Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1380 Immortal Man (Part 2)

All information has a price. If you want to know information about the Immortals and why I want to attack the lighthouse base, you must give me a satisfactory reward. The emperor said, Who do you think took Mary? Agent Ya. Hill guided you to the lighthouse base? I thought that in your mind, the lighthouse base would be more important than spying on the situation of this manor, because there are immortals there. Now your performance shows that you are convinced of this. No idea.”

Nick Fury shrugged, seemingly unconcerned about the Emperor's manipulation of Maria Hill and the attack on the Lighthouse Base, or the safety of Coulson's Agent Team, the only remaining S.H.I.E.L.D. organization in the world. Then enlighten me, he said. You've always wanted me to see reality, haven't you?

I don't have time to play word games with you, Nick Fury. The emperor pointed to the calm river again, My adopted daughter is still waiting for the fish to bite. She has been waiting for several hours. My wife definitely does not want that. Let's go home with empty buckets. Am I right, Milia? The girl nodded vigorously. She sat on the small stool, turned around and waved vigorously towards the stranger. Even Nick Fury couldn't get angry with a child. He could only stare at the emperor fiercely. Before Nick Fury completely lost his patience, the Emperor swung his fishing rod, secretly put the fish he caught into Milia's bucket, and whispered, Do you know the origin of the Immortals?

Observers sent to Earth by aliens thirty thousand years ago.

Yes, but the two Immortals in the lighthouse base are not all. You can't understand a race of bionic machines like the Immortals, and you can't understand the operating principles and ways of thinking of bionics, so you make an agreement with them and ask them to take care of the lighthouse base. . This is not the first time you have done such ignorant and fearless things, Nick Fury. It was once in Old Bridge Town (the arrival of Thor), and once in Salem Town. You will need me to help you count them later. ? The emperor shook his head, The reason why I blame you for making transactions with a price is not because you always make transactions without knowing the price.

Immortals who can observe for 30,000 years without any interference are worthy of trust, Nick Fury said. They follow the initial settings, and that's why they can be trusted.

Just like the Life-Model Decoy project android, right? Don't think I don't know. As early as ten years ago, you used the Life-Model Decoy project android to spy on me, and even had it disguised as my Call of Duty My game teammates are planning to get information from me in that way.

Nick Fury shrugged noncommittally.

The Life-Model Decoy project has been terminated long ago, and SHIELD has encountered technical difficulties. He said, If you say that I let a few robots act as your teammates when playing games, that is absolutely delusional and slanderous. If you If your paranoia continues, I will be concerned about your mental state.

Agent Coulson told me the same thing not long ago. The reason why he thought the Life-Model Decoy project was terminated was because you told him so. Now he has got your vibranium holographic projection box, which The information about the Life-Model Decoy project is not as simple as what you said. If you still refuse to disclose any information, then I will send you out of Oxfordshire, erase all your memories, and make you a real tramp . The Emperor said, SHIELD is not the only one in the world who has the Life-Model Decoy project. As you can see, my technology is more advanced. My exact double is now next to Agent Coulson, and I am sitting here at any time. You can break his neck.

Not sure what kind of threat had taken effect, Nick Fury let out a long sigh and seemed to relax completely.

Yes, I'm not just using the Emperor's true identity as a threat. I want to talk to you about the alien fleet, what you call the Dark Order. You are not the only one in this world who can respond to threats from outer space. , I need to get more tangible evidence from you. I have some connections that can make the evidence appear on the discussion agenda of the United Nations Security Council. His expression was very serious, and even the blind eye pointed at the emperor, If you submit The Security Council may not accept the evidence. Only through this method can the Security Council pay attention to those documents. Humanity needs to unite to deal with threats, and I need your documents.

You know this won't be so easy, the emperor warned. But Nick Fury knew that his reasons had convinced this stubborn man, Compared with unity, some countries will first think about plundering resources or surrendering. The snatching of resources has always been an eternal theme of mankind, even in the face of foreign enemies. Time is no exception. If human beings could unite so easily, I would not be in the Balkans.

I know. Nick Fury found a piece of dry ground and sat down. Milia turned her head curiously and looked at this fierce-looking uninvited guest. The ex-agent made a face at her, then was disappointed to see that Milia didn't show the fear and emotion that a child of her age should have. This phenomenon made Nick Fury pay attention to Millia, and he began to believe that this girl was not an ordinary person adopted by the Emperor with kindness. Let's talk about the Immortals. He changed the subject to avoid his thoughts being noticed. If there is any disaster, shouldn't we face it together?

Eternals are essentially a group of robots covered in plastic skins. When each Immortal is sent to a civilization, he will wear a corresponding disguise. So in the society of Immortals, who plays the role of producer? Of course they are other immortals. From this conclusion, it is not difficult to infer that not all immortals are observers of alien civilizations. The immortals have a stable social structure, otherwise they would not have the leisure to observe other civilizations. The emperor touched Milia. head, allowing the adopted daughter to refocus her attention on the river, Enoch followed the original procedures, but what about the other immortals who were not sent out to observe the characters? Will they be affected by the society of immortals? Enoch Will Ke choose humans between humans and ethnic groups?”

Are you now worried about alien bionics invading the earth? Nick Fury laughed. Another alien fleet?

Now the home planet of the Immortals has been destroyed. Even the bionic people have the idea of ​​​​continuing the population, because machines will think of themselves as life, and life has the instinct to continue. This is the code that was written into the Immortals from the beginning. We will have the opportunity to verify the contents. Now do you think they will contact Enoch and then use the earth as a colony? The emperor's voice did not reveal the emotion of victory, but was as calm as ever, About the machinery Although the theory of believing that you are a living being is somewhat absurd, but...don’t you also think that you are the real Nick Fury?”

Enoch. Constantine looked at the alien creature that was forced to kneel down at gunpoint by two ranger cavalry. Next to Enoch is another immortal. This immortal arrived more than 10,000 years ago. It is also a civilized observer like the immortal named Enoch. The expression of the Immortal Man was very calm, as if he didn't know what fear was, but the SHIELD agents headed by Melinda May were shocked by the two people who had been hiding in the lighthouse base. They had never known anything about the Immortal Man. any information. “Are you a hunter, a predictor, or an observer?”

I am an observer and a predictor. The immortal named Enoch has no hair on the top of his head. I follow the program.

Do you know what happened to Chronyca-2?

I don't know. Enoch said calmly, What will I face, genetically modified people?

Mission. Constantine put away his garrison spear, and then pointed at another immortal man who said nothing. If you can participate in this project, Epsilon-Rodney-Radium-223, you will be the person in charge of uncovering the secrets of immortals.

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