Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1079 Chapter 1075 Transformation and Weakness (First Update)

Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson are still in the CIA prison. Only the prince of Wakanda was released from prison early with his diplomatic status, and then waited for Captain Rogers' friend outside the prison, so I helped in this matter. Don't even think about asking me to help you if you're not busy. What's more, you still have a reward that you haven't paid, Tony Stark, you owe me too much.

What do you want? Tony Stark said impatiently.

I need epidemiologists who have nothing to do with the U.S. military and are absolutely innocent, as well as your biological laboratory. The virus cultivated by the U.S. military in the biological laboratory in Nigeria has appeared in Turkey, and I suspect it is now spreading. The chain has already reached Greece. Because those diseases are so rare in Europe, Europe as a whole is unprepared. Either it will spread on a large scale and lead to tragedy, or we will succeed in eliminating the transmission route completely.

Nigeria? Could it be that...

Hydra is pretty cheap without a fixed salary, and it's a good idea to hire them to do some tasks that you don't want to be tracked by U.S. intelligence. Yes, that's where the Avengers got into big trouble. Those Wakandans were with us at the time. The main purpose was to study the local outbreak of infectious diseases. Originally, the sample should be compared with the local biological samples as soon as possible after receiving it, but no one could have imagined that Crossbones would be so unprofessional. No one could have imagined that Crossbones would be so unprofessional. The Avengers are so boring that they go to Nigeria! The Avengers only create trouble instead of solving it. I've said from the beginning that the Avengers are as impulsive as teenagers, but no one except Nick Fury listens!

Tony Stark glanced at Peter Parker.

The young man looked at him stupidly, then hurriedly covered his ears to express that he had not heard anything, and even if he had heard it, he would not tell anyone about it. Tony Stark knows that the world is not black and white. Although it is unseemly to use the remnants of Hydra, he has been exposed to worse things. He has no objection to keeping young people away from this gray world. .

Go on. What else do you know about Nigeria's biolabs?

Anyway, we finally obtained samples from the US military's biological laboratory in Nigeria, the Ukrainian biological laboratory, biological samples from Nigerian civilians, and biological samples from Turkish civilians for comparison. It was found that the viral RNA sequences of the four were highly identical. Screened for the Slavic race. The vaccines I prepared in advance cannot deal with such a wide variety of diseases, and the number and types of vaccines prepared by the Wakandans are not enough. Therefore, I need to set up a leather bag company, and I need your biological laboratory and Absolutely clean hands are used to develop and produce vaccines. This matter needs to be kept absolutely confidential, otherwise the pharmaceutical company chaebols, the military and the World Vaccine Alliance will tear you into pieces. Salomon looked solemn, The next president belongs to Republicans, Republican voters have always looked down on Silicon Valley elites like you. Your stable relationship with the military will cease to exist after that night because of the failure of you and Colonel Rhodes. There is no problem if you want to be Secretary of Defense, I can help You don't need Secretary Ross's connections in the military to hold on to that position, but I need to make a deal with you.

How could you possibly help me with this?

I have never been a superhero from the beginning to the end. I will not be so stupid that I don't know who the enemy is, and I will not be so stupid that I don't make preparations after realizing who the enemy is. No matter what, I need you to do it after you become the Secretary of Defense. , provide me with detailed information on the US military's biological laboratories around the world. This agreement cannot be on paper, but Salomon knows how to ensure that this agreement can be fulfilled as usual, Nick Fury's past methods provided Salomon with much inspiration.

make a deal?

Aren't we in the hospital parking lot? Happy Hogan's eyes widened as if he had just woken up from a dream. He found that he was driving his car and stopped in front of a traffic light. This is the only way to get to Stark Industries, located near Grand Central Station in New York, and he has completely lost all memory of his arrival from the hospital. However, Tony Stark just shrugged and did not respond much. Only Happy Hogan was still wondering whether everything he had just experienced was a dream. As for Peter Parker, the terrible discussion and transaction just now completely extinguished his urge to speak after seeing his idol. The information he heard was really terrible. Infectious diseases, death, and behind-the-scenes transactions were so heavy that they could not be added. Everything made him think deeply.

