Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1328 Halo Star Castle (Second update)

The more Victoria Hand listened, the worse her face became.

Now Steve Rogers and his two friends have returned to the capital on a light transport plane, and their conversations in the armored vehicle were all recorded in the combat recording device and sent back by agents of the Defense Intelligence Agency. The intelligence arrived The capital time is earlier than them. Victoria Hand was a little unbelievable, because in her mind, it was impossible for Steve Rogers not to know that he was the subject of surveillance, and that his every word and deed would be recorded, but he was still blatantly in the car. Plan to betray the emperor.

This made her subconsciously think that this was some kind of deliberately released false news, a means specifically used to divert the attention of the intelligence agencies. There must be a more terrifying conspiracy worthy of Steve Rogers' cover. However, she still stopped herself from thinking further. After all, intelligence work was most taboo about presupposing a position, otherwise any signs and evidence would be regarded as proof. However, she still issued an order to monitor and monitor the Black Widow Natasha Romanoff.

Victoria Hand knew that if there was anyone who would lend a helping hand to Steve Rogers, it would be Black Widow Natasha Romanoff. Victoria Hand never believed in her, nor the Avengers, because she was not a Captain America admirer like Phil Coulson, and she knew that none of the Avengers had been in school long enough. There are many top students in science and engineering, but they can influence the direction of many real-life events. This is an extremely irresponsible behavior. But she knew that Natasha Romanoff was an exception. In addition to having a lot of scientific knowledge, she was also very rational and had good intelligence gathering abilities. If Steve Rogers would reveal something, Black Widow would definitely know something. What.

Now this woman is still staying on the Tianjian Space Station, living in the room arranged for her by the emperor. All calls on the space station will be monitored, and it will be too late to monitor her until she returns to Earth. For a moment, Victoria Hand thought that the emperor could get some information from the snake-like woman, because the close relationship between the two was not a secret in the eyes of some people. She had no problem with the emperor's private life, and could even say that she wanted to see a humane emperor rather than a cold ruling machine on the battlefield.

She had seen the latter before, and it was the most terrifying thing in the world. Victoria Hand didn't want to face it again. She would rather work with the former than the latter. However, she chose to issue a warning through the Regent and the Praetorian Order, raising Natasha Romanoff's danger level, lest the woman plunge a dagger into the emperor's neck when he was alone with him. Without the emperor, Latovinia will lose its greatest deterrence. Europe and the United States will not sit still and wait for death. The entire Balkan Peninsula will fall into war again, and proxy wars will begin again.

Minutes after she sent the suggestion through the computer made on Mars, she received a formal communication letter from the Praetorian Order. No, there is no need to spend extra money and manpower on repeated actions. Victoria Hand glanced at the electronic official letter and the anti-counterfeiting signature code in the lower right corner of the official letter: Constantine, Commander-in-Chief of the Praetorian Order. Lightning, halberd and golden eagle. Confirmed, this is the document sent by the Imperial Guards. Now she knew that she had done something unnecessary again. But I think this matter needs to be discussed in detail. Please come to the Praetorian Sisters meeting room during lunch time to communicate.

What kind of official letter did you send to get such a reply, V? When she was still working in SHIELD, Victoria Hand had a good relationship with her deputy, otherwise no one would dare to joke with her. This relationship now also extends to the Latovinian Defense Intelligence Service. After all, the deputy is also one of those held accountable by Congress. Victoria Hand personally presided over an operation to bring him and his family to Latovini. Ya. It's not a date request, is it? Everyone knows that the Praetorian Guards are immortal, genetically modified warriors, and they are not interested in humans.

Invitation to lunch, I plan to talk to Constantine and try the protein nutritional paste in the Guards canteen. Victoria Hand rolled her eyes and picked up her briefcase from the table, Now the time has come ,I have to go now.

This was not the first time she had seen the Praetorian Guards. Compared to others, Victoria Hand's phobia of Superman had long been desensitized. Ms. Hand. Constantine bowed his head slightly and acted very politely, Thank you very much for coming to the appointment.

I'm ready for a taste of nutritious puree. Victoria Hand looked around. She was not the only one who came to the deepest office in the royal city. Representatives from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Regent's Office, and various provincial offices were all coming in and out of the castle. In contrast, the building where she worked in the intelligence department The newly built pure white building looks much deserted.

The commander of the Imperial Guard grinned. It's very humorous. Ordinary people can't digest the metal components in the nutrient puree. He said, I have asked the chef to prepare the dishes. I hope you like the French food.

So what do you want from me, Commander?

Please call me Constantine. The commander of the Guards was obviously not used to chatting with people outside the order. As he led Victoria Hand to the emperor's office, he held the crimson shirt with his armored fingers. He didn't speak until he arrived at the small dining room of the office and sat on a dining chair specially designed for superhumans, My Lord needs your help, Ms. Hand.

I can only fulfill my responsibilities, Constantine. Victoria Hand shook her head without thinking, He doesn't need my help. I don't think there is anything he can't do, right?

My Lord has always been opposed to this idea. He is a human being. Although he is powerful, he is not omniscient and omnipotent. Constantine whispered a few instructions to the servants. About twenty seconds later, all irrelevant personnel left the emperor's exclusive restaurant. Don't be nervous. He took out a data pad and called up a photo, then pushed it in front of Victoria Hand. This is where my Lord needs your help.

This is space.

This is also the Coboy Belt. Constantine nodded, Remember the Quetzalcoatl incident not long ago? Your authority should be able to understand the details of the matter. If you have read the files, then you should be familiar with the Coboy Belt. It won’t be unfamiliar.”

But I still don't know why a sky aircraft carrier can travel to the Koboy Belt in a short time. It is at least forty astronomical units away from the earth. The engine of the sky aircraft carrier will never be able to make such a voyage, even if Yes, the people on the ship would have died of hunger, thirst, and suffocation long ago.”

This is not the point. The point is what the sky carrier discovered during its observations in the Koboy Belt. Constantine clicked on the picture and then enlarged one of the details hundreds of times. The picture was still clear, and Victoria Hand followed the direction of Constantine's finger and discovered the real focus of the commander of the Guards.

A building?

Yes, an alien building. The voice of the commander of the Imperial Guard became serious and low, It was built before the birth of human civilization. When we were still in the wilderness, this star fort was already floating on Corboy. With this galaxy halo.

Who built it? Victoria Hand was a little surprised, but not to the point where she was confused. Is it the alien we know?

Yes, it's the Kree. SHIELD once seized a Kree corpse. Hydra, the ancient faith of Hydra, is also the Kree's biochemical weapon. There are still remnants of those biochemical weapon mutants on the moon. Constantine clicked the play button, pointed to a bright spot on the star fort and said, What's worse is that we found that there are still traces of activity in this star fort. In other words, there are Kree in the Corboy Belt. People move.”

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