Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1240 Late Night Oracle (First Update)

The shelling came from the town where Camilla's team set out more than 300 kilometers away. It crossed the dense forest and accurately landed less than 200 meters away from the heavy armored vehicle. The heavy armored troops, hoverbikes and assault teams were walking with the artillery fire flying overhead. Bathed in fire and ashes, silently pouring death upon your enemies. Only an army with discipline and calmness engraved into its soul can have such tacit understanding and ability. Even King T'Challa of Wakanda felt envious of the cooperation of this army. Even Labor, who had never seen such a war scene, La Croft was also impressed by the war scenes in front of him.

Although she tried to stay away from the security war battlefield during her adventure in Syria, she still saw with her own eyes how the US military attacked local armed forces. The density of firepower was completely different from this thirty-kilometer-long killing zone. Watching from ten kilometers away was almost the same as joining the battlefield. She could almost hear the gunfire of the genetically modified warrior snipers.

So... where is Chuck Chell's dagger? Lara Croft asked.

Now that she has Ischel's silver box in her hands, she is worried that a large-scale bombardment will cause damage to Chakchel's dagger. Now she had spent a little time trying to make herself as clean and tidy as possible. Nakia, the only female member of Dora's escort who had not shaved her head, helped a lot. Hammurabi also took out the medical kit in his pocket to help treat her wounds and covered her forearms with artificial skin spray accessories. of open abrasions and guaranteed to leave absolutely no scars.

I have sent the photos you took to the tactical terminals of every genetically modified warrior. If they find Chuck Chell's dagger, bring it back. The Emperor returned Lara Croft's digital camera. Got her. He said in a teasing tone, By the way, I love your selfie with the penguin statue.

Lara Croft blushed and grabbed the digital camera.

That's a gift! she defended. I planned to give that gift to you after the adventure was over.

After each adventure, she would give her sponsor some small gifts she gained during the adventure.

The last time she went deep into Siberia, she brought the emperor a heavily jeweled Maltese cross found in an ice cave, as well as a large number of tenth-century Byzantine religious ornaments, regardless of how high those items would fetch at auction. . The emperor reciprocated by giving her more support, even lending out his private jet and taking care of all expenses including crew and hangar. However, compared with the previous gifts, a plastic penguin was indeed not a particularly valuable thing, but the emperor still happily accepted this interesting gift.

He doesn't care about the historical heritage, monetary value or cultural significance of the cultural relics. All he wants is to be interesting.

He told Lara Croft that the plastic penguin doll would be a great artifact if it stayed in the right place for a thousand years. Thinking that future archaeologists would struggle with this thing, he said he would be happy to keep it as a collection and have it displayed in the British Museum.

When Hannibal saw the emperor, Wakanda King T'Challa and Dora's escort had already left early. The mission given to them by the Emperor is complex and involves post-mortem issues, so now is not the time for the Wakandans to appear. Hannibal brought the loot tied with iron chains to the emperor and handed it to Hammurabi. He stepped aside and communicated his findings with the emperor in a low voice.

Only Lara Croft remained with the emperor, accompanied by Amun and Hammurabi, but the female archaeologist couldn't wait. If the emperor hadn't repeatedly tried to persuade him to stay and said there was still danger on the front line, Lara Croft would have stayed with the emperor. ·Croft will definitely rush out like a hound that has found its prey.

Queen Yasok, who was still screaming and spitting, became strangely silent when she saw the emperor. Without waiting for instructions from Hammurabi, who was holding the chain, Queen Yasok, who was tightly bound, took the initiative to kneel down in front of the emperor's golden boots, making Hammurabi nervous and even A short sword (dagger to the Praetorian Guards) was held in his hand, ready to slit Queen Yasok's throat.

I have something to ask you. The emperor said softly. Queen Yasok raised her head and looked at the emperor's face hidden in the hood. She did not suffer from dizziness, memory loss and other symptoms like Queen Enuratu of Paititi. Who are you? Where do you come from? I need an answer, and these are questions that only you can answer, Chuck Chell.

