Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1407 Chapter 1403 Educational Methods (Two in One)

A good commander must look at the overall situation and ensure that he has enough information.

The outcome of a war has been decided long before the war begins. With the generational differences in military quality and equipment between the two sides being almost the same, the abundance and speed of transmission of effective information, and even the character of the commander, will determine the success or failure of the war. During pre-war work, the commander must clearly understand the battlefield situation, understand the enemy generals, understand the planetary cycle, weather conditions, seasonal changes, day and night length, etc. on the battlefield. He must also keep strict confidentiality on the deployment and actions of the army, and understand the enemy's characteristics as much as possible. Trends and take the initiative on the battlefield.

When war begins, all information superiority becomes a bargaining chip for victory.

——————Rules of Engagement·Information Advantage

Commanders must take the initiative. Whether they are generals coordinating the overall situation or frontline officers in the trenches, from the moment they receive the first battlefield information, they need to adjust their tactical plans according to the enemy's actions and grasp the initiative on the battlefield at all times. Both generals and frontline officers must understand the battlefield situation before the war begins and seize any possible opportunity to win instead of adhering to the classic tactics learned in military schools. The tactics learned in all military schools can only be nourishment rather than dogma. Once the attack is decided, there should be no hesitation, and there must be no excessive hesitation when withdrawing. Only in this way can the army be as fast as lightning and as fierce as the wind.

Do not be afraid, do not be timid.

Hesitation is the beginning of failure.

————“Rules of Engagement·Subjective Initiative”

More than two thousand years ago, there was a very outstanding counselor named Zhang Liang. As a top counselor, he had an excellent overall view and could often give Liu Bang correct advice at critical moments. During the establishment of the Han Dynasty, Played a great role. Even in the subsequent palace coups and family struggles of the Han Dynasty, Zhang Liang was still able to protect himself in countless bloody storms, all thanks to the knowledge he learned.

He tapped the notebook in his hand.

This manuscript of Rules of Engagement is a code of war written by him to educate Latvian officers. Most of the contents were printed in Unified Truth Rules of Engagement, which he still continues to this day. Add content to it. Some of them are destined to become waste manuscripts that will not be printed, because they reveal the operating mode of the entire system too straightforwardly. As long as they work step by step according to the knowledge in the book, anyone can create a large-scale but extremely powerful system from scratch. A vital military organization.

The book Tai Gong's Art of War or Six Tao covers different contents such as governing the country, using troops, military organization, weapons, tactics and military training. The Rules of Engagement I wrote is extracted from The Art of War about military organization. The central idea of ​​Volume 26 of Long Tao.

Whether breakfast time will extend until noon depends on whether the master and hostess of the manor are busy. They obviously didn't have much work to do today. Even the owner of the manor had no intention of leaving the manor. Only the giant in gorgeous golden armor would occasionally walk into the restaurant and hand over some documents - today the whole world would be relieved, because La The emperor of Tovinia did not show up - when a person is powerful enough to ignore all the rules and regulations of the human world, it is easy for people to worry about whether he will cross the bottom line of the system and pursue personal desires. Even if it is to pursue some kind of justice and cherish some kind of kindness, atrocities will inevitably occur due to excessive power.

The presence of the Emperor of Latvinia made NATO nervous, and even more and more soldiers in the military camps relied on drugs to anesthetize themselves. Religion no longer works, and the Vatican doesn't even deny that it's no coincidence that the TV images capturing the Emperor of Latvinia in his overly divine glory were not a coincidence. But for the Latvian people, after the war, the emperor reduced the number of public appearances. Although he was still a dictator, he practiced the concept of Unified Truth - substantive justice through sound rules and regulations. Return themselves to the people, believe in the power of mankind itself, and the spirit represented by the emperor is their shield-dictatorship is a necessary means rather than an end, and only efficient vertical management, infinite energy and unrivaled powerful force can provide A time of reform and growth in Latvinia. Before a truly efficient and clean governance system is fully established, relatively correct totalitarianism can avoid the tyranny of the majority and corruption, and fight against plutocrats and external pressure.

If there is no emperor, NATO troops will cross the border in the next second, the era when careerists can recruit hundreds of people to become warlords will return, and tragedies like the Siege of Sarajevo will happen again. As for the news that appeared on the Internet about the emperor appearing on a certain street in disguise, it is also true and false. It is also his necessary job as the Philosopher King of Latovinia to personally enter the world he rules, see all the shortcomings of the real world and correct them. Even if liberal philosophers like Karl Popper would criticize him as a totalitarian ruler, he did not care. After all, liberal philosophers are just nuisance pebbles that must be constantly kicked out of the road.

But today the whole world can breathe a sigh of relief, because today Titan will not be walking on earth.

The Titan of Earth eats brunch at the kitchen table because he doesn't want to work.

I don't think Milia can understand this. She hasn't even studied Chinese. Now the knowledge you teach her will just flow out of her mind like water. Joan yawned and stretched out her hands again. She slouched down, and Milia, who was sitting next to her, had the same expression. It seemed that sleepiness had caught up with her since Salomon first started teaching. The white-haired witch seems to have regained some interest in being a teacher - this interest will only appear when she has enough sleep, and the regular teaching job that requires early morning work will make her very irritable, which is why her teaching job is often not Reason why it will last more than a week.

Now several secondary schools in Oxfordshire and London have been brutally murdered by Joan of Arc and have made it clear that they will not accept her again. If she still wants to continue to satisfy her desire to become a teacher, Salomon can only choose a good school and make herself a member of the school board. Except for this method, it is impossible for any school to accept a teacher who is always late and absent from work. Joan of Arc also knows the consequences of her actions, but she doesn’t care at all and still goes her own way and sleeps until almost noon, and even She would fight for the pillow with Bayonetta who woke her up.

