Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1550 Moon War (62)

Dara Ko Eke of the Villain Clan is well-known in certain circles in Attilan.

This is not only because of her blood relationship with Matron Aradi Koek, but also because she has explored and trained her own abilities to the extreme. She did not choose to rely on a powerful and stable mutated body like other villain clans, the Inhumans, but instead developed her own spiritual power, thus gaining another aspect of her abilities.

Although the Inhumans created by the Kree Empire all contain psionic mutation genes, the different expression methods of psionic energy and too chaotic genetic mutations prevent many Inhumans from awakening their psionic powers. Even after chemical mutation, they cannot control them after awakening. The type, intensity and expression of one's own abilities. Dara Ko Eke is different. After awakening her psychic powers, she even went to the royal family of Attilan to learn certain knowledge that only wizards can understand in depth. Later, she was called the Omniscient One because of her powerful prophecy ability.

There are rumors that Dara Ko Eke is not in good physical condition, but he can win every sword fight within the clan, even defeating players who are much stronger and faster than him. Some people think this is flattery, but only those who have had a ritual duel with her know what it feels like to be predicted by others every time they swing a sword, especially when the opponent's sword appears where your own sword should appear.

The title Omniscient is very exaggerated, but there is no doubt about Dara Ko Eke's ability. She is not a naive mind reader like Crystal who relies on powerful spiritual power to manipulate the elements, but a psychic who can predict the future. Black Bolt can ignore the opinions of Mother Alladi Ko Eke, but he will never ignore Dara Ko Eke's speech, because Dara Ko Eke is a member of the information support department of the Clan Alliance. It was she who informed Black Bolt that it was necessary to go to the Kimilian clan settlement that had voluntarily closed its doors. Dara Ko Eke claimed that Black Bolt could find out the truth about the war there.

This is indeed the case, Black Bolt met the human king there.

Psychic? Matron Aradi Ko Eke turned her head and looked at the girl beside her, You never said how powerful the leader of the invaders is, Dara Ko Eke! There are some things you can say directly, Including all causes and consequences and possibilities, we will choose the most appropriate one to make the choice, rather than reciting mysterious riddles. Why did Terrigen missiles cause this war? How did humans know that we had Terrigen missiles!

Because Terrigen missiles will pollute the earth's ecosystem and increase the chance of genetic mutation of humans on earth. Dara Ko Eke said calmly, Cancer, genetic diseases, insanity and spiritual awakening are the reasons why we create more Inhumans. The price. The human king foresaw this future, so he chose to kill it completely. He was not just a prophet... I can't explain what I saw to people who don't have the talent. I can only tell you, All I saw in my dream was a golden light like leaping flames falling towards Attilan Star Fortress. Then it all disappeared and I could no longer see it.

If humans didn't invade Attilan, we wouldn't do it!

We will do this sooner or later, mother. Even if humans do not attack Attilan, another armed force in the deep space will come to Attilan and destroy all life in this solar system. Dara Ko Eke ignored the Gene Council. The whispers that kept passing through, When we are desperate, Terrigen missiles are the only option, and that's what we will choose then. Even if humans can expel the enemy of the void, even if Attilan Star Fortress completely falls, the Inhumans will It will resurgence in the human race. The premise of this future is that the human king did not initiate this war. Now that future has been shattered, and I can’t see any trace of that branch of destiny.”

What does that mean? Mother Evo of the Ghost Clan asked, You mean, we failed?

Dara Ko Eke was reluctant to say more.

No matter how much her mother, Matron Aradi Koek, urged her, she had no intention of speaking again, but continued to be immersed in her own world. She was completely unaware of the whispers about surrender in the genetic council seats, Dara Ko Eke just closed her eyes and leaned back on the chair. There are other psykers in Attilan, but none of them are as mysterious and powerful as Dara Ko Eke. Not even her mother, Matron Aradi Ko Eke, can do anything to her.

The prophecy is just a hint of the future. Black Bolt made a gesture, asking others to turn their attention back to him. Regardless of whether we win or not, we must hold our ground. I will fight side by side with all the Inhuman warriors to fight against the invaders. At the same time, the Attilan royal family will use all resources to help the front line stabilize the front... In order to reduce procedures, I Several plans must be put forward. Other members of the Attilan royal family stared at Black Bolt with unkind eyes. They had already guessed that Black Bolt planned to use external pressure to centralize the royal family. The power divided among the royal family members was likely to be directly Recycle. In name, it is good governance that shortens procedures, reduces red tape and corruption, and helps the frontline respond quickly. In fact, it is a redistribution of royal power. However, no one can oppose these resolutions.

After all, with these resolutions passed, they might still have hope of survival.

If you oppose these resolutions and wait until the invaders break into the Gene Council Hall, everyone here will die.

Even the sewers in Attilan smell better than here.

The jailer had not come for a long time, and the accumulated excrement, rancid food, and the rotting bodies of the starved to death exuded a greasy stench all the time. As soon as the smell wafted into her nostrils, Crystal immediately bent over and vomited. She originally wanted to hold on to the wall, but as soon as she touched the black mold growing on the wall, she jumped away as if she was electrocuted. The vomiting reaction could not be terminated. , she lost her balance and rolled on the ground like a rubber ball. Crystal's chest and abdomen contracted violently, and he retched desperately, as if he wanted to spit out his internal organs. When she finally got used to the smell, the values ​​on the portable display mounted on her tights showed that the air she breathed here had a great impact on her health.

In the dark passage, the voice was very harsh, and Crystal's reaction aroused the interest of some of the guys who were still alive. She stumbled up the stairs and down the corridors, ignoring the insults, pleas, and abuses thrown at her by the prisoners along the way. Until she relied on her own authority to pass through the most stringent security measures - permission level records including genetic identification codes, psychic mechanical response codes, etc. - a very magnetic sound came from the cell where she could not see her fingers. With the long-awaited joy, unexpected pleasure and other emotions. Whose ghost came to me? Is it a clown, a magician, or a prostitute? Accompanied by the sound of the collision of iron chains, it slowly approached, and a pair of tired eyes looked out of the narrow viewing window. Ah, blonde whore, that's so rare. I wouldn't mind having something with a ghost girl if it ever happened.

It's me, I'm Crystal, Maximus.

Crystal wrinkled her nose heavily all around. She saw that the anti-psionic equipment was still running continuously, and the extremely chaotic psychic energy was like a vortex in the ocean, sucking all the nearby water into the vortex and then swallowing it in one gulp, disappearing into the bottomless whirlpool. , and then return to the sea.

I would like to ask you a favor regarding my sister, Medusa.

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