehicles according to the coordinates given by the Kama Taj Mystic, the Guards would never Let your guard down. The Praetorians used their astonishing dynamic vision to scan all the gaps and shadows on the deck, assessing the strength of the Martian technicians' engineering while being alert to possible assassins. The same goes for Hammurabi, who is also holding a shield and a giant sword, but he did not participate in the discussion - the genetically modified warriors performed extremely well in this battle, and even the genetically modified warriors who were fatally injured were still able to kill those with bare hands. The huge ether beast filled with the aura of black magic, each of the genetically modified warriors has killed more than 300, which is still a valid number on the kill counter - but the Imperial Guard will not envy such violence fighting stance. The Praetorian Guards are known for fighting with efficiency, precision, and calmness rather than rough combat and fury. The genetically modified warriors move quickly, but the Praetorian Guards are even faster because they are the pinnacle creation and tuning of the Emperor himself.

This is just a star fort, this is just a small human army.

But that is already the toughest part of the human army. Amon reminded, Not every human soldier can withstand the pressure of void combat, don't forget how fragile they are. If He wasn't there, if it weren't for Him Deliberately controlling the range of activities of human soldiers within his psychic aura, those human soldiers would not behave as they do today. We have seen the impact of ether energy on the human mind. We should have psychological expectations for this and take corresponding measures , we cannot completely trust the political commissars and military police, they are also mortals. According to the established process, the mortal army and genetically modified soldiers will forget the fact of this encounter with the etheric entity. Our Lord will not publicize the detailed process of this battle to avoid knowledge pollution. Mind. Only the Praetorian Guard can face such an extraordinary enemy without being tainted.

A reasonable agenda, we will discuss it and make recommendations. Hammurabi said suddenly. Through the agenda of the ad hoc study groups and through the provision of advice to the emperor, this was the responsibility of the tribunes, as Hammurabi's office was. He looked at another Praetorian Guard Supiluliumas who came over. He originally stayed on Earth to perform another job until he was teleported directly from Earth to the Star Castle by the Emperor using psychic energy to take over as regent Victor. ·The secret chess arranged by von Doom.

Recycle or not?

Recovered, Supiluliumas said.

Hammurabi nodded and stopped asking. Commander Constantine already knew this information.

Supiluliumas's job was to respond to the assassin sent by the regent to Attilan Star Castle in advance, that is, the assassin who cut off the head of the villain clan matriarch and destroyed the decisive force of the Inhumans' organizational capabilities. The assassin used a compound unique to the Skrulls to transform into a disguise, disguised as the Ghost Clan's matron, and contacted many important figures in the Inhuman royal family, delivering intelligence on the Inhuman military trends and other information to the headquarters.

In fact, the villainous clan matriarch was not the only one killed by the assassin, but only this head was still intact. Other important targets of the Inhumans had been killed by a melta bomb, and not even ashes were left. Another assassin who assassinated Queen Medusa, the Inhuman royal family, was also recovered by Supiluliumas. As a high-value asset, both the modifications an assassin undergoes (including body modification and induced hypnosis) and the specific compounds used (currently only secreted by cloned Skrull tissues and organs) are extremely precious. The cost of an assassin is more than Every genetically modified warrior is taller, and their tactical value is much more important, so they must be recovered completely.

My Lord. Under Dinah's gaze, Tita clenched her hands nervously. Supiluliumas's warning worried her. Tita knew that the emperor knew what she was doing, but she just didn't want to ask about it now. However, she felt that it would be better to confess to the emperor sincerely - would the sisters go against the emperor's will, but Tita didn't know whether this behavior would violate the emperor's will. She understood the emperor's idea - before she could speak, the emperor shook his head. He was in a psychic conversation with someone and had no time or inclination to interfere in such a trivial matter as the internal conduct of the Sisterhood.

When the call ended, the emperor didn't make any sign when he looked at Dita's nervous eyes that were blinking frequently. However, Dita seemed to suddenly realize something and jumped out of the command vehicle with other sisterhood commanders and returned to her armored personnel carrier. , when other androids asked what the emperor said to her, she just smiled and refused to answer.

What do you think Tita knows? Dinah whispered in the emperor's ear. Even though the chain sword powered by psychic energy given by the Witch is an extremely powerful weapon in itself, she left the manor and the island to come to Attilan Star Castle not to win glory on the battlefield, but to take care of him. The emperor's diet and daily life. Although the job failed to materialize due to the emperor's busy schedule, she still insisted on staying by his side, and the latter acquiesced in this approach.

I don't know, but I don't want Tita's ideas to play a role in the future.

The emperor frowned and tapped the handle of the holy spear with his hand. Constantine, the commander of the Praetorian Guard, glanced at Dinah. As one of the participants in all the emperor's plans, he was the only one among everyone present who understood what the emperor's words were referring to. It was a precisely calculated model. Constantine himself was also a participant and even a promoter of this prophetic model. It can even be said to be one of the most important components. But it's not important now. The emperor continued to tap the spear handle with his armor-wrapped fingers. I hope Master Hamil can come to me during this time. It's time for us to talk about the issue of Kama Taj. .”

You have taken control of Karma Taj, Dinah said. The Supreme Mage has handed over power to you.

This matter is not as simple as you think, Dinah. The emperor said calmly, Call Master Hamil. Constantine, you stay, you must listen to this conversation throughout.

Refreshed at 12 noon

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