Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1063 Chapter 1059 The Second Battle of New York Part 2 (First update)

Tony Stark relied on the banging prison isolation system as a cover, and with the help of the Iron Legion, he tore off the Iron suit that could no longer be taken off. The steel suits outside the bunker immediately encountered a fierce counterattack. Many steel suits would be torn apart by explosive bombs even if they escaped the anti-air missiles. Tony Stark avoided the explosive barrage and put on a scarred, The outer armor of the steel suit was almost shattered. Welcome back, sir. Friday's voice came from the sound unit of the damaged armor, Do you need service?

It's nice to see you, Friday, Tony Stark said breathlessly, Start installing the Veronica system.

The Veronica Combat System was jointly developed by him and Dr. Bruce Banner to deal with the Hulk. It has independent satellite communications, independent intelligent AI operations, support supply systems and prison isolation systems. Normally, Gnaku's The model is deployed on a low-orbit satellite. During the development period, Dr. Bruce Banner secretly transformed into the Hulk for actual combat testing, and eventually formed a stable independent combat system. Many parts of the Hulkbuster armor require high-strength materials for support, especially to deal with the Hulk's prison isolation system. Vibranium is the best choice. His deal with the vibranium dealer Ulysses Klaue was made by Come here. Although Tony Stark failed to notice it, Friday, as an intelligent assistant, discovered that the rhythmic fire suppression suddenly appeared abnormal, and the Iron Legion's chance of remaining intact after passing through the fire encirclement network suddenly increased.

Immediately afterwards, the armor plate of the prison isolation system began to suffer more violent attacks. The location where the warhead hit began to heat up and soften abnormally. The surrounding temperature also began to rise abnormally. The genetically modified soldiers in the prison isolation system began to attack more violently. Trying to destroy this temporary prison - after discovering that conventional high-explosive armor-piercing bombs could not destroy the prison, the captain ordered the heavy firemen carrying heavy bolt machine guns to replace the point 998 (approximately 25.3492 mm) that dealt with heavy armored targets. SAP semi-armor-piercing welded core ammunition is intended to use high temperatures to penetrate armor plates made of vibranium alloy.

On the surface, this ammunition is specially developed to deal with the depleted uranium armor of the US M1 main battle tank [Note: The ability of depleted uranium armor to resist fin-stabilized discarding sabots is equivalent to 700 mm thick homogeneous steel armor, and it can withstand hollow charge armor-piercing The bullet capability is equivalent to 1300 mm thick homogeneous steel armor], which is used to make up for the penetration ability of conventional 75-caliber explosive bombs that can only deal with the reactive armor of conventional infantry fighting vehicles and ordinary main battle tanks. But in fact, this high-temperature ammunition has a wider range of uses, and dealing with depleted uranium armor is just one of them. Its penetration ability can even deal with the power armor of genetically modified warriors.

This situation was immediately reported to Tony Stark on Friday, but the opioid painkillers injected by the medical system at this moment made Tony Stark temporarily forget the pain of broken bones, and also numbed his body to some extent. His brain prevented him from receiving all the warnings from Friday. Without further orders, the armored ganaku suspended in the air released modular armor components equipped with thrusters according to established procedures. These armor components flew towards Tony Stark under the guidance of laser guidance. The moment it comes into contact with the steel suit, the thrusters automatically fall off and wrap the steel suit. The mechanical structure deforms, extends, and connects with other modular armors. This process lasted only a dozen seconds. When Tony Stark turned out from behind the bunker after completing the assembly, his height had exceeded the prison isolation system.

I need medical care, Friday, I feel like I'm going to die. Tony Stark was not particularly happy to put on the Hulkbuster armor. He felt dizzy, nauseous, dizzy, his limbs were cold, and his whole body was in constant pain. Even after being injected with painkillers, he didn't feel his condition was much better. Although he couldn't see it with the naked eye, he still felt that the place where the armor contacted his skin was wet and sticky. This was probably because of the blood that had been shed too roughly when he tore open the last steel suit. He felt that his soul was now It was floating above my head, and even if my skin was torn open, I would only feel numb.

Your judgment is correct. Friday agreed happily. Tony Stark's previous armor was unable to withstand the shock wave erupted by the war hammer. He relied on the medical system and the restraints in the steel suit to barely keep his limbs intact and survive until now. In fact, his knees are now located on the hips of the Hulkbuster armor, which was originally supposed to be driven using force feedback mode, but now he no longer has the strength to command the power armor with his limbs, so he can only let Friday take full control. According to the advance Carry out actions according to the formulated combat mode. If you ignore a small number of open wounds, your bones all over the body have cracks to varying degrees, and your muscles have been damaged extensively. And your concussion symptoms are very severe, your heart rate is too fast, and your blood oxygen content continues to decrease. You have reached death. On the verge, sir, do you need emergency medical services.

