Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1347 Sharpening the Knife (First Update)

After night enters the city of Budapest, in the orange-red streetlights all over the city streets, trapped small flying insects keep hitting the old glass cover with piles of burnt insect corpses. Apart from the occasional passing vehicle, the streets were quiet, with few residents taking a stroll. Under the silhouette of the street lights, the war engine standing near the Capitol casts a long blurry ghost shadow like a mythical Titan, and the aircraft's signal lights flickered intermittently like stars in the deep sky that have fallen out of the atmosphere. The pinnacle of steel craftsmanship assembles and forges alloys from the atomic level to create a variety of materials used in war engines and heavy armored vehicles. Even now, this technology seems to be beyond the imagination of ordinary people. The only similarity on Earth is powder forging. Although the technology used on Mars is also developed from this primitive technology, the armor plates produced are much higher than the alloys produced on Earth in terms of strength, heat resistance and other indicators. Only tiles Kandar's vibranium talent is comparable to it.

All Budapestians knew that their conqueror was seated in the splendid Reichstag. No need to see the Ministry of Justice armored vehicles of legislators roaring through the streets, no need to make the noise of firing laser weapons and bolt weapons, order came naturally. From the city of Budapest to the suburban Pest district, everything is quiet. Drunkards rarely stay sober. LBGT supporters do not publicize their obscene joyful behavior in the streets. Even pet dogs running around and thieves hiding in the shadows have disappeared.

Hammurabi's cold face was rarely filled with helplessness, because the emperor's pranks escalated again.

Behind the gorgeous dark brown desk, on the chair specially prepared for giants, there is only one of the most common dolls in fashion stores, which looks very funny against the tall chair back. Apparently the Imperial Guards failed to discover the emperor's escape in time. Amon, who returned to the office to deliver the task, frowned at the funny sight. Do we need to initiate a battle plan? As far as I know, you should stay the course, Captain.

When the emperor doesn't want us to find him, we can't find him. What's more, we can't disobey his orders. Hammurabi waved his hand, and in the other hand he held a hand larger than that of an ordinary person. A heavy halberd. Before, he stood at the door of the voting hall and blocked all the MPs inside according to the emperor's ideas. The soldiers of the First Secret Regiment stopped the families of the Canadian MPs and some political brokers with interests involved. Now it seems that it is only the emperor's. One of the little tricks. However, Hammurabi was not angry. After all, this was not the first time that this happened. If the emperor wanted to hang out alone, he could have ordered the guards to retreat. Now this behavior is just a tacit joke between the master and the servant. .

Report to Commander Constantine. Hammurabi could fully imagine the expression on the commander's face after receiving the news. It must be very interesting. He is not worried about the emperor's condition. The imperial guards have 100% trust and loyalty to the emperor. This is an apparent trait engraved in the miraculous genetic code. If the emperor decides that he can go out without the imperial guards, it means that there is no Where the Praetorian Guards are used. Beyond me, only he has the right to veto my right not to activate the emergency plan. Hammurabi said in the tone of an experienced person, This is not the first time this has happened. He must think that it is not suitable for us now. A conspicuous warrior appeared beside me.

What will your Majesty do?

Who knows, maybe he is taking a walk? Hammurabi browsed the images on the combat display, but did not find the sneak traces he wanted to see, and the police station's call did not indicate any traces of the emperor. Perhaps because Hungary's law enforcement agencies are quite lazy, even Hammurabi heard several unhandled police calls when monitoring the communication network, and most of them were concentrated in what could be called a slum in the Pest district. There is nothing wrong with retaining ancient buildings, but retaining ancient buildings while ignoring modern infrastructure construction will only lead to historical buildings gradually turning into slums. Even if the 13th-century old house has been reinforced, it is still dark and damp, and even the installation of natural gas and running water is difficult. is the problem. No one can figure out what he's thinking, not even Constantine, I'm afraid.

I'm sure he can.

Amon subconsciously rotated the halberd and poked it backwards, but before his brain could react, he forced his muscles and nerve-linked power armor to terminate the huge inertia. Even so, the sharp halberd blade still cut a long crack on the marble floor, and the harsh noise of the friction between metal and rock was like an ice pick in the material universe, almost deafening the eardrums of the mortal soldiers guarding nearby. Such a movement caused a black-armored soldier from the First Secret Regiment to rush into the passage five seconds later and raise his laser rifle in this direction. The emperor even heard the responses of other combat groups in the soldier's communicator, as well as the defense The heavy footsteps of soldiers running in other parts of the Capitol and the sound of heartbeats like bells.

The emperor waved his hand, terminated the urgent mission of these loyal soldiers, and sent them all back.

My lord. Hammurabi lowered his head. He realized that every time he saw the emperor, he found that he was taller than himself. He always believed that this was the emperor's true height, but Amon had a completely different answer to related questions. He believed that 2 meters was the emperor's true height, but the emperor could change his body shape and appearance at will, so whether it was true or not did not matter. significance. I'm glad you made it back in time.

There is no problem here. Thank you for your responsibility, soldiers, and please deploy according to the original arrangements. Don't worry, Amon, I am glad that you can stay vigilant. This is the value of my creation. Hammurabi, I When did you become irresponsible? The emperor yawned and pushed open the office door. Hammurabi discovered some inconspicuous details, such as the emperor's increasingly cold tone, but he did not take it to heart. Instead, he attributed it to the emperor's unsatisfactory walk, rather than the fact that the emperor's tone was getting colder and colder. other reasons. The work here can be completely left to the First Secret Regiment. Victor will arrive in 30 minutes and be ready to receive it. I believe Victor will be able to solve the problem.

My lord, do you have a secret communication channel with the regent? Amon followed closely behind the emperor, almost stepping on the heel of the emperor's shoe. Can we please check the confidentiality and security of this secret communication channel?

Don't worry about the security of the etheric transmission. This is not the talent of the Guards. Amon, you, like other Guards, are born to control the existence of the material universe. There is no need to understand the mysteries of outer dimensions. You only need to have Basic knowledge is enough.”

If she hadn't been faced with more and more official duties every night, the classes and rest treatments arranged by the emperor would have been enough to make her think she was on vacation. Working all night made Victoria Hand drowsy, perhaps because of the calming medicine given by Master Hamil. She fell asleep in her small room as soon as she boarded the assault transport ship. It wasn't until the crew came to wake her up that she realized that her short relaxation trip was over, and she would soon be back to hard work again - Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary. Thinking of these place names gave her a headache. Long before the emperor's rise, the Balkans was one of the world's largest transit points for weapons, population, and drugs. Budapest, in particular, was a spy capital similar to Vienna. She also personally sent spies and agents to Budapest. The city has carried out missions - the mission to recruit agent Natasha Romanov was not the only story that took place in Budapest.

The assault transport craft landed in the square in front of the Capitol, and its vector engines burned the gray-white ground to black. Victoria Hand saw that the most magnificent building in Budapest, the Parliament Building, had changed its appearance at this moment. The First Secret Regiment had set up layers of checkpoints, deployed a large number of heavy armor units to guard strategic locations, and even had several field anti-aircraft missiles. The car was parked in the square, and the radar continuously monitored the surrounding airspace. What trouble are we facing here? Victoria Hand asked her deputy as soon as she got off the plane, Is there any relevant report?

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