Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1280 A Bad Universe (Second Update)

Stephen Strange rolled his eyes broadly.

When he first came to Kathmandu, Stephen Strange thought that Kama Taj was a so-called spiritual cult and a bunch of drug-taking hippies. However, when he started to study, he discovered that he needed to learn something. There is no religious content such as idol worship. Instead, natural science, archeology and philosophy account for the majority. But now he changed his mind, because what the emperor said had a strong fatalistic tone, as if everything that happened to him was ordered by some invisible god, and the subjective role of human beings was completely excluded.

I thought you were an atheist.

I do. I'm just saying that there are things that can influence the fate of human beings, especially talented people like you and me.

The emperor shrugged. At this time, his hair had been slowly dried in the warm wind of Kama Taj. His long black hair, which was still slightly moist, was fixed by the silver ring on his forehead. Now he was very familiar with hair. There is such a thing as a crown, and in the past, witches helped him wear this kind of jewelry. Stephen Strange, who had recently recovered a bit due to Kama Taj's food, still looked a little tired and old beside him, but in Stephen's eyes, the emperor was similar in age to him, and they were both men on the road to middle age. It's just that the emperor's eyes are older, just like the Supreme Mage he has met, with a supernatural sense of alienation.

Now Hammurabi and Amon stood at a distance at the door of the deacons' quarters, blocking anyone who would try to approach the emperor without permission, because the emperor had something to say to others. Although the mission is like this, it doesn't stop the children from the mystic families who are temporarily living in the deacon's dormitory from coming over, inserting flowers into the gaps in their power armor, pulling on their crimson shirts to wipe their noses, and others also It would never have been expected that the ten thousand men and one man of the Imperial Guard would be subdued by a few children, but no matter how impatient they were, their monarch ordered them to stand there.

You can call this thing a god or a demon. The human brain cannot fully understand the nature of extradimensional creatures. There is no problem in citing ancient religious concepts. Our task is to defeat them and gain true freedom.

This time, the emperor did not speak to him in the casual manner in the past, but in a responsible tone. No matter what Stephen Strange's past life was, when he came to Kama Taj, he would become a mystic who fit the function of Kama Taj. The emperor even called the invisible servant to take out the gift from the room during the Cuban state visit. A box of top-quality COHIBA cigars (a gift after the semiconductor trade was finalized) was given to Stephen Strange. This was Castro's favorite cigar, and it was also one of the emperor's favorite tobacco products. The following rankings are almost exclusively alchemical products rather than conventional secular creations.

The Sorcerer Supreme and Cassilios each also received cigars as gifts.

I don't smoke, I'm a doctor.

The emperor pretended not to hear. He pointed at the young children surrounding the guards at the door and said, You, me and the future of those children are the same. Whether you and they are willing or not, when our souls ignite the first arcane fire , we will always be cursed by our talents. Our souls are too strong, not the fragile souls of ordinary people that can be broken at the touch of a touch. To predators from other dimensions, they are just a delicious meal and a high-value currency. . Even so, we are still small boats on the sea rather than submarines, and we are still extremely weak in front of the waves of outer dimensions. Don’t think about getting rid of this responsibility. For us, death is not the end of life. Although the body is mortal, the soul will last forever. Even if it’s for yourself, you should shoulder your own share of responsibilities.”

That Sherlock Holmes. He too...

Variables that disrupt the formula of destiny, another stone thrown into the water to cause ripples, homotopes from the multiverse, etc. The emperor spoke calmly, lighting a cigar with a long-handled match, and the cigar smoke with the aroma of honey and plants was like a cloud. rise slowly. Do you think I would allow someone whose destiny is completely controlled to enter Kamal Taj and compete for a position that is crucial to the future? How could Kamal Taj stand today without careful calculation?

All information about the car accident has been destroyed. Apart from the Supreme Master, the only person involved in the matter within Kamal Taj is the Emperor. No one will tell Stephen Strange anything that happened that night, and the Emperor also It was impossible to tell himself how much involvement he had in that car accident, that the physiotherapist who had guided him to Cama Taj and Jonathan Byrne were both Cama Taj expats, etc., even if Stephen Strange Once you have learned something, you cannot dig it out of the Akashic Records. Both the Supreme Mage and the Emperor are masters of protective spells, which can not only defend against direct curses and attacks, but also against prophetic spells that mine information.

Although I don’t know if these words can make Stephen Strange, a man who has received exquisite self-interest education since childhood, take responsibility, but it is certain that he will follow the path designed by the Supreme Mage even if it is to survive. Survival is the biggest instinct, and the emperor believes that this driving force is enough for Stephen Strange to continue. As for whether he can bear that title in the future, it is not the most important at all - the most important thing is the support behind Stephen Strange. The game between Emperor Zheweishan, the Supreme Master and the Emperor over the sovereignty of Kama Taj and the sovereignty of the earth. Now that the Supreme Mage has won first, the emperor wants to completely control the next Supreme Mage, so that Emperor Weishan's control over Kama Taj can be completely cut off.

As for why the Supreme Mage opposes the leader of the Karma Taj School, the Trinity Vishan Emperor, there are complicated reasons, but to put it simply, in this fucked universe, no god cares about the future of the human race. In the past, Agamotto, like the Emperor, was a creature that deeply combined the power of extradimensional forces with the material universe and walked around the world in a human body. But now Agamotto has become otherworldly, completely freed from the body of the material world, and has no relationship with the human race anymore.

No matter what ideals the Supreme Mage Agamotto had in the past, it does not matter to the current Vishan Emperor Agamotto. He became the leader of Kama Taj just because this most powerful school is what Agamotto once left behind. It’s just a school of thought and a tool for the material universe. The omniscient, eternal, and immortal Agamotto does not care about humans, just as humans do not care about the ants at their feet; Athena does not care about humans either, she cares about the emperor himself because of Agamotto and Osutu. The emperor's adoptive mother had thousands of little thoughts about the connection with the Pith God system; even Mother Earth, who had a deep connection with the birth of mankind and participated in the birth process of the emperor, did not care about human beings. Gaia only regarded human beings as As a tool for expansion, as mankind moves towards the galaxy, the status of the earth will become more and more important, winning Gaia the decisive winner in the game of the gods.

Except for the Supreme Mage and the Emperor, no one has the ability to care about the future of the human race tens of millions of years from now. The human race may be noticed at any time by gods who don’t know where they come from and kick them like ants noticed by naughty boys. Trampled to death. The Supreme Mage rejected this future and handed over this responsibility to his disciples, asking the emperor to find a way to truly break away from the gods so that the human race would not be destroyed by the whim of an extradimensional creature. The Immortal City, the Martian Foundry, Latovinia, genetically modified warriors, the Praetorian Guards, the Sisterhood, autonomous combat robots, war engines, sky carriers, Pegasus heavy assault transports... created by the Emperor in just a few years. Everything is to find the Supreme Mage and the path he foresees.

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