Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1027 Chapter 1023 Decapitation Operation·Budapest (First Update)

On the assault transport boat bound for Budapest, Salomon quickly recovered after experiencing a brief emotional low.

He called up the war briefing provided by satellite reconnaissance and started browsing. He repeatedly confirmed whether the strategic expectations he had formulated were in line with the development of the war situation, and calmly adjusted the dispatch of materials and handled wartime logistics needs. Not long ago Victor von Doom said that he regarded war as a mathematical problem composed of shells, bullets, fuel and blood. Now it seems that this description is very accurate. Now in this war started by the Eternal City, Therefore, being able to gain an advantage is the result of the Eternal City exerting its greatest advantage to push the war to a high-end arms competition. This is a war puzzle that can be solved with mathematical problems.

The Eternal City's war against Hungary is like the Gulf War in 1991. It is a new type of war with overwhelming air and electronic superiority. It's just that the Eternal City uses more long-range strikes beyond visual range, because Salomon needs to pick the fruits of victory in the shortest time. There is no ample time to carry out large-scale air strikes like the US military in Iraq. To this end, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money. Those war material reserves were consumed rapidly. Seeing years of accumulation pouring out like a flood, even Stephanie Malik had to take anti-anxiety drugs to support it.

The three air bases of Papo Air Base, Kecskemet Air Base and Szolnok Air Base have suffered complete destruction by missiles loaded with various warheads. The transport helicopter battalion, combat helicopter battalion, first anti-aircraft missile and the first All two anti-aircraft missile groups were destroyed; the L-band solid-state active phase missiles used by the first radar center in Beqay Saba, the second radar center in Medina, and the third radar center in Bankut The controlled array 3D radar RAT-31DL also suffered a severe blow - the hypersonic missiles used by the Immortal City cannot be intercepted by current human military technology. Hungary still uses the air defense system deployed by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. In Immortal City The technological superiority of the Immortal City has no power to fight back, which provides great convenience for the Immortal City to carry out airdrops of mechanized infantry.

Since factors such as extraterrestrial transportation were taken into consideration from the beginning of the design, the Mars Foundry adopted a modular design, and many of the armored vehicles used by the Immortal City have the same chassis. After removing the crew cabin and most of the weapons, the assault transport boat can deliver the armored vehicles used by the genetically modified warriors to the front line to attack the remnants of the transferring Hungarian armed forces and execute Salomon and the Praetorian Guards. Action provides the necessary conditions.

The flashing marks on the data panel diverted Salomon's attention from the logistics data to this file.

The transport module produced by the Mars Foundry had been used in the battle to destroy the Skrull military base, and had also been used in the Battle of Fimbul Winter. Salomon was quite satisfied with its performance. Now the transport capsule is flying from the space station all the way to Budapest. The technicians at the space station sent a report. After careful calculations, the arrival time of the assault transport boat over Budapest will coincide with the arrival time of the transport module. This is another mathematical problem with a perfect solution. According to every plan in the war plan, Step by step, Salomon was satisfied with the feeling of holding everything in his hand. But at the same time, he reminded himself not to indulge in this sense of comfort. This would only make it too easy to figure out the rules of his tactics. Sometimes it is not necessary to be too rational when formulating tactics.

As for why missiles are not used to carry out targeted killings of government departments in Hungary, that is because there are many complex historical reasons why Hungary has become what it is today. The Eternal City cannot simply and crudely replace the current Fidesz party. To transform Hungary in the way of the Ban government. The Soviet Union has done this before, and the results have been written in the history books. The Eternal City will never repeat the same mistake - although the Eternal City carried out a military attack on Hungary, all military operations were aimed at NATO, and Hungary The basic industrial facilities and public infrastructure within the territory have not been touched at all, and civilian casualties have been reduced as much as possible, which provides a basis for cooperation.