On the one hand, it is the simple sense of justice that gradually rises in his heart, and on the other hand, it is the deep-rooted feeling of powerlessness after knowing who the culprit is. The repeated pull of these two feelings almost tore him in half. The pride that originally belonged to teenagers after they discovered that they were different was little left in this pull. For the first time, Peter Parker realized the limits of his abilities. The world cannot be changed for the better with a passion. Tony Stark opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say what he wanted to say. He no longer planned to involve the teenager in this matter. The lessons from the United Nations Headquarters were painful enough. And he also discovered the changes in Peter Parker. Although this kind of frustration education is not popular in this place, he thinks it is very good for Peter Parker.

You participated in Stark Industries' Youth Foundation training. He said, Don't forget it.

Signing the agreement was only one of Salomon's reasons for coming to New York, but not all.

For a king with a new empire, Salomon found that there were still many things to solve on his own. After getting off the bus, he walked to the affluent area of ​​Manhattan and walked into a building he bought with his own property. Adequate security measures completely separated this place from the chaos of the slums of Manhattan. There were no gunshots here. , nor any malnourished non-white races. This building has a large and luxuriously decorated penthouse. Even when New York is in extreme chaos, many suppliers with long-term contracts can ensure the supply of materials for this penthouse, including all kinds of seasonal products. Expensive ingredients are continuously delivered here, and the electricity and natural gas supplies are never cut off.

Wanda. He opened the door and saw the woman sitting on the sofa, You haven't been to the Eternal City for more than a week.

I know. She did not turn around because of the sound of opening the door, and continued to sit on the sofa even after Salomon spoke. Salomon walked over and sat opposite her, looking at the dim gem held in her palm. I'm studying. She was wearing wrinkled cotton pajamas, her eyes full of tiredness. Wanda's face was quite ugly, and her hair was messy, but the crimson pointed crown she wore on her head was extremely clean. Lots and lots of knowledge.

It's good to see you're not immersed in the pain of killing yourself, Wanda. Salomon said.

The wreckage of Vision has been recovered by agents lurking in the Avengers base in the Immortal City. No one except Maria Hill, who was working as usual, noticed that Vision had disappeared. Tony Stark is still trying to track down the missing Bruce Banner, and Maria Hill didn't choose to disturb him at this point, so he still doesn't know Vision's situation. I thought that robot was still staying in the Avengers base. But it won't be long before he discovers that Vision is missing, but no one will tell him the truth unless Salomon takes out the gem.

I'm in pain, teacher, I saw my life from this gem. Wanda said, It blames me every day, and I can see the scene where I killed Vision every day. I feel that in me Somewhere I don’t know, the vision is very important to me. It’s asking me why I killed someone important to me. It says I made a mistake and it can make up for it.”

If I hadn't taught you, the vision would be very important to you. After all, it is one of the possibilities of the multiverse. Salomon reached out and took the gem out of her hand. After he did this, Wanda's mental state improved visibly, and the crimson horn crown she wore on her head gradually decomposed into crimson lines, and finally disappeared. This gem has extremely high intelligence, and those possibilities are its deductions. Your current emotions are manipulated by it, otherwise the robot would be nothing to you. It wants to make you succumb to the emotions it created. , making you willing to become its agent, just like Vision. Do you remember what I said to you at the beginning?

Be wary of anything that can give you a benefit, equal exchange.

Whether it's an extra dimension or a gem, it's the same. Things that are given for free will always have an ulterior purpose. Salomon nodded and stood up. He put his hand on Wanda's head and said, Go take a bath and I will make you a delicious lunch. Cheer up, the universe will not stop because of our weakness.

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