Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1369 The Pentagon’s political game (first update)

Agent Coulson.

Jeffrey Mace stopped the agent as he tried to leave. He stepped forward quickly and tied the buttons of his suit with his other hand, followed closely by the group of staff in suits and ties behind him. For some reason, whenever he saw this scene, Phil Coulson would always think of the mother duck leading the ducklings. At this time, he tried to think of Jeffrey Mace's duck cartoon image, which made him think about it later. There is often an enigmatic smile in the eyes of the person.

Now, Jeffrey Mace, who seems to fit the image of a white elite, military-style, upright, fair and impartial law enforcer in the minds of left- and right-wing voters, is a popular figure in Congress, attracting attention wherever he goes. What's more, he is also the so-called superpower - everyone praises the current Democratic presidential candidate for his ruthless vision, finding such a person who perfectly meets all the characteristics, and pushing the diversity process to an unprecedented level. It’s just that Jeffrey Mace, who is at the center of the political whirlpool, may have realized his attributes as a tool, but he definitely has no idea of ​​the role he may play, because no campaign office will tell him the truth.

Admiral Talbot invited us to dinner.

I'm very grateful to General Talbot for the kind invitation, Commander Mace. Agent Coulson raised his wrist and glanced at his watch, but I'm worried that there's a peach pie being cooked in the kitchen at home.

Jeffrey Mace glanced at him, then waved the agents behind him to move back, including Agent Boros, who was carrying the suitcase at that moment. Are you still angry, Agent Coulson? the new SHIELD director asked, We went to Congress today, to the Treasury Department, and we are sorting out SHIELD's affairs during the Hydra rebellion. Loss. Presidential pardons are not easy to come by. The President has his own rivals, and the CIA and Congress are not all Democratic supporters. This is politics, Phil Colson, and politics is the art of compromise. Although I hate this kind of behavior, but I know that these hearings are helping you and those SHIELD agents, so that those loyal patriots can walk in the sun again.

It is also to incriminate those agents. Agent Coulson said softly. There are many politicians who are worried that the secrets Nick Fury left me will affect their political futures.

I don't deny this possibility. Jeffery Mace said, But for the White House, finding the lurking Hydra far exceeds the selfish desires of a few politicians, otherwise the president would not be there before the election. Reorganize SHIELD. This means that in this political game, I have gained the ability to protect loyal SHIELD agents. I need you, you are an experienced SHIELD agent, and I need your help to reorganize S.H.I.E.L.D.

Agent Phil Coulson sighed. It's not that I don't trust you, Director Mace. But SHIELD is a protective wall that stands between ignorance and danger. I cannot agree to the request of Mr. President and General Talbot to hand over all SHIELD secrets. Nick Fur Ray is not a candid person, and the secrets in my hand are not all SHIELD confidential documents, but they are not willing to believe it anyway. They only want to believe what they believe, even if SHIELD is rebuilt with this support , will soon fall again due to political struggles in Congress. He said, What's more, SHIELD is a neutral organization of the Security Council, and we cannot fall to any country.

Nick Fury is taking a lot from the defense budget.

But I only got a blank check. Phil Coulson expressed a narrow expression. Every year I accept a task, which is to go to the Pentagon to ask for money. Every time, General Talbot will hold a reception and give it to me. Look at the new equipment the Pentagon is developing. Do you remember the story of the Bradley Fighting Vehicle? That happens every year, over and over again, and it never stops.

Jeffrey Mace took a breath, not knowing how to retort.

The scandal of the M2 Bradley infantry fighting vehicle is a household name. The Pentagon’s major arms procurement scandal involves more than 20 military-industrial companies and hundreds of Pentagon officials. While Congress has added regulations to try to prevent this from happening, the Pentagon controlled by the military-industrial complex, lobbyists in Washington, and vote guarantees have made those regulations meaningless.

If you want to become a general, you should participate in the research and development of a new type of equipment.

As a newcomer in the military-industrial complex, Stark Industries has created a large number of characters with general titles over several decades. This is also what Stark Industries and Tony Stark are giving up. After military research and development, he was still nominated to become the Secretary of Defense. Tony Stark even dared to challenge Ross, who was a senior Pentagon official at the time, and took the disposal power of Bruce Banner into his own hands. The Avengers title is worthless to Pentagon and White House officials, but the interests of Stark Industries are very compelling.

If he is more malicious, who knows how much money General Talbot earned before he was promoted to this rank, and how many guarantees he received from the military-industrial complex. Jeffrey Mace himself could not guarantee that General Talbot was absolutely innocent, because he knew that there were no clean people in Washington.

If you don't mind, I think I should go home and have dinner. Agent Coulson pointed to the door with a relaxed expression. Although the new S.H.I.E.L.D. had just been formed, Jeffrey Mace was still able to arrange special transportation for agents. But until now, Jeffrey Mace still has not been able to figure out the location of Agent Coulson's base, because Agent Phil Coulson took an international flight, and their agents also picked him up at the airport. All information indicates that Agent Coulson was not pretending to be a passenger, but actually participated in a long-distance flight. I hope you can form your own S.H.I.E.L.D., Director Mace. Agent Phil Coulson had a gentle expression and his high hairline looked very trustworthy. I don't believe those politicians. But I believe you, otherwise I would not agree to Daisy Johnson cooperating with your publicity work.

Ronald Reagan. Colson said to the cab after getting in the car, Faster, boy, I need to catch the next plane.

I don't think you need to be too anxious, Agent Coulson. The familiar voice of the co-pilot sent shivers down Agent Coulson's spine. A face with obvious Middle Eastern descent turned from the front, a smile lingering at the corners of his eyes and mouth. Phil Coulson knew this face. He even knew what it looked like as a child. Long time no see, Agent Coulson. I have something I want to talk to you about. This matter is very important and involves the lives of many people, so I won't allow you to refuse.

Where are those agents? Agent Coulson quickly calmed down, You won't hurt them, right?

In your mind, have I become a murderer?

What you did in Albania was more horrific than the most deranged murderer in the world. Agent Coulson abandoned his disguise, There is also the verdict of the former Raslav International Tribunal, which is a war criminal recognized by the United Nations.

Those are war criminals from the Balkan Peninsula and have nothing to do with the United Nations. The person sitting in the passenger seat shook his head. He made a gesture, and the car belonging to the new S.H.I.E.L.D. immediately started and drove along the planned route. “Now human trafficking, drug trafficking and weapons smuggling in Europe have been reduced by 30%, and a large number of criminal groups in exile in Western Europe have been arrested and eliminated. If only because I did not shout the slogan of justice, I would be recognized as a criminal. , this is a bit unfair, isn't it? But these are irrelevant. I have no intention to defend my actions, because I know what is right and what is wrong. After I let those poor people have a stable and prosperous life, Getting them to give up their superstitions is not a particularly serious problem.

So you want to convince me?

No way, Agent Coulson, convincing you won't do the Balkans any good, he said. I came to you about another matter, about Robbie Reyes.

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