Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1038 Chapter 1034 Naples and the Mediterranean Theater (Second update)

She wanted to know what the naval base in Naples, Italy, was like today. There is only one sky battleship in the Mediterranean theater. Although there are five fortress-type combat robots there, the number of genetically modified soldiers assigned there is also the least.

The mission of the Mediterranean theater is not to destroy, but to capture and capture. Before the assembly of the controllable nuclear fusion power plant is completed, Latovinia needs to use the ships of the Mediterranean Fleet to exchange oil and natural gas supplies with Russia. This is a deal that has been reached with the Russian fleet, and the political implications are far stronger than the military implications. .

The sky destroyer with the most powerful firepower was dispatched to the Arctic Ocean theater. Commander Tita of the sisterhood led the battle sisters to fight against the fortress-type combat robots. The monarch makes no secret of his preference for the suspiciously beautiful girls of the sisterhood, who do not need to land on ships to fight, but only need to launch missiles.

Victoria Hand still hasn't figured out where those girls came from. Supported by a large number of missiles, the Arctic theater also requires minimal manpower, but the Sisterhood still carries a lot of combat power. Victoria Hand believes that with such powerful firepower, the mission in the Arctic Ocean theater may end even faster than here.

From the intelligence she received, it seemed that her king was riding alone to attack the US naval base. She didn't know of any horse in the world that could carry a giant in power armor, unless it was the white Pegasus that appeared during the Battle of New York. There are so many incredible things that happen to monarchs. A horse is not a particularly rare thing, and riding a horse and charging a main battle tank with a lance is not a rare thing.

Ms. Hand. Constantine's voice sounded from the encrypted communication, It's over.

it's over?

Yes. Constantine looked down at the captain hiding in the cabin. The captain's head was pointed with a large-caliber bolter, and the air was filled with the smell of propellant, chainsword exhaust, and burning debris. During the battle, they were very careful to avoid causing ammunition to explode. Execute the escape plan and the loading plan. He used gestures to instruct the genetically modified warriors to plant the remote-controlled bombs. The total 85 carrier-based aircraft in the hangar, including the deck, were all the results of this operation, but Constantine did not intend to transfer these. ordnance. We have obtained enough prisoners and information, now it is time to scuttle the ship.

Compared with the Arctic Ocean Theater and the Atlantic Theater, Salomon, who is in charge of the Mediterranean Theater, has a much easier time. The tactics used in each war zone are different. The Mediterranean war zone has higher requirements on the soldier's personal combat ability, so he will personally lead the raid, but before that, he needs to capture his own trophies with his own hands and attack the opponent's chain of command at the same time.

The battle report received by Victoria Hand was correct. He indeed rode Pegasus into the Naples naval support facility. This US military base located on the south side of Naples International Airport has extremely complete facilities. Although its main function is to provide management support and logistics support for NATO military units in the Mediterranean region, the naval base only occupies a small part of the southern part of the entire area. It's more of a two-story office facility than a military base. It doesn't even look as luxurious as the Naples Navy Hotel, which is connected to a laundromat and chapel. Not only that, there's a general hospital and daily necessities store on the east side of the facility. , Housing Service Center, Housing Maintenance/Assignment Office, and KFC all look more like offices than Navy bases.

Although he was reluctant, due to the nature of the intelligence organization here, Salomon had to attack here first before targeting the Mediterranean Fleet. As a result of the earlier investigation, Salomon is now waiting for the current Vice Admiral Frank Craig Pandoff to walk into the office facility - whether it is because he had other loyalties from the beginning, Hale The lieutenant general showed no mercy when betraying his colleagues. Commander of the U.S. Navy's Sixth Fleet, Frank Craig Pandorf, graduated from the United States Naval Academy in 1980. He also received his doctorate from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts. Pandorf graduated in 1999 In 2001, he commanded the USS Mitchell (DDG-57). During this period, the ship won three commendations. He later participated in the war in Afghanistan and served in the Office of Naval Warfare, the Joint Staff and the White House before serving as commander of the Sixth Fleet. He was closely connected with a company with a Republican background and planned to pass through the revolving door after retiring. Join that company and work.

