Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1120 Teleporting Coordinates (Second Update)

I'm glad you can come to tomorrow's ceremony, my friend.

T'Challa met the Emperor of Latovinia in the bright corridor of the palace. He was accompanied by Princess Shuri and the newly selected king's guard. These people will be witnesses of his succession ceremony tomorrow. It's just that at this moment, these people's eyes are attracted by the three-meter-tall golden-armored guard following the Emperor of Latvinia, especially Su Rui, who has been excluded from the guard's plan from the beginning to the end. People are particularly curious about Hammurabi's power armor and how it was modified.

You must attend today's dinner. T'Challa was in a very happy mood because he had solved a problem on his mind. You have never enjoyed Wakanda's state banquet. I believe you will be satisfied tonight.

I have no doubt of it, said the Emperor of Latovinia, smiling. In the eyes of the Wakandan people, he wears a smart custom-made suit, with a low-key but gorgeous Skyhawk lapel pin pinned to the fabric, which is perfectly in line with the attire required for state visits and important occasions. I think tonight we can discuss further cooperation in space and Wakanda's open national policy. Of course, the premise is that there is enough wine to enjoy. Princess Shuri, I think you must be on this matter. Have a considerable say.”

When you need a space forge, yes, I have a say.

I can't understand these things, friend. Seeing those numbers will only give me a headache. T'Challa smiled and shook his head, There is another program at this dinner today. Mother doesn't want me to tell you, but I Thought you should know. Tonight we will hold a public trial for the main perpetrators of the Vienna bombing, seek justice for my father, and show all the tribes that I am worthy of the throne. This is just a formality, I don't understand why others are so cautious, The Black Panther Throne has always been in our family.

It seems you chose the wrong major at Oxford, T'Challa. You shouldn't have studied physics.

T'Challa shrugged, his pointed shoes making him uncomfortable. He had some understanding of this ancient fashion, but more memories remained in the darkness and could not be found. I will have someone send cold beer to your room. Don't miss the dinner. The prince who was about to become the king was about to leave, but stopped again. He really wanted to talk about striped shirts and pointy-leather shoes, and his favorite rock music, but these all gave way to more important topics, topics that had nothing to do with him?

What kind of punishment do you think I should give that criminal, the death penalty or life imprisonment? He told me that my father's death was just an accident, and his original intention was to impersonate Bucky Barnes to split the Avengers. , I saw the consequences of what he did in the Arctic. Tony Stark and Steve Rogers have become eternal enemies. He did this because the Avengers killed his family, Now that my father is dead because of his act of revenge, he is willing to pay with his life. What should I do? Do you have any suggestions?

You're nervous.

Yes, I'm nervous. T'Challa lowered his voice, moving away from the new King's Guards while trying not to let the women surrounding the Praetorian Guards hear what he said. You are right, it is not easy to shoulder the lives of the people. We are not rulers who are just for money and power, which makes our burden even heavier. I feel a little breathless now , although the priests of the Black Panther Temple will not refuse to grant me the title, I am still worried that my legs will become weak when I walk to the throne. I think I need some courage, if possible... Please come to me in the arena, I It requires some dangerous enough sport, and of all the people I know, you are the only one who has such skill.”


T'Challa's plane has landed at Boninzana Airport in Wakanda. Witnesses at the embassy confirmed that Heinrich Zemo has been handed over to the custody of Hahnburg by the King's Guards. The Queen was greeting him. And Princess Shuri. Yes, he failed to commit suicide. Witnesses saw no other injuries on his body... Eric Killmon and his team have sneaked into the border of Wakanda, and are currently in the hologram in the forest outside the capital. After wandering in front of the projection barrier, satellite detection and intelligence analysis of Eric Kerman's trajectory, we believe that he is likely to be looking for the entry route that his father told him. Victoria Hand said, Now The observer holds an accurate map. I plan to let Eric Killmon get the precise coordinates as soon as possible and join Ulysses Klaue's plundering group. The embassy has entered the Wakanda Palace. We can Witness the most exciting moment of the battle for the throne. But Constantine told me that you will also attend T’Challa’s succession ceremony tonight?”

Victoria Hand looked at the document in her hand about the deployment of the Hell Knights.

The air in the office was terrible, the ashtrays on the desks were filled with cigarette butts, and nicotine patches were scattered between documents. She did not turn on the air filtration system or other ventilation equipment, as if she wanted to let the smoke particles soak into every piece of paper and every curtain here. So is it necessary to mobilize assassins for escort? I am worried that only one Imperial Guard cannot protect your safety. I hope you can allow us to arrange for the sky aircraft carrier to accompany you, not only as a deterrent, but also as an attitude.

She frowned, quite dissatisfied with the monarch entering what might become a base camp for a hostile force. I know that the Guards are very powerful. I have seen their physical test data and actual combat data, but their numbers are too small, and they do not have heavy ordnance...I know, I will send assassins to Harnburg, I guarantee Vakkan The master was unable to find Heinrich Zemo afterwards. I will contact the Hell Knights outside the border of Wakanda and inform them of your coordinates and the details of the building. I believe they will be there as soon as possible Teleported to you. Okay, waiting for your instructions...

Big shots don't listen to advice, right? Nick Fury raised his eyebrows, How many times have you encountered this kind of thing when you were working in the Secret Service? The children and family members of those politicians are so annoying, why are you still Didn’t you learn your lesson, V?”

Don't call me that. The Royal Guards are responsible for the monarch's security. I'm just raising objections to the security loopholes of the Guards. I'm calling you here to discuss the monarch's security work. He can't take all the security measures. It's all left to the Guards. Will those genetically modified soldiers check in advance whether there are bugs in the guest rooms, whether the wine cabinets have been poisoned, or whether the donated pets carry deadly viruses? Our agents have experience in this part. The work must be done by us.”

We have the people and the equipment, and we have Isabel.

But it's not professional enough! I'm warning you, don't mention that name again, it's in the past! The once-stern eighth-level agent of SHIELD said viciously to his past boss. She disliked Nick Fury mentioning the name of her former intimate partner, especially since the relationship broke up because she sent Nick Fury a letter worrying about a terrorist attack. Was transferred to serve in another place. Nick Fury nodded bitterly and raised his hands to show that he would no longer be so ignorant and would not poke Victoria's pain points to prevent her from actually taking out a pistol and shooting him.

The agents of the Order of the Guards are all soldiers. They have not received security training, and there is no time for them to learn in the real world. Victoria Hand gave Nick Fury a document and a tablet in an annoyed manner. Computer, This is the checkpoint we have determined based on the information given by the Imperial Order. It includes toxin check, radio signal check, air filter check, and central air conditioning check. If your men have already completed These missions, I want to see reports, I need to know that the monarch is safe and sound.

I'm curious about what can threaten a guy as powerful as Thor. Nick Fury took the file with a smile on his face, You will get what you want, V.

After a knock on the door, Malcolm put the notebook back. Come in.

The door was slowly opened, and the signal soldier with enhanced communication components installed on the power backpack walked in. My lord, there is a communication from Victoria Hand. The signal soldier held the data pad. The current temporary information processing center has been established, but the job of conveying the message is still the responsibility of the signal corps rather than his adjutant. Do you want to be connected now?

Malcolm nodded, and the signal trooper handed him the data pad. Three minutes later, the signal soldier waiting at the door was surprised to see the regiment commander walking out of his room.

I need to set a transmission coordinate. He said calmly to the signal soldier with his face as expressionless as granite, Highest priority.

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