Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1100 Chapter 1096 The King and the Giant (Part 2) (Second update)

It won't be this time! And you made the wrong enemy, Bucky was not the murderer of your father! Steve Rogers said, The psychiatrist was, and we have to stop his conspiracy now!

Just as Tony Stark was about to open his mouth to explain how to deal with Bucky Barnes, their attention was attracted by the sound of a truck engine in the distance. A green military truck crashed through the guardrail surrounding the airport and rushed in their direction without any intention of slowing down. When they were still two hundred meters away, the driver in military uniform opened the door and jumped out of the driver's seat of the truck that was traveling at high speed, and then ran out without looking back - before Tony Star or anyone else could do anything. Knowing what happened to the truck belonging to the US military stationed in Germany, the tarpaulin covering the truck was torn cleanly by a pair of giant green hands. The truck that was originally moving smoothly suddenly sank, as if it had gained a lot of mass out of thin air. The huge green body that suddenly appeared forcefully opened the steel frame supporting the tarpaulin in the military truck, and was full of unnaturally growing muscles tearing crazily. Metal braces around the body. The familiar roar drowned out the noise of the damaged engine, but this time it was filled with pain and madness.

Shit! That's Banner! Tony Stark used the function in his helmet to see the details clearly. He opened the military communication channel and yelled angrily, Ross, what the hell is going on! You bastard, 豼What did you do to Banner!

He only knew that Bruce Banner made an excuse to see his girlfriend at that time, and then left the Avengers base. During this period, his contact with Bruce Banner was not interrupted at all, and the two continued to conduct academic discussions on the phone. comminicate. Tony Stark couldn't believe that the Mad Hulk roaring at them was the same Bruce Banner who could control Hulk's temper and complete the Veronica combat system test. Tony Stark is certain that Bruce Banner is the cargo that Lieutenant Colonel Rhodes saw on the plane. Ross must have done something to Banner to make the originally calm Hulk so crazy.

Tony Stark's question did not receive a response, and the channel communicating with Secretary of State Ross was completely silent. It seemed that Secretary of State Ross had planned to solve the problem in his own way and completely abandoned them. With Hulk's sprint, both the Avengers and the Wakandans could only temporarily put aside the conflict. Even the revengeful T'Challa had to agree to let Bucky Barnes help the wounded of the King's Guard evacuate the scene. .

The crazed Hulk ran straight into the cargo box blocking the road, and the white iron box flew towards everyone like a light ball. The only person at the scene who could withstand such an attack was Tony Stark, so he activated the thrusters and rushed over without hesitation, making another humanoid dent on the dented and curved cargo box - although the movement It's a little funny, but at least Tony Stark still changed the flight path of the cargo box. However, Hulk continued to rush forward as if he didn't notice him at all, as if these people in his eyes were not his past friends but It is an enemy of unknown origin.

Lullaby! Cortana, can you recover Banner? Steve Rogers hugged Scott Lang, whose arms were broken, and hid in the shadow of a plane with other wounded people. He asked anxiously, Also, did you know Hulk is in Germany?

Rose didn't reveal anything. Natasha Romanoff shook her head, looking depressed. Dr. Banner's condition is not right. I don't think the lullaby will work.

The calming gas is useless. Hawkeye put down his bow and took out other special arrows from his quiver. He had just used a non-lethal calming gas, but this compound evaporated at an alarming rate and was not suitable for use on multiple targets. Otherwise, he would have shot an arrow at the King's Guards. The result of using non-lethal calming gas to attack Hulk's face was to make Hulk sneeze. If Tony Stark hadn't caught Hulk in time, he might have rushed towards this place full of wounded people. .

We must leave as soon as possible and leave Banner here. We can only pray that he will stay where he is after losing his target. We don't have Thor to help suppress him now.

I've called the aircraft. T'Challa suddenly said. He looked at Tony Stark, who was being swung around by the Hulk's legs not far away, and said, We can move the wounded up, and then stay to fight against the Hulk. We cannot let such a monster leave the airport under any circumstances. , to sit back and watch it massacre innocent people is a crime in itself.

Dr. Banner is not usually like this. Natasha Romanoff argued, Ross must have done something to him.