Due to the sudden emergence of Latovinia, the naval vice admiral who was facing retirement had to rush to Naples, Italy to participate in the meeting. The initiator of this meeting was none other than Lieutenant General Hale. She found an excuse to arrive late and avoided the attack without suspicion. She advocated a hard-line policy towards Latvinia, that is, concentrating the Mediterranean fleet and conducting strategic bombing of Latvinia itself, imitating the bombing of Yugoslavia. The first half of this proposal was adopted, but the second half was because the CIA had not yet To find out the equipment level of Latvinia, I put it on hold for now. Behind this proposal is the decision-making of Gideon Malik of the Foreign Relations Committee and the staff department of the Eternal City War Parliament. Gideon Malik persuaded the Democratic members of the Senate to use these connections when he was about to retire. The president and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton have touted the importance of tightening control over southeastern Europe.

In fact, there is a more important reason. Many companies in Southeast Europe, including Hungary, are controlled by foreign wealthy people. Many of them have shares in European and American politicians. The descendants of many politicians serve as nominal executives in these companies, replacing The family took bribes. Many of these nominal executives are related to politicians and liberal parties in the country. Latovinia's beheading strikes and intelligence capabilities have fundamentally cut off the financial resources of many politicians.

Predictably, the Democrats took the bait, perfectly massing the Mediterranean fleet through the Strait of Gibraltar, ready to launch a military strike. This has nothing to do with any values. The only reason is money. This is also the lesson capital learned after the Knights Templar were killed - no matter how powerful capital is, it cannot compete with the king who holds military power and wants to develop and grow. You must become the uncrowned king who controls the army. The decision made by the White House is very much in line with the interests of the Eternal City. The Eternal City needs the Mediterranean Fleet, the Atlantic Fleet, and the Arctic Ocean Fleet to be concentrated. Only in this way can the U.S. Navy's Sixth Fleet be annihilated in a short time. An impenetrable fortress can only be breached from within. Relying on money offensives and Hydra spies, the Immortal City's strategic decisions are always faster than those of the White House, and can even guide the White House in making decisions to some extent.

Salomon first ordered some food at a barbecue bar called BRP Cafè which is a 5-minute drive from the naval base. Relying on the magic of illusion, no one discovered that he was actually three meters tall and wearing a gorgeous golden power armor. He even We had a great time chatting with the waiter at the bar while waiting for our food. While enjoying the food, he had been using the data pad in his hand to receive images from the drone flying in the sky - it was a golden goshawk with ruby ​​eyes, composed of gears, motors and ivory , containing a lot of cutting-edge technology, is an upgraded version of the silver dove that Salomon gave to Father Moru. This mechanical eagle is extremely agile when flying in the sky, just like a real bird of prey. In fact, this is a mechanical eagle equipped with low-level intelligence. Salomon used magic and technology to digitize the soul of a real goshawk and upgraded it. In other words, this mechanical eagle likes to hunt small animals just like ordinary raptors, and can even comb its gold-plated alloy feathers. Except that it cannot actually eat, it is no different from normal creatures.

He raised his head and blinked at the camera on the upper left side of the bar.

This is also the last information about the attack on the Naples Naval Base that Natasha Romanoff gave to Steve Rogers. Although the TV was reporting that a fire broke out in the U.S. Navy's aircraft carrier battle group, Steve Rogers knew that the so-called fire was actually a sinking. From the Arctic Ocean to the Mediterranean, the U.S. Navy suffered its most serious losses since World War II. Two hours after three aircraft carrier battle groups lost contact at the same time, the U.S. Naval Operations Office sent satellites for reconnaissance. After determining that this was irreparable After the loss, the information was finally submitted after all kinds of delays. Three aircraft carrier battle groups with Nimitz-class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers as flagships suffered complete destruction. Part of the aircraft carrier battle group in the Mediterranean was completely missing, and no wreckage was even found on the seabed. However, the Russian Black Sea Fleet suddenly There was a new movement, and the situation in the Mediterranean suddenly became tense.

It all has something to do with the person in this video having a great conversation with the waiter.

I took away the surveillance. No one except us knew that he had appeared near the naval base. Natasha Romanov pursed her lips. Although this was not a difficult task, her experience was not that simple. Not to mention getting rid of the spy sent by the Ministry of Defense and taking a Quinjet to Italy. When she took away the hard drive that stored the surveillance video, she found a letter written to her in a rarely opened case. The letter was written by Salomon, who seemed to have predicted that she would do this.

But she didn't tell anyone else about it.

It has been more than a day since the US aircraft carrier battle group was attacked by unknown forces. Secretary of State Ross and Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter have no time to urge the Avengers to sign an agreement. Even so, Steve Rogers is still confused. First, Crossbones Rumlow told the story about Bucky, and then came the notification of Peggy Carter's critical illness. All his thoughts were taken away by these two people, and he really couldn't think about Sokovia. protocol.

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