Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1271 The Watcher Group (First Update)

Modu waited outside the dungeon for several hours but did not see the emperor or the imperial guards coming out. Seeing that the temperature was getting lower and lower, the sky was getting darker, and the wind and snow on the mountains were getting heavier and heavier. He had to turn around and follow the stone road that was always covered with snow to reach a transfer station at a lower altitude.

Teleportation spells are completely prohibited in this area, and Mordo would rather endure the wind and snow than try to see if this ban is strong. He said hello to the family who had been guarding the transit station there for generations, then pulled out an XZ horse from the warm stable, put it on the sled, and slowly returned to Kama Taj, which was dozens of kilometers away. Headquarters. This kind of horse has extremely strong adaptability on the plateau, and the snow cannot stop this strong livestock. It won't be long before he can return to the warm Kama Taj, blocking the low-temperature cold air outside the shield.

The horse that brought him here was resting in the herdsman's stable. This time he took away another brown horse with white spots on its forehead. This family has received funding from Karma Taj for generations. Their ancestors also had spell casters who studied at Karma Taj hundreds of years ago. Because of their loyalty, they took on more tasks such as guarding the transfer station leading to the dungeon and the tasks given by the Supreme Mage.

As an apprentice instructor and the manager of Karma Taj, Modu was not as familiar with this family as the emperor. When he came here again, the cabin in his memory turned into a small cabin hidden in stone walls and reinforced concrete. Fortresses and permanent fortifications - After the emperor gained more power, the family's treatment went up to a new level. The emperor equipped this place with a large number of munitions such as individual anti-tank missiles, explosive machine gun weapon platforms and anti-aircraft armored vehicles, as well as independent generating units and a large amount of fuel. If necessary, the family can sit on a sled and launch a mountain guerrilla war, killing all Try to shoot down the gunship flying at this altitude.

However, as a Kama Taj instructor, Modu had no access to gasoline or snowmobiles, so he could only choose the more ancient livestock-powered method to return to Kama Taj. Although Mordu did not agree with the way his fellow disciples acted, he had to admit that sometimes 20mm cannons, anti-tank missiles and armored vehicles were indeed more useful in the hands of mortals than some of the charms distributed to mortals. Whether it is stability or safety, compared to talismans, thermal weapon technology products are superior in every dimension. The emperor would rather let mortals come into contact with thermal weapons and minimize their dependence on magic.

Some people may think that ordinary people can accompany the emperor throughout the journey.

The watcher, who was like a walking corpse, had to stop when he entered the underground passage at a depth of about four thousand meters.

The deeper they went into the mountain, the more strange sights they encountered. The strong winds rolling up from the ground lifted up the fabric covering the faces of the watchers, revealing the dry eyes of the black-robed watchers whose eyeballs were gouged out and then the eyelids were sewn shut. The watchers could not see, hear, or communicate in conventional ways. Even the emperor and the imperial guards could only have limited communication with the watchers through a code composed of the vibration frequency and amplitude of the bells in their hands.

The first generation of supreme mage Agamotto established Kama Taj just to guard this ruins. Even Agamotto and his followers at that time spent a long time to slowly understand the scale of this ruins and gradually clean it up. The threat that once existed here. This is an extremely majestic underground space. Inhuman creatures have carved giant palaces underground to accommodate powerful creatures. Traces of terrifying reliefs remain on the towering pillars dozens of meters high. The vast halls can even accommodate genetically modified warriors. A company of ground armor. Although this place is deep underground, the oxygen content is still sufficient. The ventilation system built by extradimensional creatures with inhuman wisdom and engineering capabilities is to enable the followers of inhuman creatures to survive, but now these projects have become a part of life here. A must for the caretaker.

The genius Agamotto used the only power he had at the time to upgrade this place.