It was not difficult for him to find a school that could accommodate Joan.

The digital game of financial capitalism was as fragile as a piece of soaked paper in front of the software he wrote. Both long and short operations made him make a lot of money, mercilessly using meaningless currency. Robbery of production value. Even if he does not need other secular positions, even if he does not use insider trading between upper-class social circles, the annual dividends and speculation profits can allow him and the witch to maintain a very decent life. Bayonetta is even considering buying the next manor. And connected it with magic.

Leave Milia to me. She needs exercise now. She has been sitting at the desk for too long.

This is the dining table. I think it's appropriate for her to listen to some wise advice while eating bacon. Wisdom is as easy to digest as food, but she is obviously malnourished now. Salomon reminded, People can learn knowledge, but But she can't learn how to think. Her way of thinking needs to be shaped, and now is the best time.

What's the difference? Joan of Arc laughed disdainfully, She hasn't finished her close combat course yet!

Bayonetta was all smiles.

Today's breakfast was more pleasant than she expected. First she heard that her weapons supplier was dying with a sword on his neck, and then she found that her friend was cuter than she expected. It was like discovering a Novel toys. You didn't realize that he was slandering you, my silly friend. The witch with a name as sweet as a cherry laughed crisply. She first kissed Milia's forehead, then patted Joan of Arc's arm, acting elegantly and dignifiedly, It's okay, Darling, he didn't speak entirely with his voice.

Joan finally understood Salomon's irony.

As Millia's nominal teacher, Salomon said the girl received little wise advice, and for an educator—or one who calls himself an educator—no accusation could be more serious than this. But she didn't bother to protest in the usual way, not only because the restaurant had been renovated and rebuilt many times, but also because Milia's progress in the spiritual field was far beyond her imagination. Although she is still unable to speak normally and speak words that ordinary people can understand, Salomon put a black flexible metal collar on her, which is equivalent to a firewall, filtering bad information from the etheric sea for her, and keeping the indescribable whispers and temptations away. Leave it all out to protect Milia's mental health.

Do you understand?

Joan's eyes widened in disbelief, and the stupid and lazy ugly girl she spoke of nodded. Even though Milia has not studied Chinese and cannot understand certain words through the sounds coming from her vocal cords, she can still have some basic concepts. It was a spell used to convey thoughts intuitively. Milia used her spiritual power to contact the pictures and intentions painted by Salomon. Even though she had not yet learned how to interpret, she still instinctively absorbed the information from the etheric ocean. . It is a language beyond language, the language of the Tower of Babel in religious stories, a mystery engraved on reality and depicted with symbols.

Do you think I will educate her with the violence and roughness of taming wild dogs and wild horses? Salomon said calmly, We eat, excrete, fuck, kill and die, but these are not suitable for her now. Mi Leah needs to see love now. She needs to see human architecture, music and poetry. This is the right time to fill her in with some cold logic of the real world, lest art be too hot and burn her heart, lest reality be too cold and frozen. Her soul. Even for Utopia, you have to read Plato instead of the Marquis de Sade. The Republic is more suitable for minors than The Hundred and Twenty Days of Sodom.

He glanced at Milia again, and the question mark above the girl's head almost floated out.

To be precise, children no more than ten years old.

Have you ever considered picking up a quill, poet?

Joan pointed to the mural on the ceiling, and red flames poured out of Phoenix. This mural is one of the artworks completed by Salomon himself to depict the passionate, kind-hearted and loyal Phoenix who wants him to ascend the seventh throne, like a clingy big child who longs for companionship and recognition. Although it still has tasks to perform and cannot be with him all the time, Salomon's connection with it has never been broken, and it even left its portrait on the mural.

Don't call me that, you just know that I am right, as always. Salomon raised his eyebrows, You know that I am an educator, at least a better educator than you. He looked at the girl. Frying bacon made her lips shine, but so did her fingers. As if to teach Miria how to cut steak, Bayonetta also thrust a sharp chain saw dagger into her hand - the chain saw dagger was already activated, and the edge of the high-temperature single-molecule chain saw flashed red heat. There was a glimmer of light - looking at the carefree looks of the two of them, they seemed to be cutting the steak and the plate together. At the same time, the sound made by the small motor was also very noisy, even a bit like heavy metal rock. If you don't pay attention, the dining table where the witch once existed will be filled with weapons, as if bullets and guns are also some kind of tableware.

Or a musical instrument?

Bayonetta beat the drums with her feet on the marble floor while loading Millia's Kimber M1911A1, as if she wanted Millia to learn how to cut steaks with a chain saw dagger in one hand and a pistol in the other. This is definitely not a technique that should be applied at the dinner table, but a technique and tactics that should be learned in close combat. But what can Salomon and Jeanne say? Milia will have to learn this technique and tactics sooner or later. All he can do is to make Milia's techniques and tactics more standardized and Old School, so he tolerates it. Instigated by Bayonetta, Millia fired at the ceramic plate at close range with excitement. Even though this behavior was very unsafe, he believed that Bayonetta could be prepared for safety and would not let it happen. Debris flew up and crashed into anyone's face. He really doesn't know what kind of person Milia will become in the future due to the influence of the witch. He only hopes that his adopted daughter can make people worry less in the future.

This is a reducing charge. Bayonetta seemed to notice the gazes of Joan of Arc and Salomon, and explained symbolically, This little kinetic energy can't even penetrate a table.

“If you have a table you prefer, I want you to make your suggestion in a direct way,” Salomon said. He glanced at Joan of Arc who was sitting opposite, Same for you, everything in this manor will not enter the second-hand market, but will go directly to the incinerator.

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