After hearing the emperor say her name, Queen Yasok began to speak in a low voice and in an unintelligible language.

She claims that she is Scarlet Fire and Chakchel, the leader of the Yaaxil tribe. The Yaaxil tribe was created by the goddess of blood moon (Xquic) in this plane to protect Chakchel's dagger and Yisi. The guardian of Chel's Silver Box - Blood Moon (Xquic) is the daughter of the Blood Gatherer, a lord of the underworld in Mayan mythology, and the mother of the heroic twins Hunahpu and Xbalanque in Mayan mythology - when the final mission was completed, she was killed by Xquic. Yasok created by the Moon Goddess will pass through a silver gate to the underworld and return to the kingdom of Blood Moon (Xquic) to end their mission in the material universe.

Originally, the ancestors of Paititi knew about the Yasok clan, because the ancestors of Paititi settled here for the same task. However, with the passage of time and the loss of wisdom, now Queen Enu of Paititi Latu didn't even know he had an army of allies settled nearby.

Prior to this, Yasok had tried to intimidate the Paititi people and Laura, who had just arrived here, from approaching the cave where they lived by throwing stones at unrelated people. But things changed when Yasok discovered that Holy Trinity possessed the Chakchel dagger, and Yasok began to hunt Holy Trinity mercenaries in the dark. If it had not been for the direct intervention of the Guardsman Amon that night, the Holy Trinity's counterattack mission against Yasok would have been completed soon, and all Yasok would have died under the guns of the Holy Trinity.

However, it was the intervention of the same Praetorian Amon that allowed Lara Croft to escape from the cave of San Juan where Yasok lived - Andrés Lo, the missionary that Holy Trinity sent to South America during the Spanish colonial period. Paez's graveyard - taking away the Ischel silver box, triggering the pursuit and killing of Lara Croft by the Yasok tribe. But under the protection of the Guards Amon, neither the Holy Trinity mercenaries nor the Yasok hunters could take away Lara Croft's life, but this also allowed the Yasok tribe to let Lara Croft Fu's attitude took a turn for the worse, and he even began to plan the next hunt.

Not everyone can understand every word spoken in the deep voice of Queen Yasok like the emperor. The Imperial Guards can barely understand and understand through the linguistic system instilled in the brain, but when it comes to some more obscure words You also need to use the database to find the names of gods. Lara Croft couldn't understand it at all, and she didn't know why Yasok was staring at her viciously. The emperor listened quite patiently for a while, and then asked his own question, What are the functions of Chakchel's dagger and Ischel's silver box?

Sacrifice, whispered Yasok Queen Chakchel, sacrifice Kukulkan.

I understand. The emperor nodded. He stood up Queen Yasok, unchained her, and explained the story to Lara Croft and the Praetorian Guards. The former felt ashamed of her ignorance and hoped that the emperor could help her convey her apology and express her willingness to return the Silver Box of Ischel, because Yasok's vision was the same as theirs, which was to prevent Quetzalcoatl from awakening.

The emperor truthfully conveyed Lara Croft's intention to Yasok Queen Chakchel, but the latter said that she knew that the emperor's purpose was to end the Yasok family's mission, so she agreed to let Lara Croft Fu temporarily holds the silver box of Ischel and has no complaints about the massacre of the Yasok tribe by the emperor's imperial guards, because they died on the way to complete their mission. In the future, she will meet those people in the Kingdom of God. meeting.

As for why she knew the emperor's purpose, Queen Chakchel of Yasok only claimed that it was an oracle she received in her sleep last night, and she could not give any other explanation. Hammurabi and Amon looked at each other and felt that there were many strange things that were difficult to explain. They did not believe that the false gods worshiped by the Yasok family would give instructions so precisely, but they thought of the emperor's multiple calculations and Arrangement, Hammurabi felt that this situation was quite reasonable, and there must be many weird secrets in it that even the Praetorian Guards could not get involved in.

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