At the seminar of the interior department, Stephanie Malik believed that the reason why the Orban government came to power was that instead of receiving benefits after Hungary joined the EU, it sacrificed its own country's interests to satisfy the greed of Western European plutocrats. A large number of urban youth groups were lost to foreign countries, and domestic middle- and lower-class workers and peasants voted to put the conservative-leaning Orban on the throne. Also against neoliberalism, there is still room for cooperation between Eternal City and Orban. To some extent, this war can also be regarded as an opportunity for the Orban government - Eternal City's war behavior will Help Hungary completely break away from the economic shackles of the EU, take back the enterprises held by Western European capital, and completely eliminate domestic opposition forces through amending the constitution or violent means. Eternal City needs to help Orbán’s government resolve to follow the authoritarian path of anti-populism, building a community with a shared future for mankind, and limiting liberalizing capital.

Latovinia will eventually begin to develop after merging with Silkaria and Transylvania, and the stability of the surrounding areas will become very important at that time. Therefore, the Eternal City must help the Orban government satisfy the interests of middle- and lower-class workers and farmers, and provide technical support to Hungary. Only in this way can Latovinia gain a solid and reliable ally - the Eternal City, or Latovini Ya needs to show Hungary its powerful military strength and act as a giant who wields a war hammer to break all shackles. By then, a political alliance in Southeast Europe will be established centered on Latvinia, which is in dire need of development and has a huge manpower gap, rather than the EU's liberal economic plutocrats represented by foreign tycoons and domestic oligarchs.

Salomon knew very well that the war started by Latvinia would not last long, and the outcome of the war was likely to be that he led the genetically modified warriors and the Praetorian Guards to the White House, using the descendants of the major plutocratic families as his The hostages forced the European and American industrial complexes to surrender; or he directly ordered the void fighters to destroy all NATO communication satellites, causing the entire military alliance to be completely paralyzed and degraded to the level of World War II; or he showed super power projection capabilities and Unparalleled decapitation ability, ending by striking all the opponent's organizational structures. In fact, he already has the bargaining chip in his hand to force the entire international community to make concessions. Now it is just a matter of how to play the card. The early plan to annihilate satellites is only a small part of a certain plan, and it is a part of a huge war machine. gear.

The only way to peace is war, and negotiations have begun, using artillery shells and missiles on both sides.

He will not stay too long in Hungary, this is a planned step.

After today, Victor von Doom will replace him to stabilize the situation at the rear, while Salomon himself will lead this group of genetically modified warriors deep into Europe to cooperate with the satellite missile bay of the Tianjian Space Station to confront the void combat forces. A quick strike against all NATO military installations, while also having to show the outside world that this is only a small part of Latvinia's war potential. Because the United States has passed the emergency intervention bill and plans to take measures against Latvinia in the near future. His war plan to attack Hungary lasted only six hours, three of which were spent negotiating with Orban's government.

Even if this is just a bluff, due to the electronic warfare advantages of the Eternal City, the intelligence systems of most countries in the world still cannot figure out the details of Latovinia. After the attack on NATO, Salomon will go directly to the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Although she knows that most countries will not invite him, Stephanie still helped him prepare a speech to speak at the United Nations. By then he will Announce to the world the alien fleet detected by the Immortal City and urge countries around the world to join forces.

This will be his last peaceful attempt to unite the human race.

The assault transport boat changed to hovering mode at the predetermined location and hid near the clouds above the target city. They crossed over Hungary's armored groups and reserve personnel that still had combat capabilities, and directly carried out a decapitating blow on Hungary's organizational structure. Not many countries in the world have the ability to resist such tactics.

Salomon stood up from his seat with a solemn expression, holding the bolter and holy sword in his hands.

He walked towards the ramp hatch and watched as the transport cabin with its recoil engine started landed on the outskirts of Budapest like a huge meteor. Four war machines with a height of twenty meters quickly rushed out of the open hatch. , striding towards Budapest shrouded in sunshine. Except for the assault transport boat responsible for transporting armored vehicles, all other aircraft opened the doors behind the cabin. The genetically modified warriors wore jetpacks with turbine engines, armed with bolters and chainswords, and were ready to land in Budapest for an attack.

The assault transport craft swooped down like a whale falling into the sea.

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