He ordered his followers to build huge mechanisms and stone gates, and used secret methods to construct the eternal fire that even blind people could see and spread it throughout the halls to dispel the darkness. He gradually expanded the original ruins and turned them into a In shelters and military camps, runes carved into the stone walls control supernatural energies. But now, as Agamotto's ban gradually withered, supernatural forces and phenomena inevitably eroded the original stable control area-until the arrival of the Emperor, those supernatural powers gradually faded away. Although he was not wearing armor, the radiance emitted by the emperor reflected into the mind of the watcher like the eternal fire. The blood vessels and muscles clinging to the stone bricks gradually shrank and turned into thick smoke. Annoying whispers were peeled from the air. Go, the malicious phantom was crushed by the emperor's presence. After passing through the dark hall where the eternal fire brazier was lit and the concentration incense burner was placed, the watcher stopped in front of the huge stone door. In the legend of this ethnic group, this stone door carved with giant figures was the end of the ethnic group.

My lord, that relief. Hammurabi lowered his voice and instructed the drone to raise the strong lighting equipment to illuminate the giant stone door. The relief on the basalt stone gate depicts a man wearing armor, holding a sword, and surrounded by lightning. Under the man's boots is a giant beast with wings, and the sword in his hand is immersed in the giant beast's body, which is radioactive. Luminous stars spread across the background like stars. The Janissaries instantly recognized the scene depicted in the relief, and even Hammurabi, who had seen a lot, took a breath of air. This is not a good sign.

I know. The emperor looked at the face that was very similar to his own on the relief, and he understood that it was the work of Agamotto. It is said that Agamotto is good at prophecy and searching for the truth. He is so wise that he is almost omniscient. Perhaps in the era before human civilization was enlightened, the first Supreme Mage predicted the successors who would come here. Each generation of Kamal Taj Lords is good at prophecy, and even the emperor who is about to become the next Kamal Taj Lord is no exception. Drawing wisdom from prophecies is also their specialty. Perhaps this is a joke by Agamotto. I really didn't expect the first mystic to have such a sense of humor. The emperor raised his hand, looked at the Ring of the Head of Heaven on his finger and said thoughtfully, It seems He has foreseen some of the actions I will take in the future and has prepared them for me in advance.”

Gender no longer matters, all watchers are equally shriveled and dull.

The touching beauty and pleasant voices have no meaning to the caretakers. They don’t even have the tongue to taste the delicious food. The reproduction of this group even proceeds completely in accordance with the established procedures, without any fun that ordinary people should have - about the fun of human reproduction. References are quoted from video materials and books, sources [Note 1], [Note 2], [Note 3], [Note 4], [Note 5] - even though the Supreme Mage occasionally gives slaves from the outside world to the Watchers The pack was used as a reproductive tool, but the sparse slave population simply did not provide much genetic diversity, allowing the sparse caretakers to circumvent the dilemma of inbreeding.

Through genetic testing and traceability, we have more than once discovered the chaotic blood relationship network of the Watcher group. However, the Watcher group does not have any common genetic diseases such as mental retardation and physical deformity caused by inbreeding. Genetic testing has found that there are often benign genes in the Watcher group. mutation, and all Watchers are healthy.

This doesn't make sense at all.

————Watcher's Observation Record·Volume 1 by Hammurabi, Tribune of the Praetorian Order

The latest discovery is that the watchers will breed in fixed locations.

By interpreting the myths and legends of the guardians, it turns out that the place where reproduction and interaction took place was a place similar to a religious holy place, with a huge stone platform, a brazier, and a large number of esoteric extradimensional symbols engraved on it. Combined with the monarch's judgment on the Holy Land of Reproduction, it seems that the genetic mutation induced by the magic in that room has allowed the guardian group to avoid most of the disadvantages of inbreeding and continue to give birth to humans with powerful minds.

This is a very interesting discovery. This is knowledge about reproduction and mutation, which is very different from creating the stability of us Praetorian Guards, but the monarch believes that the knowledge in this may be helpful for future projects, because among the Watchers, So far, no one with the talent of a spellcaster has appeared. This means that this is a completely different technical route from the genetic alchemy created by the monarch, but it has the same goal.

However, compared with the work of sorting out the Kama Taj dungeon, this knowledge can be studied in the future. The monarch believes that we still have time.

————Watcher's Observation Record·Volume 2 by Hammurabi, Tribune of the Praetorian Order

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