Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1247 Mutated Creatures (Second Update)

When the blood-red sunset was about to be submerged by the gray-black forest horizon, the raid began. Like a heavy breath, dozens of vector engines dragged bright tail flames and whistles symbolizing death, and smashed into the last stronghold of the Holy Trinity mercenaries and the Kukulkan Order.

The only M6 Defender Bradley infantry fighting vehicle in the Holy Trinity stronghold had no time to react. A Hell Knight holding a chain sword slammed on the roof of the vehicle, knocking out the coaxial machine gunner who stuck his head out. Crushed spine. The knight slashed the barrel of the M242 Giant Viper 25MM machine gun with a chainsaw. The collision between the single-molecule high-speed chain saw and the high-strength alloy set off a large spark. Latovinia's material science advantage was eliminated in just a few seconds. With intuitive reflection, the barrel that fell to the ground is the best answer.

The veteran sergeant fired several shots with a bolt pistol at the Needle anti-aircraft missile installed on the tank. Finally, he opened the roof of the tank and threw in the plasma grenade spit out from the grenade dispenser. His companions were on guard all around, clearing out anyone who tried to interfere with their actions. One of them even opened the driver's canopy and fired a shot at the driver inside, then closed the canopy and blocked the crew's escape route with corpses.

Mission accomplished! The veteran sergeant led the team to retreat quickly to avoid the shock wave caused by the ammunition explosion. There is a translucent map on the HUD screen projected by the helmet's electronic eye, using military markers to indicate the location of the team and where the next mission target is sitting. This information is all observed through reconnaissance feedback from drones hovering in the sky. result. Anti-aircraft fire destroyed!

HQ received it.

The violent explosion instantly illuminated the entire battlefield, and the silent massacre of the Hell Knights took place in the ruins.

Even if many Holy Trinity mercenaries and Kukulkan cult members reacted, the rifles in their hands could not cause any harm to the Hell Knights. Even the 7.62MM bullets could only scratch harmlessly on the power armor. Only the 50mm heavy machine gun can cause some friction to the power armor. The Hell Knights reacted quickly. The heavy machine gunner spitting out gunfire was hit by an accurate explosive bomb. Sometimes, a horrifyingly accurate heavy grenade would fly in like a mortar, and the out-of-control high-temperature plasma would hit the target. Human bodies and steel evaporate.

In this battle, a ten-man tactical team was dismantled into a five-man combat team, led by a team non-commissioned officer and a team adjutant respectively. Since they belonged to the same organization and had a high degree of informatization, they were scattered at two target points. Combat teams can even cooperate with each other to create crossfire.

The thick rocks used as bunkers by Holy Trinity mercenaries and followers of the Kukulkan Order were completely unable to stop the terrifying high-temperature torrent of fusion melt, as well as the high-speed and powerful artillery shells of heavy explosive bombs, but they were not without the ability to fight back - originally In order to guard against guerrilla attacks, they were equipped with a large number of anti-tank missiles as a means of attack. After experiencing the initial panic, the Holy Trinity Council Guards, as the final armed force, hid behind the rocks in the distance. They launched a counterattack with anti-tank missiles along the way, suppressing the genetic modifications that rushed up the ancient stone steps behind the bunker.

However, tacit tactics, close cooperation, thinking speed and reaction far beyond ordinary people, and a shared network of individual tactics all allowed the Hell Knights to find these threatening targets in a short period of time. Immediately afterwards, the knights' hovering airships and hovering jet motorcycles entered the scene. They rained down bullets from the sky and passed quickly. The Holy Trinity Council escort hiding high in the mountain had not had time to prick their needles. The anti-aircraft missile was aimed at the Hell Knight, and was knocked to the ground by a rain of barrage.

This group of Hell Knights used ancient cavalry tactics to cross the battlefield, and then turned around and swooped down to provide fire support to the knights scattered on the battlefield. At the same time, the whizzing shells accurately landed on the low stone wall blocking the infantry's entry. The assault tanks and heavy armored vehicles equipped with buckets pushed away the broken rocks and drove into the square in the middle of the ruins. The armored vehicles carried 2 inches Heavy explosive rapid-fire cannons and high-power laser weapons exerted extremely terrifying firepower advantages in the blink of an eye, while assault tanks rushed like wild beasts towards the ground strongholds that the knights could not attack. The huge muzzles spewed death metal, killing all resistance forces. All blown to pieces.