First some adrenaline and painkillers! Don't move! I said, don't move...Fuck!

Standing in front of the tactical team of genetically modified warriors is a golden-red steel giant with a height of 11 feet (3.35 meters). A heavy hydraulic motor drives the mechanical joints. The helmet looks small compared to the broad shoulders. of bulges. The Hulkbuster armor has a thicker nitinol armor module. When a conventional 75 (19.05MM) caliber explosive shell hits the surface of the golden-red armor, it cannot tear open the armor and damage the exoskeleton mechanical structure below as before. Only multiple shots can gouge through an armor plate. Tony Stark, who was armored by the Hulkbuster, felt much relieved. He believed that this MK44 Hulkbuster armor would be able to solve the current problem. However, the Hell Knights who were accustomed to the existence of the monarch and the Praetorian Guard did not because of this. He was surprised by the thickness of the armor and size - after these genetically modified warriors completed their transformation (including knowledge instillation) and were organized into groups, they were thrown in batches by the portal to the planet where the Guards had trained for actual combat exercises. The horrors experienced were far beyond ordinary imagination. They also have a very important responsibility, which is to completely eradicate the terrifying evil witchcraft. Therefore, during training, they have been to a high-tech world ruled by extradimensional forces to face the abnormal machinery and artificial intelligence that have been contaminated and corrupted.

The squad leader laughed disdainfully just looking at the Hulkbuster armor. He ordered the tactical team to maintain fire suppression to block the reinforcements of the Iron Legion, and at the same time asked the long-awaited demolitioners to wring out individual soldiers that could only be used by genetically modified warriors. Missile launcher. This missile launcher can fire five missiles continuously at an extremely fast speed and can continue to operate only by replacing the missile magazine. Therefore, it is very popular among genetically modified warriors.

Facing the rapidly flying missile, Tony Stark cursed subconsciously. Under Friday's control, the relatively slow-flying individual missile was easily able to calculate the flight path and calculate the danger with distance as the priority, and planned with the help of the target identification and tracking system, precise targeting and positioning system and command and control system Find the best escape route and the fastest way to destroy it.

The huge Hulkbuster armor instantly activated the recoil thrusters on its legs and back to take Tony Stark off the ground. In the blink of an eye, it used the recoil particle beams on the palms of the Hulkbuster armor to destroy five of his missiles. . Immediately afterwards, Friday controlled the Hulkbuster armor and launched four intelligent guided missiles at the genetically modified warriors holding ion shields to suppress fire. While the Hell Knights spread out to avoid the missiles, they still formed a fire encirclement. Friday changed the posture of the Hulkbuster armor. It stretched out its arms to protect its head and slammed into the tactical team leader who had the most gorgeous armor. .

The main purpose of the Hulkbuster armor is to control and divert the crazed Hulk, so the main attack module installs most of the melee weapons, such as mechanical kinetic hammers and restraint slots, so there are not many weapons installed in the missile bay. Friday The planned route to victory is close combat. Friday endured the failures caused by the mechanical structure and armor plates being gradually torn apart and injured by the dense explosions. He clenched his fist and took the lead in punching the tactical team leader with his right fist. Although the genetically modified warriors reacted extremely quickly, the captain of the tactical team holding the shield was still punched into the United Nations headquarters building, smashing several non-load-bearing walls and a large amount of glass.

Seeing that these warriors wearing power armor were not invincible, Tony Stark immediately breathed a sigh of relief. However, before he could relax for a few seconds, a golden man wearing a suit inlaid with gems and with complex and exquisite reliefs engraved on the armor plate appeared. A warrior wearing power armor and wearing a golden-pointed eagle-shaped red tassel helmet who seemed to be only slightly shorter than him walked out. After that, the genetically modified soldiers immediately ceased fire, moved their positions and retreated in an orderly manner, dividing into two groups to meet the attackers and captains who had just escaped from trouble. The identity of the man was displayed on the HUD projection on Friday, and it identified through the coat of arms on the shoulder armor and the style of the power armor that this was the man standing to the right of the white Pegasus in the United Nations Security Council chamber.

I am Supiluliumas. The voice of the Praetorian Guard came through the loudspeaker on the neck armor. Without saying much he began to move menacingly, before Tony Stark could react to the man who looked slightly smaller than the Hulkbuster armor. Supiluliumas held the flashing halberd in his backhand and rushed towards him. He was very fast. A blast shot from the halberd startled Tony Stark and made him Hidden back subconsciously. Among the priorities of the Hulkbuster armor operating system, Stark's actions are the highest, and all the remaining action details have to be added on Friday, so this action also gave the Praetorian Guards a chance.

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