I don't care. T'Challa stretched out his hand to stop the king's guards who were still capable of fighting from following up. He said in the language of Wakanda, Stand back, you can't deal with this situation. The vibranium suit can protect me, but you can't. And this is not a battle for revenge for my father. This is not your honor. . He glanced at Bucky Barnes who was standing aside, Go carry the wounded and evacuate from here. Sooner or later you will be able to get your revenge in an upright manner, but not now.

Yes, Your Majesty! the temporary captain of the King's Guard gritted his teeth and said angrily, I will abide by your order and will not kill the murderer for the time being.

There is a Quinjet parked there! Natasha Romanov pointed to the hangar not far away and said, That Quinjet can carry the wounded.

Good, let's start taking action. T'Challa stepped out of the shadows, We don't have much time, I can't stop that giant for too long. Hey, big guy, how about finding a suitable opponent?

Hulk threw Tony Stark, who was smashed to the ground with bruises, and let out a deafening roar towards T'Challa who was provoking him. However, before Hulk could take a few steps, a rapidly flying black shadow rushed out from nowhere.

It was a black-armored giant riding a heavy motorcycle. The jet-black armor was decorated with brass and silver. He was holding a huge sword with flashing electric light, and his cloak blown by the wind was like the black wings of the god of death. The twin heavy bolt guns installed in front of the fast-moving motorcycle suddenly opened fire, like a spear spitting out long flames. Hell beast. The supersonic flying bolter bomb accurately hit Hulk's knee. The fission high temperature released by the warhead burned through the outer skin. A series of explosions caused by the secondary mass reaction fuse blew the flesh of Hulk's left leg below the knee to pieces, and the red blood The broken meat was splashed all over the floor, and Hulk, who had just started sprinting, fell heavily to the ground.

The black motorcycle did not slow down, but instead accelerated towards the Hulk. It skimmed over like an ancient cavalry, slowed down skillfully, then turned a corner, and once again launched a roaring sprint towards the crazy giant lying on the ground. . Hulk became more and more crazy because of the pain, waving his arms, trying to grab the machine that hurt him, but the blaster shot shattered the hand he stretched out towards the black-armored giant. The giant sword flashing with electric light was like an oncoming strong wind. The moment the sharp blade came into contact with Hulk's right leg and ankle, it burned the hard bones and muscles into atomic ashes. The severed sole of his right foot caused Hulk to lie on the ground. Squirming and tumbling pieces of meat.

After doing all this, the black-armored giant slowly stopped the huge motorcycle, put the giant sword behind his back, and walked towards the crazy Hulk. The Hulk, who was difficult for others to deal with, was like prey to be slaughtered in front of him. The hunting process was so easy that others thought they had missed something. The dark iron boots stopped in front of the roaring Hulk. The iron-black skeleton under the hood looked down at Hulk's rapidly healing and growing legs and arms. T'Challa recognized that this was Latovinia's power armor. After all, the armor was very retro in style, but when he tried to ask why the black-armored giant appeared, his question was ignored.

Be careful! T'Challa quickly shouted a warning when he saw Hulk's intact hand waving towards the black-armored giant. However, the black-armored giant just raised his hand and grabbed the palm of Hulk's hand that was swinging at him with astonishing speed. Then the black-armored giant simply broke Hulk's wrist, then bent down and grabbed his hair, and forcefully Smashing down his armor-wrapped fist. Before anyone else could react, the black-armored giant punched more than a dozen times in succession. Each punch was like a small explosion, until a hole was smashed into the concrete floor of the airport, until the mad Hulk stopped roaring and completely After fainting, the black-armored giant stopped in an orderly manner.

Where is Rose? The black-armored giant asked in a deep voice to Tony Stark, who was limping over.

Tony Stark looked at the black-armored giant's outfit, You are from Latvinia, right? Why is your master involved in this matter?

answer the questions.

I don't know. Tony Stark shrugged. He looked at the wailing wounded and corpses in the distance, and was very glad that he didn't involve the kid from Queens in this matter. Our contact has been interrupted. But I heard their message on the military channel. The US troops stationed in Germany are coming here. He pointed in the direction of Highway 14. Look, that's their convoy. Ross should be there too. There. Hey, who the hell are you? What are you going to do here?

The black-armored giant ignored him, rode on the motorcycle, and drew the giant sword on his back again.

Kill, he replied in a deep voice, everyone.

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