Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1266 A short break (second update)

The military airport near the Royal City has all kinds of fighter jets and transport aircraft taking off and landing every day. Therefore, when the Tianma heavy assault transport craft landed, it did not attract much attention until it used the highest authority to land on the elevator platform, and then the Imperial Guard repaired it. The agents came to the tower, took out the regent's order and the authority of the Order of the Guards, and ordered the First Secret Regiment to delete the route information and other data of the Pegasus heavy assault transport boat.

The smoke produced by burning incense was extremely pungent in this small and stuffy room, but it still could not hide the smell of blood in the air that was full of extradimensional energy, metallic taste, and high temperature. Victor von Doom could not see the details five steps away. Only the dim light reflected by the golden armor of the Praetorian Guards allowed him to vaguely see the dark gray coat of the emperor and the epaulettes on the military coat. He blinked, and his electronic eyes switched to many observation modes such as infrared, thermal imaging, and life electrical signals, observing the person sitting in the chair at the end of the room from all angles.

How hurt are you, huh?

The regent walked unceremoniously past the praetorian guards armed with halberds and walked towards the throne at the end of the chamber. Dozens of light balls emitting soft white light floated up, illuminating the secret room. This room hidden in the castle has no windows, but has independent ventilation equipment and medical equipment. Victor von Doom saw that the waist of the white shirt under the emperor's coat was already stained with blood. He unceremoniously opened the thin shirt and saw that the medical dressing under the shirt had been soaked with precious blood. . The emperor's expression remained calm until Victor von Doom reached out and tore off the dressing, revealing the wound below that almost cut the emperor's waist open.

There were burnt marks on the edge of the wound, and there was some blood on the medical equipment placed aside. It was obvious that the emperor had tried to use electric burns to close the wound. However, this attempt failed, and the muscles that were finally sutured were lingering. The energy from the outer dimension is torn apart again.

Can you solve it yourself? The regent said sternly, Why haven't you banished the curse on the wound?

It's okay before departure, but now I need to rest, a good rest. The emperor said with his eyes closed. Although he was injured, he didn't seem to realize this, and the decision in his tone was still so inhumane, I must preserve a certain amount of strength now to deal with accidents. Quetzalcoatl's matter is not over yet, Yasok The secrets of man have not yet been fully revealed, and those schools will not settle down. I need your help, and then give me some time to heal, and I will be as strong as before I set out.

So you've been bleeding until now because of a few curses? Victor von Doom laughed angrily. He held the golden eagle staff tightly and knocked it hard every time he said a word, Your brain has been damaged? Do you know that the security of the entire Yugoslav Federation is related to your health?

Relax, my friend, I did it because I knew better. Losing more blood will not affect my health. Half of my kidneys that were cut off by Quetzalcoatl have grown back. Now these are just flesh wounds. , you just need to help me expel the curse on my muscles. The emperor raised his hands in surrender, The witch is not good at this kind of curse, the venerable has other things to do, and Wanda is even less good at this kind of sophisticated curse. There is no way. After thinking about it, the only people who have the ability and time to solve this delicate curse are you and Cassilios.

Don't do such stupid things next time.

Thank you, Victor. The emperor smiled, In half an hour, I still have a meeting on the reform of the civil service system and corporate taxation on my schedule, as well as an emergency disaster relief and assistance meeting. I can't let that happen. Idiot elected officials who know nothing but their votes are ruining this great situation. We need to call in officials from the medical system and law enforcement to maintain order while conducting rescue operations, and order the Department of Justice to activate the Disaster Response Code. At this moment when everyone is facing a disaster, there will definitely be people who take advantage of the opportunity to make profits. Extraordinary times require heavy use, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs should show its blade.

Can you still have a meeting now? The meeting is not a break. You are not unaware of the disputes between Albanian officials and Serbian officials. They will fight in the meeting room. Victor von Doom stretched out his hand to cast a spell, While looking at the emperor with suspicious eyes, And who do you plan to let be this knife? The First Secret Regiment or the Void Combat Force?

The Wild Chapter should prove their worth. As soon as these words came out, the regent understood the emperor's arrangement. The Wild Chapter must be completely transformed into the power of the military and police departments. This transformation is not a verbal promise, but requires proof of actual actions. If you move faster, I can join the meeting. For me, solving this little trouble can be much easier than dealing with Quetzalcoatl.

Although the castle was now shrouded in darkness, there was still an endless stream of people requesting to see the emperor, and two meetings simply could not complete all urgent official business. After the meeting, the emperor had a brief exchange with senior officials such as Stephanie Malik and Diana List, and delayed the end of get off work by more than an hour. But fortunately, the regent Victor von Doom used the reason that the emperor was tired from the long journey and took over all official duties as before the emperor set off for Cuba, so that the emperor could return to the Oxfordshire manor accompanied by the Praetorian Guards. A real break.

I think I should send you to clean the stables, Hammurabi.

After getting off the aircraft, the Guards wisely did not follow. Instead, they turned around and left from another road on the apron towards the stable. After being away from the manor for such a long time, the environment in the stable should be very bad. The pony that Hammurabi had tamed was in great need of care. Hammurabi had to wear power armor to do cowboy work. But the Oxfordshire manor was one of the safest places for the emperor, and Hammurabi could safely entrust the emperor's safety to the living maid Dinah - but if he saw the group led by Dinah to perform living services What did the artificial man do? He will definitely regret that he handed the emperor into the hands of those crazy women so easily - they brought the wheelchair and medicine, insisted that the emperor sit on it and then be escorted by them, and even ran away The Cheshire cat that came to join in the fun was also caught and bathed, otherwise it would not be allowed to approach the emperor.

It is conceivable that Tita told them the news of the emperor's injury, but did not tell them the details of the treatment, which is why these girls were so nervous. This tense atmosphere infected most people in the manor. Even Milia sat in a daze on the sofa in the front hall full of sadness, until she saw the emperor striding in with a wheelchair, acting completely different. Patient, the girl cheered and rushed over.

The emperor asked softly in the girl's ear, Where is Bayonetta and Jeanne? Is she angry? Did you see them holding guns? Milia pointed to the second floor, then shook her head. Very good, then you can sleep in your own room tonight. He picked up Milia and handed it to Dinah, then handed the Cheshire Cat standing on his shoulder to another android and gave a few brief instructions. Then he went upstairs on his own. Within two minutes, the sound of heavy objects falling was heard on the second floor of the manor, followed by several gunshots, and finally even the gunshots disappeared.

Today's dinner will be postponed for three hours. Change the menu, prepare more high-calorie food and send it to the bedroom. The master will need to replenish his strength after this. Dinah ordered without surprise. As for the emperor's schedule sent by the regent, the artificial man completely ignored it. By the way, prepare the decoration materials. The doors, walls and floors should be repaired tomorrow morning. This time we will install some explosion-proof measures.

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