Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1305 Chapter 1301 Understanding the Past (First Update)

Superpowers can be explained by science, but magic cannot. Just like those Asgardians cannot be explained by mankind's past knowledge, everything here cannot be explained by mankind's current knowledge system. Laura Ke While stroking the fluffy animal in his arms, Laofu raised his head and looked at the emperor's face, trying to catch some expression that could prove his conjecture. However, she failed, and the emperor's face was still so calm, The current mainstream theory is that Asgard has the technology to use dark energy, but everything I have experienced tells me that the correct answer is not that simple. I am very grateful to you. Being able to fund my adventure does not mean that I want you to deceive me. Until now, you have not told me what happened to the city of Kit and Jacob.

The city of Kit and Jacob are my future and past. the emperor said. For me, entropy is not irreversible. Your work continues to reveal the secrets of the past, clear up the fog of history, and provide me with guidance. This is the real reason why I sponsor you, because you are the discoverer of historical truth, and what I need most is the truth.

As smart as Lara Croft, she guessed the answer in no time. To be precise, after experiencing so many weird events, she would no longer fix the events on ordinary human common sense, and the whole world was going crazy. Aliens, magic, and what is impossible. Are you denying your own free will? she said. Are you going to travel through time to guide Jacob out of Constantinople?

You can think of it this way, that is my future and their past. The emperor nodded, The timeline is still moving forward, and the future of the superposition state is still extending until we make observations. Free will still exists, and the future still exists. We need to make a choice.”

But no matter how you choose, Jacob will lead his followers to Siberia. Lara Croft pointed out the fallacy in the emperor's words, Since the outcome is already determined, how can there be any free will in it?

Historical truth does not reveal all the details, Laura, and we are humans, not machines. The emperor said with a smile, Even if our destiny is doomed, we can still choose the way to fulfill our destiny. What we create is protected by reason. Humanity, rather than choosing to fall into the abyss of nihilism or cosmic indifference. We must pay attention to the physical universe, because this is our world.”

Only big principles?

I can give you an example that you can understand. Wanda told you about her past, right? The emperor looked at Lara Croft and nodded, saying that he had indeed heard Wanda talk about her past, including the war. , Prison, Learning and Freedom. She will take the arcane path no matter what, because her talent is very powerful, but there are many different ways to take the established path. She can become a learned witch like she is now, although the relationship with her blood relatives is not good , but she can still have a warm family. She can also become a wild mage who knows nothing and relies entirely on instinct. She is so lonely and pitiful that she falls in love with a robot, and is eventually driven crazy by her own talent.

The emperor stretched out his two hands, and the holographic projections of two villains appeared on his palms. Lara Croft discovered that these people were all Wanda, but their mental states and clothing were completely different. This is how we fulfill our destiny. The reason why the heroes in ancient Greek mythology are great is precisely because of the brilliance of humanity shown when they fight against fate. This is the positive side of ancient Greek tragedy. The emperor was a natural speaker. He is very good at persuading others with his own reasons, and this time is no exception, We have never been slaves to fate, we can still control our own destiny. We have united Latovionia, teachers, workers, farmers, and businessmen , soldiers and even children have used their own will to get rid of the 600-year-old tyranny of the Vladimir family and find their own destiny. This kind of cause will continue, and this kind of future will happen to everyone On the body.

I noticed that you like to quote stories from ancient Greece.

There is a reason, but I can't tell you yet, but I believe you will be able to have a happy conversation with her. The emperor nodded, his tone calm. He retracted his hands, and Wanda Maximoff's destiny projection disappeared. I hope that you will be able to complete your work on the archeology of the East Roman and pre-colonial Peruvian era in the tenth century AD. Although those papers are not destined to be published now, I am still willing to collect them for you and put them in the library. They Living forever and known to the world at the right time, Richard and Lara Croft will go down in history as archaeologists who uncovered the truth about history.

I'm very grateful, but...who is she? Lara Croft obviously became curious about the woman the emperor was talking about. Is there anyone worth mentioning all the time?

Haven't you always wanted to take a break from your adventures to discover my secrets? He offered a bait that Lara Croft was willing to bite. That was my foster mother and governess, and I would introduce you to her. . You still have the opportunity to learn more about the truth of history, Laura, and you will understand who she is after you meet her.

The emperor had already had the idea of ​​introducing Lara Croft to Athena, but this time it was just a smooth sailing. He believed that Athena would happily tell someone about her almost unknown book to someone smart and powerful enough. He watched Journey of Myth, and then he could chat with Athena about the witch and ask this arrogant adoptive mother to give respect to mortals. Compared to his conversation with Lara Croft, his communication with Wanda Maximoff was much simpler. Much of the information he learned after entering the Silver Stone Door was related to her, but the Emperor It is better to carefully filter out some information that can be told to her. The key is the truth about the Blood Moon Goddess and the Yasok people.

Wanda waited in the guest room for a long time.

Wanda was ecstatic when she learned that the emperor had put her on the time jump list. She has been deeply involved in the time jump journey and plays a vital role. As the fog of the past was lifted bit by bit, the emperor also discovered that the day of the time jump was gradually approaching. He had been preparing for this time jump for many years, but he didn't expect that the upcoming time jump would be so closely related to the death of the Master Supreme. He even deeply participated in and promoted the latter. This is why he spent so much time. Causes of tension and resentment. He knew that he had to do this to fulfill His Majesty's wish, and he was willing to bear this sin, but this did not mean that he would swallow this breath and not settle the score with the mastermind behind the scenes.

The demon awakened from the thirty-first century timeline caused a series of chain reactions, triggering this time jump journey and affecting the Supreme Mage in the twenty-first century. The emperor's mission is to completely destroy the demon. The prophecy has revealed the time when the emperor and the demon first met, at the death of the Supreme Mage. The second time will be the first landing point after the time jump. , located in the distant past, during the barbaric period when human civilization was beginning to sprout, and the third time was in the thirty-first century, when the devil had just awakened. The emperor understood that his destiny would be to encounter the old ruler demon three times. He also understood that he would eventually kill it. The other party also understood this fact, so he came from the sealed thirty-first century to the second century. In the eleventh century, attempts were made to find a way to kill the emperor.

So His Holiness...does he also know about this? Facing Wanda Maximov's doubts, the emperor nodded. Although he was very reluctant, he had to admit that he could not interfere with this destiny, not only because the Supreme Mage refused him to interfere, but also because he knew that only by not interfering could he completely kill Shuma-Gorath, the old ruler, and bring mankind to an end. Save yourself from a possible terrible fate in the future.

Is this all we can do?

No, we are already involved, Wanda. The emperor's expression did not change at all, but Wanda still noticed the sadness in his heart. The upcoming fate is very difficult for him to accept, because the Supreme Mage has played an extremely important role in his life, but he must accept it, and even must push his fate forward and do things that even he cannot forgive. Because this is the wish of the Supreme Master, the future of the human race must be piled on great sacrifices. This is the time to prepare for battle. We don't have much time.

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