Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1382 Do not worship idols (second update)

When he learned that his companions were going to shut down, Enoch didn't show much emotion.

If immortals have emotions, humans will definitely not be able to understand the emotions of bionic machines like immortals. The mechanical rhythm under bionic skin is completely unfamiliar to humans. Constantine had seen semi-mechanical races when he traveled the universe with the emperor, but even highly cyborg alien races will have obvious expressions of emotion. Emotions in flesh and blood cannot be completely eliminated. Even a highly prosthetic Martian sage will have an emotional central processor to assist in processing the remaining emotions in flesh and blood in order to achieve complete rationality and perfection. However, the emotional central processor also The Martian Sage cannot be prevented from expressing his emotional preferences.

Only extremely advanced bionic machines like the Immortals will not convert the emotions surging in the circuits into actual actions, because they have been completely mechanized from birth, and the emotional parts of the program will also be transformed into extremely rational ones. logic operation. Enoch quickly estimated the output power of Constantine's power armor, judged which race in the universe the degree of genetic modification of Constantine could match, and then came to a conclusion-resistance would face death-so he spoke. I need his computing power. He looked up, and Constantine responded quickly. The alien bionic machinery could barely keep up with the speed of the Guards. Enoch's skin sensors could even feel the dense current on the blade of the Guard's spear, and the overflowing energy field even burned a black streak on his skin. He is an excellent observer and can calculate many variables in the mission.

We will retain its computing core and computing power.

Constantine gave a simple reply, and then he turned the garrison spear, and the spear handle hit Enoch hard on the forehead. Enoch hit the ground hard, and the heavy metal frame made a small crater in the high-strength concrete floor. Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 was originally immersed in the joy of getting a new project. When he saw this scene, he almost jumped up with excitement. In the eyes of this Martian sage, Enoch was also one of the experimental subjects. The mission There's a good chance she'll get Enoch as a sample after it's over.

Since the two immortals arrived on Earth at a very different time, Epsilon-Rodney-Ra 223 wanted to study the differences between different alien bionics and figure out the generational changes in immortal technology. She could even launch a new project to explore the development of productivity in Immortal society through the differences between Immortals of different generations.

Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 does not understand the alien bionic mechanical race of the Immortals. In fact, there is no so-called development in the Immortals society at all. The Immortals are a race put on a habitable planet by a higher-level race. They have had an extremely strict caste system from the beginning, are strictly divided according to functions, have extremely advanced productivity equipment and a mature sense of unity and mission. The job of this race is to collect information about various races in the universe for the Creator, and there is absolutely no motivation or necessity for development. Now the advanced race that created the Immortal Man has disappeared in the universe for tens of thousands of years. It is not clear what the development of the Immortal Man was after the departure of the advanced race. However, Constantine speculated that it should not go beyond the stage of being released, so he can only Conduct research and judgment based on the rumors in the universe and the information that will be obtained from the data center of the Immortal Man who will become the experimental subject.

This kind of research is extremely necessary because the planet Chronyca-2, where the Immortals live, has been invaded by an extradimensional spiritual entity and a race of servants. It is uncertain whether the Immortals can repel the invasion and eliminate the invaders, but by studying and judging the military strength of the Immortals, the capabilities of both warring parties will be effectively assessed, and preparations and targeted research and development for possible wars will be made.

What are you thinking about?

Just in a daze. The exact substitute shrugged and stepped on the accelerator. Agent Coulson found it strange that the precision double had suddenly come to life a few seconds ago and no longer displayed the calmness of an autonomous artificial intelligence. He believed that his conjecture was not wrong. It should be that the operator of the precise double was busy dealing with something and could only pay very little attention to the alchemical double. This is an alchemical body. As if to cover it up, the accurate substitute said, This body can breathe, bleed, and metabolize, so it is not a problem to think normally, and being in a daze is a common phenomenon.

You have the final say. Agent Coulson said with a smile, I don't know about the Life-Model Decoy project.

You are telling the truth. You don't know that Dr. Horton Radcliffe has perfected the Life-Model Decoy project. The exact substitute nodded calmly, So I don't want to get the Life-Model from you. Project Decoy information, I will only use you to persuade Robbie Reyes to surrender. I don't want a fight to break out here, no one wants to be famous more than the residents here, you know what I mean.

Agent Coulson shook his head.

I just saw Angela White. She is one of the female stars I subscribe to. In any case, these female stars are no different from Hollywood stars. They all want to be exposed. If Ghost Rider conflicts with me here, Then all the details of the battle will be exposed, and I don’t want to see that happen.”

Agent Coulson didn't believe a word the exact double said.

He knew that the emperor had the ability to control electronic devices in the surrounding area. Even the driving recorder could be hacked and controlled, not to mention electronic devices such as mobile phones and surveillance cameras that were actively connected to the Internet. As for who Angela White was, he really didn't know, and he didn't want to know. As for the words about recharging Pornhub membership after the exact double, he pretended not to hear it, because he understood what it meant. However, this bit of information is of no use in studying the Emperor. Everyone knows that now that Natasha Romanoff has arrived in the Balkans and the space station, there will be no work for other female spies without her.

The exact double parked the car on Mission San Fernando Boulevard in San Fernando and at San Fernando Church in the Mission Hills neighborhood. It was the 17th of 21 Spanish missions established in California by a Spanish mission, and the church was declared for sale in 1861 by Governor Pio Pico under the Mexican Secularization Act of 1833. Belonging to the Catholic Church, the mission building and 75 acres were returned to the church and conservation measures were taken by Charles Fletcher Lummis.

Today this historic church is a chapel of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Latinos mostly believe in Catholicism, so the precise double parking here can be said to be a direct hit. But Agent Cole is still a little confused. You have always scorned religious belief as a charade that sells fear and slavery, he said. If the church has no role, why is Robbie Reyes here?

The accurate substitute shrugged, I still maintain my point of view. Religious belief is of no use. What is really useful is people. The Nordic ancestors can worship the Asgard gods and believe in Christianity, Judaism and Christianity. You have no idea who you are worshiping. If you know the truth one day, I will laugh at you loudly.

I don't understand.

The exact double got out of the car and Agent Coulson watched as he walked towards the church.

It makes no sense whether you understand or not, just know that there are echoes of extra dimensions here.

Eight in the morning

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