Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1345 Forced Resolution (First Update)

The Cheshire Cat can swear that it has never instilled in Milia a concept similar to that of its owner leaving home for hunting. When Bayonetta held up the mobile phone and placed it next to its head, it immediately began to image the owner. He made excuses and confessions, including overturning the plate every morning, jumping on the sofa to sharpen his claws, and opening the refrigerator to eat fish.

It also yelled at Joan of Arc, pointing out that it was not the only one who secretly opened the refrigerator. Joan of Arc would also eat ice cream secretly at night, and was discovered by the Cheshire Cat who liked to wander around late at night. In order to seal it, she would give it a scoop of ice cream, and then take it out of the window while its brain was frozen. Throw it out and smash it into the bushes. Although it makes the cat angry, the Cheshire cat can't resist the sweet, milky smell of fat. That is an irresistible temptation for every cat. As long as it takes a bite, the unpleasantness of the past will be completely forgotten, and the same thing will have the same result next time.

The Cheshire Cat knew he had been fooled.

The witch played a video of the previous owner's phone call, and it had watched it once, but it was busy enjoying the snacks handed to it by the witch and completely forgot about it within a few seconds. Bayonetta put down her phone, turned around, picked up a pillow and threw it at Jeanne. Those ice creams were handmade ice creams brought back by the emperor from all over the world, and they agreed to sit on the windowsill and taste them after enjoying themselves. Joan of Arc couldn't help but accidentally stuffed the ice cream into her stomach while eating snacks. That's why Bayonetta was so angry when she found out that the ice cream was missing in the morning, but by that time the emperor had already left for work. , not seeing Bayonetta's rare direct anger.

She spent the whole day trying to find the real culprit, monitoring everyone who came near the refrigerator.

The Cheshire Cat immediately took advantage of the chaos and fled the scene with its tail between its legs, hiding behind Milia who was holding a sponge sword in her hand, staring wide-eyed at the increasingly fierce pillow fight in the living room. The girl was obviously a little disappointed because today her adoptive father promised to go home early to play a sword game with her - a game where children's toy sponge swords are used to attack each other. The main purpose is to train Milia's ability to judge distance and pace - —For children who are not yet able to conduct a lot of aggressive training, this kind of experience will allow them to quickly learn various techniques of close combat in the future, and achieve excellent results in actual combat training. After all, in close combat, The most basic course of distance judgment is also the most difficult to master. Even the emperor and the witch will often train during the confrontation. They all hope that she, Miria, can do her best.

It's just that they won't put too much pressure on her now, and Milia only regards this as a confrontational game to vent her energy. For a girl who is getting familiar with this manor and becoming more and more naughty, this kind of game is nothing more than a game. It was just another interesting activity besides chasing sheep, hugging bear cubs, and fishing for shrimps every day. Although she was a little disappointed that her adoptive father could not attend, for a girl who looked six to seven years old but was actually only two to three years old, she would have fun for herself, especially before being pushed to the table for dinner. A fleeting time.

The Cheshire cat that has been rubbing against her legs is her new toy.

Bayonetta kept sending him messages and pictures.

The original picture was of Millia holding a sponge sword and chasing the Cheshire cat around. The gray cat was just a long gray shadow in the photo, except for two long shining eyes. Can't see anything clearly. Then there was the girl who was struggling and crying in her arms, and then there was Miria sitting dejectedly at the dining table and the equally dejected Jeanne, and the proud selfie standing in front of their Bayonetta. The Emperor would occasionally pick up the dataslate, glance at it, send a message to Bayonetta and then put it down. A few minutes later he repeated the process again, even if no new information prompted him to do so, seemingly not listening to the reports of the Hungarian provincial officials.

But this also made those people relieved.

Some had been exposed to the emperor during the ceremony, when the emperor himself descended on Budapest to carry out the beheading, a majesty so majestic it was almost impossible to look at it. This is a statement rather than a description, and it was indeed difficult to see the Emperor's face that night under the light of the assault transports that filled the sky. It's just that this time the emperor looked like just a taller ordinary person. Although he still exuded an indescribable aura of majesty, he no longer had the inaccessible and trance-like god-like majesty, but a peaceful one. The atmosphere is like a long stretch of towering mountains covered with snow and black rocks.

The emperor did not take away their original power, and even eliminated all candidates for votes and allowed them to rule the entire province of Hungary, but if their power could not fulfill the duties given by the emperor, the emperor could give them the power at any time. Take back. According to expectations, the person who came to the former parliament building of the Hungarian province and the current governor's palace should be the regent Victor von Doom, a bureaucrat who can't live without power armor, instead of holding a long sword and carrying a forbidden weapon. Emperor of the Guards.

The Emperor does not accept excuses, does not accept weakness, and does not accept shirk. He will only ask you to perform your duties, and if you can't then he will find someone who can do it to take over your job. Although the Hungarian provinces have always resisted the reorganization of the administrative department, they were unable to resist the general trend set off by the emperor. Many core departments and functions were replaced, and many departments were simply abolished or merged. It seemed that many people's positions were divided into high and low positions overnight. , the past situation of having to lobby everywhere in order to implement a certain bill has completely disappeared.

No lobbying, just orders and cooperation.

Although the European Union still calls Hungary a country rather than a province in order to split Latvinia, it is no longer in the name of a democratic country. In the eyes of some idiots, the world is a struggle between autocracies and democracies. Centralization of power is pure evil in the eyes of many Europeans. However, they praise and admire the tough tyrants in history and consciously praise them. To others, the Emperor was simply using the datapad to conduct official business. However, everyone knows that a blizzard is about to blow on the towering mountains hidden by the clouds - the emperor's itinerary is public this afternoon, and the war criminals detained by the United Nations War Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia are brought to the Royal City is also big news. Because of this news in Bosnia and Herzegovina The response was extremely enthusiastic, which made the emperor very unhappy. No one knows now how many people this storm will affect and how widespread it will be.

Romanian officials and civilians imprisoned and executed more than 20,000 people under the purges of the emperor and regent, and the number continued to grow. Although corruption, collusion between officials and businessmen, and gang problems throughout Romania have been greatly improved, many people are worried that the emperor will not stop the purge, and may even intensify the purge. With the lessons learned from Romania, Hungarian provincial officials are worried whether this matter will evolve to the level of Stalin's purges during the Soviet Union. After all, the rhetoric originally prepared for the regent Victor von Doom was completely unacceptable to the emperor. No effect.

I need the provincial council to pass a resolution and all council members must vote.

It was not until most of the senior officials of the Hungarian province had entered the office that the Emperor looked away from the data pad. He listened to the debriefing reports for several hours and read the investigation reports compiled by the Intelligence Department of the Imperial Order, the Defense Intelligence Department, and the Supervisory Committee of the Ministry of Justice. As long as he is willing, he can even know what some officials whisper to their lovers while lying in bed at night - there is no need to install eavesdropping equipment at all, smartphones are the best tool. If there is no Faraday bag, eavesdropping and surveillance can be carried out even if the mobile phone is turned off, and it is even easier to obtain some emails or call recordings. These senior officials are all elected officials. They are essentially vote-getting machines rather than state tools. They are not even aware of the latter, so they have no sense of confidentiality at all.

Until the vote is completed, all functions will be temporarily performed by other officials, said the emperor. You will have water and bread, but that is all. I will wait here for the results of your vote.


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