Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1557 Moon War (Sixty-nine)

The burning ideal made Maximus unable to feel the cold at all. He imagined the thick mud on the ground as the courtiers who betrayed him. He dug strength from his weak body and walked solidly and powerfully every time. He must pull up a military force no matter what, and no matter what the outcome of the war, he must have the violence to maintain power - he does not need to manipulate too many people, he only needs to form an orderly armed force and manipulate the leaders of the armed forces. In order to ensure that the military objectives are achieved, the remaining people will survive and gather manpower, weapons and other resources under his command under pressure - Maximus believes that his stupid brother will definitely be unable to maintain the front, and the last line of defense will fall Sooner or later, he must summon all available forces before doing so.

The messenger is ready, Your Majesty. We can leave immediately!

A nimble, armed civilian came forward to report, his black clothing barely visible in the shadows. He and the so-called messengers all came from the Attilan civilian clan. To be precise, the deserters Maximus met so far were only from the civilian clan. This is easy to understand. After all, this is the most brutal front line of this war. It is quite irresponsible to throw civilians who have not undergone any training or even Terrigen mutation into the battlefield. Maximus saw this as a waste of resources.

Bring food, Ronnie, bring half of the food and medicine. Maximus slowed down his tone. He only controlled Ronnie, the captain of the messenger team, and not the symbols he engraved. Others imitated them out of worship or ritual. Although it is just a symbol drawn on the face, it can also indicate identity. Those people must be hungry. Find them, take them to the shelter, and select more available messengers to send them to more places. Don't limit yourself to this settlement, all settlements of other clans must have us messenger.

Maximus looked at his team.

I don't know when he had a high fever. His skin was as hot as if his soul was burning, and his eyes were also so hot that it was hard to extricate himself. His consciousness was not affected, and the swarming tinnitus and whispers made him think they were auditory hallucinations he heard. His mind is still strong, at least what he thinks, Maximus thinks he can complete this undertaking.

We are going to carry out a reform that is unique in Attilan's history, my ministers.

He cheered up, raised his voice slightly, and scanned the crowd hidden in the darkness with his burning gaze. The eyes staring at him told him that what he did was right, that he was fulfilling the responsibility of the King of Attilan, and that he was moving towards an invisible throne.

I told you my identity. I am Maximus, the legitimate heir to the throne of Attilan. I can tell you that years of corruption have bloated the royal family. Black Bolt deceived you and they transferred the security forces to Instead of being sent to the front line to defend against the invaders, the Genetic Council regards their lives as gems and their lives as mere mud. The glory of the royal family has been tarnished by those careerists, and the responsibility of the nobility has become an excuse for their greed... No , I refuse to accept this outcome, they have dishonored our ancestors... We will form a new Attilan, an Attilan that will protect you and feed you. This is why I have called you. I Noting that you have drawn symbols for yourselves, this will be the symbol by which we identify ourselves from now on.”

He paused.

Don't go to the front, my friends. I won't waste your lives on the front, Maximus said. Go to the lower levels, to the industrial areas, to the water plants, to the food processing plants and breeding farms. We have to restore the supply of food, water and weapons, and we have to make the enemy pay a price for every step he takes on the battlefield. At this critical moment, even if It is the Alpha Primes that must become our strength. Another team will join me in the genetic labs, where we will obtain enough Terrigen Crystals for all of us, and we will leave behind our weak Grams. Use the weapons of the Empire and use our proud talents to win the war!

He knew that the hundreds of men in front of him were not enough to move the entire battlefield, and he would not be stupid enough to throw this poorly trained armed force into the front line. From the memories of the deserters, he saw the swiftness of those human genetically modified warriors, and the horror of those torrents of steel rolling over buildings and human bodies.

The response kept ringing in the darkness, and the fanatical emotions extended straight to the tunnel not far away, wrapping up everyone present. In Attilan, genetic variation is related to social status. The Terrigen Mist these civilians can obtain when they are young may not be as much as the smoke of a hallucinogenic cigarette. The promise made by Maximus means that they will jump to the next level. The upper class, this is the biggest incentive for these common people who barely have enough to eat and whose stomachs are full of circulating nutritional blocks.

Who wouldn’t want to eat fresh food if they could?

No one knows why this emotion appears, nor why he is so easily incited, but Maximus can be sure that these people will use their lives to complete the instructions he has given, and he can also be sure that he has not affect the minds of these people. Not all civilians accepted the influence, only armed personnel were treated in this way, because he expected these people to be able to use weapons with ease. He just used his mind-reading ability to collect all the information into his brain to make judgments - it can also be said that this is to discover unstable factors in the team in time - because someone has escaped his influence, To be on the safe side, he had begun to eliminate unstable factors. Several reconnaissance teams he sent were all for this purpose. It was impossible for those people to return to the shelter alive.

Let's go, friends.

He shook his hand with numb fingertips. In his memory, he only felt this way when he had tantrums as a child. This is the result of excessive emotion, resulting in insufficient blood supply to the extremities. Maximus reflected it in time. He noticed that the fanaticism seemed to have affected him, but when he took advantage of the blink of an eye to scan his heart and taste every word he said, that feeling disappeared again. , as if he had remained sane.

Maximus turned to look at the other group, an army of armed civilians.

To be precise, it was an army composed of the physically strong selected from different groups of deserters, all of whom accepted his mind manipulation, not just the army leader. This is not high-intensity mind manipulation. That kind of manipulation will cause the subject to completely lose self-awareness and completely lose the ability to think instead of just changing cognition. Even if he replaced some of the thoughts in these people's minds and retained the thinking ability of these soldiers, they were still an army of civilians who were urgently recruited. He had to compress his military knowledge and stuff it into these soldiers as a seed. Human mind - at the beginning of the unification of Attilan, the royal family had a monopoly on all knowledge, among which military knowledge was only accessible to royal members and military commanders - without this knowledge, these deserters would be as clumsy as before in manipulating firearms , firing the steel needle ammunition of the electromagnetic ejection rifle into his toes.

Terrigen Labs, Lord Maximus?

No, we're going to another place.

He will lead this team to another place, a destination that he must go to.

His instincts told him that he would gain something there that would change the course of the war, save Attilan, and reclaim the throne.

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