Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1299 Disappointment (first update)

Following the coordinates indicated by the Forbidden Army, the knights activated their jetpacks in just thirty seconds and landed in front of the silver stone door in thick smoke to complete their deployment. This is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous move. The level of danger is much higher than skydiving at night, because the hot smoke generated by burning corpses obscures everything behind. No one knows whether the landing point has enough ground to withstand the impact, or whether he will kick it. Step into the dangerous blood tide. But for the knights, this is just a fairly common military activity. Their nerve reaction speed is enough to correct mistakes and adjust their posture in a short time. Their strong courage also supports them in all dangerous actions.

The addition of the knights brought powerful fire support. Heavy explosive bombs and chain swords stabilized the control range of the Forbidden Army, and approached the open gap of the silver stone door that was enough to accommodate ten people entering and exiting side by side. In a short time, they would pass through. The extradimensional creatures in the physical universe were suppressed back. The reason why the stone gate only opened a gap is also the result of Kama Taj's efforts, although the result is not good. However, this also gave the Imperial Guard Supiluliumas time to pay attention to the mystics of Kama Taj to ensure that there would be no loopholes in his work. The price to train a mystic is quite high. Exquisite medicinal recipes, taboo knowledge, extremely low-yield magic alchemy potions, carefully crafted magic props, etc. are all rare resources in the world.

The mystics trained in such a long period and with high expenditure may not be able to fully achieve the goal of Kama Taj. Even the mystics who perform well in the early stage are likely to fail during a certain mission due to lack of determination or concentration. Problems arise with lack of concentration. No one knows which one will come first, the accident or tomorrow. This is the life of a mystic, otherwise the number of high-level mystics and the number of available Kama Taj would not be so small. For Supiluliumas, even if these mystics are colleagues of the emperor, and even if they themselves know the emperor, it does not prevent him from taking action against the mystics when necessary.

The physical mutation has already appeared, and a few seconds of delay may lead to the destruction of the spells maintained by the mystics. Even if Modu has some objections to Supiluliumas's unhesitating execution of the corrupted mystics, he wants him to come. If implemented, it would just be to go through a few more procedures, and then label the mystic who fell on the ground, with his upper body shattered by a bomb, and the remains burning under supernatural power, as a shame, and the experience as a lesson, that's all.

Nothing was hurt except his authority and pride.

Modu knew the emperor's purpose in placing the imperial army in Kama Taj, but he couldn't stop it at all. To be precise, he had to support all the emperor's actions. The Mystic Mage family who had the ability to oppose had long since shut up completely because of the Supreme Mage's instructions and Mordo's own execution. Karma Taj's independence had long been destroyed by himself. It wasn't until Mordu saw the Forbidden Army and the automatic combat robot entering Karma Taj that he gradually realized the Mage Supreme's calculations and what his actions would bring. Influence.

Where there are people, there is politics. The Supreme Mage has lived for so many years, and even if he is not interested in the game of thrones, he can still play ordinary people around. As the forerunner to eliminate the power of the Karma Taj Mystic Family and a loyal servant of the Supreme Mage, the Supreme Mage's calculations put Mordo into a situation where he could not oppose the emperor and could only agree with all the emperor's actions. As for whether Mordo will be dissatisfied with this, that is not a question that the Supreme Mage needs to consider. The Supreme Mage is just preparing for the integration of Kama Taj into a larger system.

Now Mordo had no time or energy to stop the Imperial Army, and he was not in the mood to think about the conspiracy between the Supreme Mage and the Emperor. He is the leader of the joint spell, leading all the mystics who maintain outside the magic circle to cast spells to repair the wounds in the space-time structure. His sense of responsibility does not allow him to give up or neglect this work. Repairing the wounds in the space-time structure is a very troublesome task, not to mention the weird creatures that keep flashing in the door of hell. Without the protection of the Forbidden Army and the knights, without the extremely offensive Wanda Maximoff A direct attack on the beings behind the door, the Seraphim Shield alone was completely unable to stop them.

The energy flowed in his throat, formed on the fingertips and parchment, and slowly took shape with the sound of the silver bell instrument. Hundreds of finger-sized mirror fragments and sparkling runes were combined and transformed in front of them, and dizzying counter-intuitive geometric shapes were rotated and folded in their hands. Mordo and other mystics were everywhere. Adjusting the parameters of this technique.

To describe it in language that humans can understand, they are creating a key to fill and unlock the scars in the structure of space and time, and smooth out the phenomena of space motion and gravitational anomalies. The three-dimensional manifestation of that scar is a high-dimensional topological figure. The creations of Mordo and the mystics are also multi-dimensional creations. By deconstructing their creations, they can fill the wound while repairing the three-dimensional representation of the space behind the door in time and space, calming down many Gaps in the dimensional structure.

This requires a lot of advanced mathematical knowledge and complex brain calculations. This is a required course for Kama Taj Mystic. It uses rational knowledge and mind to replace the elusive extradimensional phenomena, and protects it with the weak human mind and stubborn dogma. Use your own brain to observe that indescribable place from a narrow perspective to prevent yourself from falling into madness. Humble, small, and weak human beings try to use their own weak power to heal nature. This has been Kama Taj's uninterrupted work for thousands of years. The only reward is the noble spirit of martyrdom and a transcendent mental state.

It wasn't until the imperial army pointed its halberd at him that Modu realized that something was not right about his mental state.

He woke up from his trance and found his fingertips sparkling with sparks and pointing at Wanda Maximoff, who had her back turned to him. This is a runic structure in the technique, and this structure was extracted and transformed by him. The Forbidden Army Supiluliumas accurately discovered Mordo's anomaly in thousands of flashes of light and stopped it in time. This in itself requires extremely powerful talent, and it must also possess rich magical knowledge. Your mind is falling into darkness, and your soul is wandering aimlessly. Forbidden Army Supiluliumas lowered his head and looked at Modu, Wake up and don't let this malice affect you, otherwise I will activate an emergency program.

Never again. Modu closed his eyes and took a deep breath, It was just a mistake.

At first, Modu was a little disapproving, until he opened his eyes and saw the person appearing in front of him.

Wait! Lara Croft used her agility to shuttle through the raging tide of blood and slippery rocks of corpses. She was anxious in her heart. She shouted loudly that it was all a misunderstanding before, while trying to catch up with Yasok. , the sharp bone stubble scratched her skin, the rugged bones made her combat boots sink deeply, and every step she took would squeeze out the foul-smelling pus and blood from the rocks, but Lara Croft did not It was time to think about issues such as infection, because Queen Yasok and her people in front still had no intention of stopping. The priestess held up the gleaming obsidian hunting spear in her hand, which was getting stronger and stronger like a lighthouse. The smoke guided her tribe to follow, and the rocks of corpses rising beneath her feet paved a path leading to the silver stone door for her and her tribe.

Vaguely, through the smoke, Lara Croft saw a tall golden figure at the end of the path of corpses, with a crimson robe trailing next to his boots. The golden armor flashed with fire and smoke, Queen Yasok waved her hunting spear and cheered loudly, and the tribesmen behind her also quickened their pace.

You disappoint me, Mordo. The emperor stretched out his hand and took over the spell created by the mystics. His Holiness once thought that you have the best mental quality among your peers, but I don't think so. He said, You need to return to Kama Taj to re-study, and your position will be temporarily replaced by Master Hamil until You take the emotion management course again. It was just a mistake, but there will be no next time.”

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