Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1237 Bridge Club (Second update)

Nice to meet you, Dame Hensingly. T'Challa winked, his sense of humor as usual. Forgive me, now is not a good time to kiss the hand, otherwise my immune system will raise its gun in protest. He said with a smile, My friend told me that you may have some information you want to share with us?

I found the silver box. Lara Croft shook her head and managed to comb her dirty ponytail neatly with her hands. But Pedro Domiguez revealed that only the combination of the dagger and the silver box can prevent Quetzalcoatl from awakening. Now that dagger is still in the hands of the Holy Trinity, we can't get it. Unless we get the dagger , otherwise this disaster cannot be stopped, and the seawater will eventually flood the entire Amazon rainforest and even the Andes Mountains.

See, I said, this matter is easy to solve. T'Challa said.

He still did not give up the idea of ​​reversing the awakening of Quetzalcoatl by studying the simulation data of Latovinia's scientific research department. He naively believed that this matter could be solved without any sacrifice, and there was no need for the Emperor of Latovinia to go to war because of this, or even They did not hesitate to send genetically modified warriors and a large amount of ordnance. The Emperor did not attack T'Challa's weird self-confidence because he knew that T'Challa knew too little information, and T'Challa's thoughts were still typical superhero thinking.

T'Challa believed that sending a task force to solve the problem was not entirely based on political considerations such as diplomatic relations. He did not know that Quetzalcoatl's awakening was imminent. He could not understand Ra's belief in sacrifice in this mission. How anxious was the Emperor of Tovinia? The Wakandans believed that this happened on another continent and did not need to be taken seriously. Even T'Challa took it a little more seriously after reading the information and persuaded the domestic nobles. And he came to Peru in response to the emperor's summons, because the plantation plains of Wakanda are very likely to be hit by tsunamis.

The army is advancing. The armed helicopter in the hands of Holy Trinity cannot gain air superiority. We can find the commander of the Holy Trinity army named Rourke and take the dagger from his hand. T'Challa nodded, Then there are those steps we can't figure out. Just putting the dagger in the silver box will prevent disaster, right?

No... Quetzalcoatl will still wake up, but the silver box can provide protection for the person who awakens Quetzalcoatl, and disaster will still happen. Lara Croft sighed, Enuratu told me , Amaru wants to destroy everything except Paititi and protect the indigenous people by destroying all colonists.

That's crazy, Nakia said. But who is Amaru?

That's the original name of Pedro Domiguez. You can find time to read the information, Nakia. T'Challa reminded. He turned to look at the Emperor of Latovinia, I believe the organization behind him must not know that Pedro Domiguez's plan is so crazy.

Yes, the High Council of the Holy Trinity does not know. The Emperor of Latovinia showed a little embarrassment in his body language, If you want to let the High Council of the Holy Trinity know the news, and then instigate rebellion to protect Pedro Soldiers of Domiguez, then I can only say I'm sorry. This plan will never come true. Those mercenaries are already firmly bound to Pedro Domiguez, even if we promise to live by laying down our weapons. , because Pedro Domiguez is the only living member of the Holy Trinity High Council and is automatically promoted to chairman. Believe me, for those mercenaries, unemployment is more painful than death.

News of a gas explosion at a private bridge club in London's West End was sent to T'Challa.

Nick Fury stood across the street, smoking a cigarette, watching City of London firefighters arrive at lunchtime to put out the blaze. He still dressed like a homeless man, but there were no homeless people on the streets of Westminster. Even if his facial information was captured by the surveillance cameras on the road, MI5 would not be able to come to him immediately. He listened to the discussions of the people around him. Most people's attitudes toward the fire pointed to regret for the burning of this ancient building, rather than who actually lived in it. According to the firefighters who entered the fire scene, Flames that came out of nowhere detonated old gas-filled pipes that had been in use since the Victorian era. The huge impact even collapsed a wall, killing the owner of a private bridge club who was using a stove to heat tea, and injured guests. They were all sent to the hospital for rescue.

The only question is why the broken wall bricks and fragments are distributed in the kitchen instead of next door. Nick Fury can answer this question, because the shaped charge armor-piercing projectile was directed toward the kitchen. The violent metal jet broke through the wall, ignited the gas, triggered a series of explosions, and sent the target into hell.

He was very satisfied with the result. After all, Nick Fury had forgiven himself for miscalculating the amount of medicine after returning to field service after many years. Professionals' investigation results of the fire scene will soon reveal the truth, but Nick Fury doesn't care. He will go to the hospital to solve the problem completely. When the London Police Department or other experts come out with a report, he will have already Left the UK.

The advance team descended from the sky on the Pegasus super-heavy assault transport boat and the Hippogriff heavy assault boat, and landed in a forest clearing not far from the battlefield. There was no open space here to allow the assault transport craft to land, but the surface-to-surface missiles equipped with plasma warheads on the gunships forcibly vaporized and burned the forest, using a controllable forest fire to open up a temporary landing site for the army to gather. The heavy rain that had stopped fell again, trying to cool down the wildly dancing flames. The thick white smoke and pungent smell of the hot air stirred up like a thick white cloak and thick fog draped on the top of the forest.

First Company Commander Apalisha brandished a huge execution battle ax and walked down the nose ramp, standing on the land where the remaining warmth and orange-red carbon fire remained. There was a roar in the strong wind caused by the void engine. He took a deep breath of the air full of ash and burnt smell, and his new organ quickly analyzed that the oxygen content here was far below the average level, which was consistent with what would happen during a forest fire. He had experienced such a scene many times, and it was repeated. When the weapons team destroys the target, the oxygen content in the air and the surrounding high temperature will also be reduced to lethal levels.

By the time Constantine and Hannibal stepped off the emperor's exclusive Pegasus super-heavy assault transport craft, the heavy weapons squads, assault squads and mechanized infantry of the Hell Knights' first and second companies were all ready for battle. , arranged in a mixed combat formation on the black and gray land, the armored fighting vehicles carried by the Hippogriff heavy assault boats also launched on the only road available for travel.

Aparisha showed a nasty smile towards Constantine. The overly strong muscles on her face made the smile look very malicious. Although the transformation surgery has given the genetically modified warriors steel-like bones and muscles, as well as powerful respiratory and immune systems, the unnatural hormones secreted by the new organs during the transformation process will also cause every muscle in their bodies to be fully developed. When can we have a fight, Constantine? He eagerly raised the execution axe, his voice hoarse and rough like sandpaper, I heard from the legion commander that the Praetorian Guards are not soldiers but bodyguards.

The training cage or the gladiatorial arena will do. Then you will understand. If you still have a little honor, then complete the mission given to you by the emperor first. Constantine glanced at him indifferently. While Apalisia gritted her teeth and tightened her grip on the handle of her execution axe, she suddenly calmed down. Now was not the time for a conflict with the commander due to personal competitiveness, Apalisia was still able to distinguish between desire to win and victory. Honor is more important, otherwise he would not have been promoted to this position by the emperor himself. The emperor valued more than just personal bravery.

Let's go now, we are going to join the battlefield. Constantine and Hannibal held guard spears and faced the Hell Knights who were ready for battle. A chain of command has been established to ensure unimpeded communication on all battlefields. The gunboats that carried the Hell Knights to the surface also took off after completing their missions to perform alert and enemy detection missions. The marching route of this team did not overlap with that of Camilla's team, and there was even a low mountain range between them. Constantine blinked and issued an order up the standard chain of command through the indicator inside his helmet, No survivors left.

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