Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1086 Chapter 1082 Pessimism and Confidence (Second Update)

I have no worries about human beings being able to continue until heat death. If my plan is completed, then every human being will be immortal. Optimistically speaking, raising this issue early will help to verify my conjecture, Asimov said The idea is not completely unreasonable. Salomon shook his head. When the first life was born from the hot water of the ocean, negative entropy appeared. This is not an accident, but because negative entropy can promote entropy. Increasingly, the consciousness that pushed the universe toward heat death is still hovering around us and controlling our destiny. That kind of malice makes me shudder. They will never allow us to get rid of their control and gain free will. You understand my mission, I Dear Regent, this is about whether humanity is a doll in a bottle or a race in control of its own destiny.”

When the last human consciousness merged with the super artificial intelligence, the artificial intelligence took a long time to find the answer and found a way to reverse the increase in entropy. Immediately after the universe collapsed, the artificial intelligence in hyperspace spent endless time Count the hours to solve this problem, drawled Victor von Doom. His scientific knowledge is enough for him to answer this question. He was largely involved in the construction of Latvinia's scientific research department, and he has also read the Asimov novel. After all, he was in the mountains at that time. He could only read books in the hut and had no other entertainment activities. He was not interested in goats. This was Salomon's joke in his cabin, when Victor von Doom first shook his fist at his future monarch. It said, let there be light. And there was light.

It's really pessimistic. Although the development direction is the same, this is not the ending I want. Salomon shook his head and expressed his disdain for this ending without mercy. Asimov advocates humanism rather than atheism. He denounces superstition while maintaining superstition. I prefer people to see the ugliness of reality and then bravely face them. I hope to get rid of them and get rid of the consciousness that created the universe. Instead of creating another pathetic god.”

But this is also a victory for mankind, a victory for technology, a god belonging to mankind. Victor von Doom said with a smile, You must know that the psychological endurance of mortals is limited, even if every human being becomes immortal Or they will not be as strong, determined, brave and hopeful as you. You must continue to bear this responsibility until the heat death of the universe. My Lord, your watch will have no end. This is my prophecy. If I am wrong, you will then You can laugh at me loudly and I will never talk back.”

Our business is to make mankind strong, determined, courageous and hopeful, so that they will discover that they do not need gods and that they can create everything themselves. said the Emperor of Latovinia, This is who I am A gift to the human race, an idea. As long as we adhere to this idea, I believe that the potential of the human race can completely solve this problem.

If you ask me, I prefer to be down to earth now. Keep planning, and they will always know how valuable what you want to give them is. Victor von Doom reminded, Don't become a martyr easily, human beings will not They will cherish things that are too easy to obtain. They must pay the price of blood to understand how precious your gift is. Only in this way can they move firmly into the future along the path you have planned. Even so, humans are still very forgetful. Someone must always remind their ancestors of the price they paid so that they will not forget their mission.”

Pessimistic, the emperor commented, but I like your pragmatism.

Idealistic. The Regent shook his head. But I think hope is still necessary.

The emperor and the regent had already looked beyond the earth. They were confident in their career on earth, and believed that the current Latovinia was just the beginning of their career. This seemingly serious negotiation is actually a small compromise to improve the living standards of Latvian people and find a market for Latvian high-end manufacturing in the future, because the Latvian government promised that the people will Give them the life that Josip Broz Tito once gave them, in order to unite the various ethnic groups of Yugoslavia in the past, make up for the wounds caused by the ongoing war to overthrow religion, and promote the national Integrate while instilling the concept of human supremacy in a new generation.

Today's Latvinia is built on the corpse of Yugoslavia in the past. The emperor of Latvinia did not lead all Yugoslavs to fight a war to defend their homeland like Josip Broz Tito, but instead used war to force Those governments that fell to the West surrendered and restored the old system of the past. Coupled with the rampant populism, ethnic conflicts continue to occur in the already narrow Balkan Peninsula. Conflicts broke out between brothers who originally lived in peace until everyone forgot the reason for the conflict.

