Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1374 Chapter 1370 The Afterglow of Aegis (Second Update)

When Constantine arrived, he happened to see five Quinjet fighters rushing out of the lake and flying into the sky at a life-threatening high speed and a speed that exceeded the limit of human body endurance. He didn't care about this omission because he knew that his mission target could not escape through the Quinjet. Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 did not pay attention to the five Quinjets that took off, because the tracking mission of those aircraft had been completed by the former S.H.I.E.L.D. satellites. The Immortal City, which received the legacy of S.H.I.E.L.D., controls those satellites. No matter where the Quinjet goes, they know it. Even if the Eraser hypersonic fighter is sent from orbit now, it can keep up with the Quinjet.

Sergeant Ronald, report.

All the main passages have been controlled. The voice of the sergeant of the First Secret Regiment was transmitted to the surface through the signal adapters arranged at each level. The other party is trying to retake the medical room and the elevator passage, and it seems that they want to fight with us. A guerrilla war.”

I hope you will be ready to welcome me when I arrive. Constantine glanced at Epsilon Rodney Radium 223, who was commanding the Rangers to transport the Life-Model Decoy project artificial intelligence Aida. The Martian Sage plans to move the product of the Life-Model Decoy project into the lighthouse base, where the equipment must have a more comprehensive database. At the same time, Epsilon-Rodney-Radium-223 also called in Zephyr 1 Dr. Horton Radcliffe and the Ranger Cavalry guarding him planned to have this team follow the footsteps of the Guards Commander to occupy the lighthouse base. In a relatively peaceful manner, just as planned in the plan. The commander of the guards reminded, My Lord does not want the prisoners to be harmed too much.

Then we need some help, Commander.

There's something strange about the feedback Melinda May is receiving from the front lines.

The enemy seemed to have stopped attacking, allowing SHIELD agents to launch an operation to recapture the medical room. Unless S.H.I.E.L.D. armed personnel try to attack important facilities such as controlled elevators and secondary generators, there will be no soldiers wearing full-environment bulletproof armor or mechanization at all - this is the front line after re-encrypting radio communications. The longest possible communication between the troops and the control room. In a few seconds, all agents must jump to another encrypted channel again, otherwise the information received or sent by frontline troops and the control room will most likely be tampered with or interfered with.

At first, Melinda May was relieved that the enemy had slowed down their attack, but then the network security department told her that the enemy had most likely hard-linked many secondary control systems in the lighthouse base. A large number of never-before-seen virus programs will soon destroy SHIELD's firewall, paralyzing or taking control of the ancient and rudimentary main control program of the Lighthouse Base on a real level, and the network security department will be completely unable to exclude the intruders. All signs indicate that the enemy not only did not slow down the pace of the attack, but also launched a massive attack on another level.

The face of Epsilon Rodney Radium 223, which has not yet fully transformed into a prosthetic body, is full of displeasure.

By Martian standards, the equipment at the lighthouse base was quite old, and the data interface transmission speed was very slow. She had to build several new transmission interfaces to accommodate her program and strengthen the control of all electronic equipment before arriving at the lighthouse base. The result was that she had to hard-link the lighthouse base's secondary control systems, clinging to the wall like an insect caught in a spider's web. Although Constantine promised to protect her safety at all times, Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 always believed that the leader of the Praetorian Guard just wanted to see what she looked like now.

I have completed more than 64.2% of the workload of this operation, and now you are still going to laugh at me? She muttered a little aggrievedly. Although she knew that this was a reaction caused by her emotional center that had not been completely removed, it did not mean that she would not care.

Of course not, Sage. Constantine didn't mean to see the joke at all, and he didn't think there was anything funny about Epsilon Rodney Radium 223's current appearance. Please complete the control task as soon as possible. He said, I should have carried anesthetic gas if I had known earlier.

That would exceed the payload of the aircraft, and we would have to carry autonomous combat robots for air defense missions.

The noncommissioned officer of the First Secret Regiment standing aside did not refute. He could not figure out what the Martian was thinking. Since it is impossible to escape death after being discovered by the US military, why waste precious automatic combat robots on air defense missions? It is much more useful to bring a few individual anti-terrorism missiles than automatic combat robots. By that time, whether you are hiding in a lighthouse base waiting for supernatural psychics to open a portal to rescue you, or making a desperate raid on Washington, there will be no need for bulky fortress-type automatic combat robots. This mission has been a mess since the Martians joined. He whispered to the commander of the guards. The Martians do not have professional military thinking. We should have taken command from the beginning.

There are political struggles on Mars, Ronald. Countries on the same continent on Earth have disputes, and the distance between Earth and Mars can cause a lot of misunderstandings. At present, we cannot communicate frequently with Mars, which will undoubtedly cause extremely serious consequence.

Constantine addressed the sergeant by his first name over the communication channel.

The two parties have a long history of cooperation, and the First Secret Corps does not have the so-called transhuman phobia and is often outspoken with each other. Although every attempt by the sergeant to use humor to get the Janissaries to respond failed, Constantine never stopped such behavior and instead found it amusing.

Seeing that the sergeant could not understand, Constantine had no choice but to continue explaining in straightforward language. This was the conclusion that Regent Victor von Doom came to after explaining the Emperor's orders to him in a voice chat. It was not an accident that Epsilon-Rodney-Radium-223 joined the operation. She came after There are many targets in the middle class of Mars who have been selected like her. The emperor must make some efforts if he wants to completely receive Mars. After all, time waits for no one, and everyone has responsibilities to bear.

The Great Sage of Mars is loyal to the emperor, but he has more important tasks to perform. There will inevitably be vacancies in the power of Mars in the future. Other sages of Mars have their own ideas. An automatic combat robot modified by the emperor himself can provide We have a lot of help. Epsilon Rodney Radium 223 is very smart. She knows the price of standing on the earth's side. The knowledge in the fortress-type automatic combat robot is a gift given to her by the emperor, and it is also a disguised form. compensate.

The mentioned Martian Sage had no time to eavesdrop on the calls between the First Secret Regiment and the Praetorian Guards, not only because she was incompetent, but also because she was already occupied by the Life-Model Decoy project and the Lighthouse Base network offensive and defensive battle. Most energy.

You guys who are playing politics are really... Sergeant Ronald shook his head and was speechless, and finally gave up the idea of ​​giving an evaluation. The sergeant thought that he would never understand the twists and turns in this in his life. It was still difficult for a soldier holding a weapon to understand those bloodless struggles. I need an exact time of action, sir. As long as the Rangers adjust their weapons to non-lethal mode, I think we can take down the entire lighthouse base in less than ten minutes, and SHIELD agents can no longer play hide and seek with us. The most important thing is, sir, do you plan to join?

Constantine glanced at Epsilon Rodney Radium-223, which was tangled in a pile of cables, and nodded.

Very good, then go find a passage that allows you to enter. Sergeant Ronald reminded him kindly, Some of the supports here only use grids and steel bars. They cannot bear the weight of you and the power armor. , sir. If you want to make a superhero come true, just pretend I didn’t say this.

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