Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1322 Distraught (Second update)

Water flowed from the brass faucet, and the almost boiling hot water overflowed from the beautifully embossed edge of the brass bathtub and hit the mosaic tile floor. The white dress hastily thrown on the floor was wet by the overflowing water and became blurry and transparent. . Athena hugged her knees with her arms and curled up so that the water was up to her chest. She closed her eyes and let out a long breath. The trained muscles on her back and tired spirit were gradually relieved by the hot water soaking. This kind of temperature could not harm her at all. The high temperature that could not be heated by household electric water heaters was what she wanted. temperature. The emperor pulled his fingers out from under the water, and the extradimensional power wrapped around his palm turned into flickering sparks and disappeared. He was the one who briefly acted as a water heater. Summoning a pile of boiling water was no trouble.

Athena was lying on the edge of the bathtub with a smile on her face, her half-open eyes filled with thick steam.

Take it. She stretched out her wet, steaming and dripping arms, and raised the wet sponge in front of the emperor in an almost arrogant manner, I provide you with prophecies, and you provide me with Serving, isn’t this a very reasonable thing?”

The emperor took the sponge expressionlessly, put it into the bathtub to draw boiling water, and then put it on Athena's shoulder. The hot water squeezed out of the sponge and rolled down her smooth white back, submerging it into the looming sea under the water. Milky white body. From the beginning of his education, Athena was his enlightenment benchmark for classicism and the beauty of ancient Greek art. Her body best illustrates what beauty is. This is a kind of supernatural beauty. Her flesh and bones are created by the concept of extradimensionality, filled and anchored by myths and legends. No matter from any angle, no matter what state she is in, she has a solemn beauty, even if she acts as a human body The same is true when the model uses herself as an example to teach the emperor painting and sculpture. Eternal beauty runs throughout, as unshakable as a star.

You asked me to do this every day when I was fifteen and eighteen, he said in a blunt tone. Even though some time had passed, the smell of ashes from the burning dream still lingered in his nose until it was extinguished by the thick steam. It's the same now. I think you are just looking for an opportunity to enjoy the feeling of being served by me.

Prophecy is a tiring job, and for me too, it's a fair reward.

Athena didn't open her eyes at all.

She sat curled up and kneeling in the bathtub, just like a female deity in a classic oil painting, with her head resting on her arms placed on the brass angels on the edge of the bathtub. Her satin-like blond hair flowed down like a waterfall, half floating on the water. One side hung down outside the bathtub and caressed the emperor's exposed skin after rolling up his sleeves like a feather. Sharing consciousness is a very intimate thing that can only be done by people who are honest with each other. The emperor did not choose to be completely honest with Athena because he had too many secrets that could not be known. Athena needs extra energy to share her consciousness, otherwise she will not even be able to pass through the maze of the emperor's surface thinking. This is undoubtedly an offense and huge damage to her self-esteem. Even if she wants to express her anger, it is understandable. Original.

She provided the emperor with the omens after interpretation, which took a long time.

The space where consciousness exists has no concept of time, and the experience of experiencing time for hundreds of years may only occur in the blink of an eye in reality. It is difficult for someone to be so deeply immersed in it. Just the gap between perceived time and real time is enough to drive people crazy. After all, not everyone can endure the aging of their souls and ensure that their souls will not suffer from the long time and confusion. Lost in experience. I have seen the marble sculptures you carved, St. Teresa's Fever, that work that took you many years to complete. She closed her eyes and murmured in a dreamy whisper, You can say that you are carving women. Didn’t you use me as a reference when you picked up your body?”

Indeed. The emperor nodded and admitted, But I also made reference to the image of the witch.

The emperor's keen hearing caught her voice that barely left her throat. She was right, he was willing to paint what he saw in front of him, and in a rococo style that he seldom used, because only this style could depict her body and posture after she laid down her weapons and took off her long skirt and armor. look. Francois Boucher's brushwork is worth learning from, such as the 1742 painting Anna After the Bath, but in terms of the erotic expression of the picture, Jean-Honore Fragonard's Door Latch 》 is more tense and more in line with Athena's current state and the restrained emotions she displays.

Athena responded briefly, then stopped talking, enjoying the emperor's caress and the scalding hot water. After a while, she raised her head again and looked at the emperor with eyes as clear and blue as a lake in the sun. The gradually cooling water drops rolled down from her chest and hair, but her expression remained gentle. Come in and stay with me. Opportunities like this are becoming rarer and rarer. I don't want to miss a second.

Stephanie Malik raised her wrist and looked at the time, her irritability palpable.

For four hours, four whole hours, the Emperor did not come out of that apartment. She waited in the passenger seat for a long time, with no communication except for a phone call from her father and Diana Lister. Stephanie knew what was in the glove box, which had been brought to New York from the liquor cabinet of the car in Washington, and the humiliation of it almost drove her crazy. She put the self-defense pistol on her thigh and smoked cigarettes one after another. She finally breathed a sigh of relief when the emperor appeared with steam all over his body.

Your hair is a little wet, she reminded. The wet hair left thin, cold trails on the black woolen coat, but the emperor didn't pay attention. He just shook his head, letting the supernatural steam pass through his hair to prevent it from freezing in such weather. Where are we going next?

Castle, I need you to hand over to Victoria Hand. The emperor started the car and drove the vehicle out of the garage. Before Christmas, the temperature in New York had dropped to the point where it would snow. Perhaps unnoticed, snowflakes had already fallen, turning into sewage on the streets and then freezing, testing the anti-skid coefficient of the tires of all passing vehicles. The emperor's car had not been replaced with anti-skid tires. He was still using summer road tires, so he was very careful when driving, even though it was late at night in New York.

In regard to General Hale, no matter what kind of past Hydra and SHIELD have, you must cooperate. He said while looking at the image reflected on the screen in the rearview mirror of the camera, I can't tolerate it. A Kree outpost hangs out in the Corboy Belt. That outpost will be the spearhead of the Kree Empire's offensive when the Black Order comes.

What about backup? Stephanie Malik put the pistol in the glove box. She had seen the satellite picture of the outpost. Although it was just a blurry gray shadow against the asteroid, it was actually a huge star fort built with alien technology. It used asteroids as materials. It was built and began fulfilling its obligations when human civilization was just born. According to SHIELD's analysis of the Kree's anatomy data, ordinary humans and small-caliber live ammunition weapons cannot fight against the armor used by aliens. She looked at the emperor's eyes in the rearview mirror, without mentioning that he was in the apartment. The experience of, “I need warriors.”

A knight squadron, including two tactical squads and a tactical support squad, as well as supporting armored vehicles and air power. The emperor turned the steering wheel and drove the car towards the intersection. We will not rely on your security forces. Instead, transfer it from the second company. I will give you a formal order. This force is enough to wipe out a modern city. I believe that such an armed force is enough for you to solve the problem.

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