Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1325 Interstellar Logistics Planning (First Update)

The largest cargo ship on earth is just an extremely small ship in the void channel. The Mars Foundry, the first futures ship that flies into space from the top of Mount Olympus on Mars, the highest peak in the solar system, is actually the same as The cargo ships on Earth are about the same size. They are just landing modules carrying war engines attached to rockets. The carrying capacity cannot reduce the cost of void logistics much.

Although an entire container of Martian soil is just a test product used by the Mars foundry to test logistics routes, even so, as a gift for establishing diplomatic relations, Martian soil can also demonstrate Latovinia's technological strength and ambitions. It is both a gift and a hidden warning. The Earth has never been the ambition of the Emperor of Latvinia, and he has never taken the United Nations' Outer Space Agreement seriously. With an entire container of Martian soil to prove his scientific research capabilities, he can also use it to summon the world Top scientists have built Latvinia into a country that flaunts progress, rationality and science.

As the culprit who blatantly undermines the international order, undermines the illusion of peace created by trade agreements and the common interests of vested interests, intervenes in strategic locations in Europe, and is very likely to bring the world back to the era of war, Latovinia's reputation is not good. How nice it sounds. Without the emperor's powerful personal strength and scientific and technological advantages, without the precision strike technology demonstrated by teleportation technology, without the ability to conquer the entire Balkan Peninsula in one fell swoop to quell all ethnic vendettas, even if the regent Victor von Doom personally visited It is unlikely that many trade treaties will be obtained, after all, Latovinia itself does not hold the moral high ground.

As an advocate and inheritor of transhumanism, the earth is only his starting point, not his end.

He has always adhered to the concept of cooperation for the human race and treated all races, nationalities and human governments equally, because he knew that all humans must unite to survive in this gray universe. Only by establishing the survival hegemony of the human race can we completely resolve all external conflicts and existential crises brought about by aliens, and achieve a long period of stable development. However, this seems to many people to be a fantasy and is to cover up personal ambitions. Just rhetoric.

The emperor doesn't care about this slander at all. When the alien fleet that today's human society and will cannot resist arrives, people will see the truth clearly in the shadow of fear and death, and the money earned by the vested interests will only turn into Meaningless numbers, the need to survive will become the only one that outweighs all needs. But this slander still hinders the development of advanced Latvinia. The emperor had foreseen all this long before the establishment of Latvinia, otherwise he would not have deliberately placed the industrial base on Mars to keep it away from the Earth's regime. Dispute has unrestricted access to a large amount of industrial raw materials, breaks scientific ethics and conducts experiments to explore the limits of science. At the same time, it mobilizes the entire Balkan Peninsula to build a giant orbital tower in order to skip the Tianjian Space Station with a smaller carrying capacity and receive large-scale castings from Mars. Prepare the ordnance shipped from the factory.

Victor von Doom still believed that the emperor's ideas were exaggerated, and that a whole box of Martian soil could not buy a top science course. Who are you planning to recruit? he asked the emperor, who was bowing his head to paint. As long as a scientist claims to go to Mars, he will be kicked back even if he can't get to the airport, and he might even be investigated as a spy. I am absolutely Air power will not be dispatched to pick up a certain scientist, which will only lower Latvinia's international reputation again and cause trouble for my subsequent visit.

Do you remember Thumbelina? Victor von Doom thought the emperor was talking to the little girl on his knee. Because he saw that the emperor drew many very cute medieval-style pictures on that manuscript, such as a knight riding a snail chasing a thatched house with chicken feet, a man kidnapped by a rabbit, a man playing a trumpet with his butt, etc. , Victor von Doom nodded only when he confirmed that the emperor was not telling Melia the story of Thumbelina.

The artificial intelligence?

Harold Finch, he has unparalleled programming ability and can use the simplest technology to write silicon-based intelligence. The current sentiment analysis module of the Mars Foundry is a technology developed based on the code he wrote. The emperor touched Milia's head and deliberately messed up the girl's hair so that he would not be the only one to be scolded when he saw the witch later. This is just an example. Not every top scholar is under official control. What if, and I mean if, Harold Finch could be invited to Mars to free him from his meaningless vigilante career? , I will be very happy.”

What about Jane Foster? Victor von Doom said, Your other identity is still a master's degree at that institute. You have the opportunity to recruit Jane Foster, a Nobel Prize winner. Mars works.”

That is the Nobel Prize, not a particularly weighty award. This does not deny Jane Foster's scientific research results, but without Saul and the Rainbow Bridge, Jane Foster would not have won that award because she The observational data in that paper about the Einstein-Rosen Bridge is unique. Unless the Rainbow Bridge comes to the earth again and happens to be observed, others will not be able to repeat the calculation. The emperor still did not look up, Of course, we all know She was right, but the Nobel Prize she won was not so much awarded to her as to the Asgardians. It was a political award and did not mean much, compared to the Black Hole of the same year. Horizon research papers are more creative.”

I understand, I will add the Mars scientific research base cooperation plan to my next visit schedule. Victor von Doom nodded, But what about Marbas's thoughts?

It will gradually be separated from the Mars Foundry. The task I arranged for it is to research and care for the Celestial God Group. And now the class system of the Mars Foundry has been formed. Anyone who joins Mars will become a Martian and accept that A set of ideas that puts science first. The emperor raised the corners of his mouth and said happily. The Celestial Group is the foundation of the Mars Foundry. Countless technologies analyzed from reverse engineering are used in all aspects. What is even more frightening is that this Celestial Group is still alive, living and existing in the material universe with science and technology that humans cannot understand. It is a dangerous treasure, and the Martian Foundry must carefully grope for it, determined to hide its secrets.

Do you think everyone can be like us and use short life experiences as anchors for long-term thinking? The emperor talked about a social problem that will be faced in the future, especially with the advancement of technology, human beings in order to obtain more Longer lifespan and stronger physique will inevitably start to turn to machinery rather than genetic modification. Compared with the latter, the former seems to be safer, and the updates and iterations are more comprehensive. Once they begin to accept large-scale prosthetic modifications to adapt to the time of Mount Olympus, it is not they who have the final say on how much humanity remains, but the machine.

He picked up the pen and used the soft tip to write and draw in the air, and a human nerve map appeared out of thin air in the blink of an eye. There are only so many nerves in human beings, and the electrical signals that can be transmitted are also fixed. Exceeding this limit is likely to drive people crazy. This kind of thing is not uncommon in the early stages of the development of the Mars Foundry. If artificial nerves and thinking are not added, As for modules, installing prosthetic bodies at will will only drive you crazy. So if even the brain is not your own, how many parts can be considered human beings? He said, The premise is that people deny the existence of souls, and I will also tell them Denying the existence of the soul will only call it a pan-dimensional spiritual projection. See, so there is no need to worry about this. If you join Mars, you are a Martian. You only need to consider how to deal with the accountability of the scientists' families.

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