The golden eagle flag appeared from the gap in the stone wall, and then moved quickly towards the target location on the top of the mountain at an astonishing speed.

Hammurabi and Supiluliumas stood in front of the emperor holding golden square shields and silver swords covered with gorgeous patterns. They entered the battlefield as the emperor's protectors and vanguards. Constantine, Hannibal and others held garrison spears and formed a loose guard formation scattered around the emperor. They picked up the temporarily issued heavy bolt pistols and weaved a dense line of death with amazing power and accuracy. Fire Net.

Amon won the honor of holding the military flag. He followed closely behind the emperor. Even though he held the military flag, he still held the giant sword tightly and was ready to attack at any time. This eagle flag has many functions, one of which is to communicate with the imperial guards. It is connected to the army's power armor information system and provides it with results ranging from life detection to mental energy detection, and the coverage is extremely wide - the emperor's battle armor information system is also connected to this eagle flag. But even without using the radar on the military flag, he could use his second vision to see the extremely strong spiritual energy at the top of the mountain. That was his target, Dr. Pedro Domiguez, Amaru of Paititi.

A dark ritual is taking shape, and he must stop it from happening.

When the Imperial Guards and the emperor passed by, tactical teams immediately spontaneously formed formations to follow the eagle flag. The golden attack spearheads took shape instantly on the battlefield. They followed the emperor's footsteps and rushed up the stone steps to attack the top of the mountain. The sound of bolters and plasma screams were heard endlessly, and the continuous suppressive firepower of armored vehicles and tanks reached its peak. Mortal corpses rolled down the stone steps and were trampled into mud by genetically modified warriors. Until then, the Hell Knight Only then did they let out the first roar from their throats.

Hammurabi and Supiluliumas used their shields to break open the thick stone door carved with snake-like animals, and strange creatures in the darkness rushed towards them. They pointed their silver giant swords filled with bright currents at the darkness, and without stopping, the bolters on the giant swords' sword grids fired one after another, forming a series of flashing metal storms. Immediately afterwards, the emperor and four other guards filed in. They kept shooting. With the long flames of their guns, they finally saw clearly the appearance of the creatures in the darkness - although they had human limbs, they had human skin. However, it was covered with a thick layer of blue-green scales. Two fangs protruded from the lower lip. The skinny limbs became more slender. Red and blue sparse feathers sprouted from the armpits and hair. The original round pupils of human beings transformed. For the yellow snake eyes, their snake eyes will suddenly shrink every time the strong gun flames flash.

Flash bombs! Constantine shouted, Search and destroy!

The genetically modified warriors who followed were shooting and throwing flash bombs. The helmet filtered out the too strong light and noise. In the frequent flashes of strong light, creatures that were once human fell one after another. The scales covering their bodies are so hard that even a standard-caliber bolter must fire several rounds in succession to shatter them. Chainswords and force fields slashed at their bodies, immediately setting off tiny sparks. With blood light. Without many orders, the knights spontaneously controlled and explored every passage in the dark cave. They fired explosive bombs one after another at all non-friendly targets in the darkness that released heat far lower than normal human body temperature. Tactical actions Clean and crisp.

The emperor walked quickly towards one of the passages. In addition to the knights who were responsible for guarding and control, other combatants also followed the footsteps of the emperor and the imperial guards and entered the most spacious room in the cave. This is an ancient ruin excavated manually. A huge altar is erected on the wall, and a round sunstone is erected in the center of the room. The Imperial Guards who had just stepped inside immediately realized that the slipperiness under their feet was not due to the rain falling from the skylight, but because of the blood covering the entire floor of the hall.

A human body lay on the black stone altar, and the man holding the Chakcek dagger was cutting open the chest of the sacrifice to take out the heart. Immediately afterwards, the sacrifice that was supposed to be dead suddenly sat up, scales began to spread on the skin, and the huge wounds began to heal unnaturally. There were many such monsters in the hall. Constantine fired a bomb across the halberd, but the bullet disappeared without a trace in front of Dr. Pedro Domiguez, as if that Pulling the trigger was just an illusion.

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