Although the current Latvian government respects the cultural customs of all ethnic groups, it has to take tough measures against rebels who are unwilling to accept the United Truth. There are many weapons scattered among the people in the Balkans, so it is lenient to send regular troops to maintain order. The army will repeatedly notify the rebels and civilians and do its best to take innocent people away from the war zone. TV broadcasts will also broadcast a surrender declaration on a loop to ensure that the rebellion is eliminated. No one except the leader will be harmed - if the regular army cannot maintain order or is even attacked by the rebels, then the genetically modified warriors will come to the front line in an assault transport and convey the emperor's will to the rebels, demanding that the rebels accept justice. , allowing civilians to return to their peaceful daily lives.

If the rebels still refuse to lay down their arms and surrender, preferring to die in defense of their superstitious temples, then the regular army will evacuate all civilians from the settlement, and the Hell Knights will then launch a complete campaign of extermination. The phosphate weapons, radiation bombs, plasma missiles, thermobaric rockets and other weapons of mass destruction in their arsenal are designed to create scorched earth. The places they walk will be uninhabitable for hundreds of years, just like ancient soldiers attacking hostile countries Sprinkling salt on a field is an act of complete destruction.

The displaced civilians will be resettled and given a new land and receive all the services provided by the Latvian government. When the past land is erased, civilization and memory are also erased. They will forget all the past culture of their nation, forget the filthy hatred brought by populism, and accept the Unified Truth without reservation.

No one is willing or able to issue such horrific orders, but if the scale of the rebellion tends to spread outward, and the relationship between the rebel leaders and foreign groups is discovered, the genetically modified warriors will get the orders they want. Fortunately, such an order has only been issued once so far, and it was intended to destroy an insurgent group with links to jihadists in the Middle East. That day, the night in the mountains was rendered into the color of ruby. Figures wearing black robes and dark gold armor were walking like ghosts among the molten rocks and evaporating snow. No one wants to see genetically modified warriors appear again, because that means someone has exhausted the emperor's patience. Everyone knows that the emergence of genetically modified warriors means that the behavior of the rebels has touched the emperor's bottom line, so someone will Privately, the genetically modified warriors Hell Knight are known as the Angels of Extermination.

After this, even the most hard-line populist leaders will kneel down and beg the emperor for forgiveness when the army arrives, accept gifts and large amounts of aid from the emperor, as well as administrative personnel who come with the army, and call on the people to participate in the work of building the future. go. Reality has proven that populism cannot fill the stomach, and the emperor who defeated the neoliberal government has brought many new technologies and new trades, allowing the people to see the hope of living a prosperous life. Except for a very small number of people, Absolutely a lot of populism will be abandoned. Such a sincere attitude will be rewarded, and the Executive Yuan headed by Stephanie Malik will also give tax reductions and even tax exemption certificates to regions that take the initiative to stop the rebellion and actively obey imperial decrees.

Obedience will be rewarded. The current Latovinian government has no mass base except for the province of Latovinia. However, the Executive Yuan treats all ethnic groups equally, respects all cultures except religious superstition, and cleans out corrupt officials from the original government. , announced the restart of high-tech manufacturing to turn the economy from weak to real, etc., etc., have been generally welcomed by the public, and the Unified Truth taught in all schools has also become a required course - in the estimation of the administrative department, too After the establishment of the airport, Latovinia's economic level, sense of national belonging, and self-confidence will reach an unprecedented level. After all religious scriptures and buildings in the territory are completely destroyed, people will also find that their lives are much better than before, and their souls gaps will be replaced by a hopeful future.

By then, the remaining Yugoslav countries can be drawn into the embrace without using too many weapons against fellow human beings, and the time will come for the next step of expansion. Latovinia in the future will be a country that advocates science and rationality. No one doubts that that era will not come. The Emperor of Latovinia, who often hangs out among the common people, is full of confidence in this.

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