Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1020 Chapter 1016 For Unification (Second Update)

Where are you taking us? a reporter who looked European and American asked eagerly.

He did not keep talking about human rights, because everyone here has seen that human rights do not exist here. The war reporters who made trouble here were dragged away on the spot, and no one knows the current situation of those people. Although it was not as barbaric as public execution or beheading, you could guess with your toes that the fate of those people would not be good. The soldiers here are very tight-lipped and no one will reveal any information to them. However, after several days of tracking reports and seeing the equipment of the resistance and the racial composition of the soldiers, these war reporters all understand the civil war in Latvinia. Not as simple as they see in the Middle East.

The technical content of just those super-heavy tanks and assault transport boats has exceeded that of many countries in the world, not to mention the many Latinos, Africans, Asians, Slavs and other soldiers from different races around the world. Special army, this shows that there is a larger group leading behind the scenes of this war. Some experienced war reporters immediately thought of proxy wars. They believed that some countries were using Latvinia for weapons testing and power expansion. If they saw the existence of the Praetorian Guard, their thoughts might be more different. More, more terrible. Except for some war reporters who wanted to find out the truth, everyone else wisely kept silent. After all, they were just war reporters, not soldiers or agents.

As long as you obey the instructions, you won't die. the soldier said with a smile. He pointed at the gendarmerie troops who were lined up to maintain order, Don't waste time, there's something up there for you to see!

When the assault transport boat rowed through the black smoke-filled sky above the Royal City, Victor von Doom had already led the Latvian resistance forces into the city with a long staff - carrying recoilless weapons and specifically responsible for clearing fire points. The soldiers entered the alleys of the city as quickly as possible to control the firepower strongholds. The tracked armored vehicles equipped with buckets were clearing the ruins and mines in front of them, while covering the soldiers to establish mortar positions and squad explosive machine gun positions. At the same time, they cover the soldiers to attack the enemy's large firepower stronghold; the light armored personnel carriers disperse towards the surrounding streets, relying on the double-mounted heavy explosive bombs and coaxial machine guns installed on the front of the vehicles to suppress the royal guards hidden in the houses and help the rebels occupy this place. every house; while the last super-heavy tank advanced steadily along the opened road, it fired artillery shells and lasers at the oncoming blocking fire, relying on its thick reactive armor and powerful firepower to control the main road leading to the castle from the royal city. aisle.

Since the early reconnaissance work was guided by rocket bombing and assault transport boat raids and blasting, when the rebels entered the city, there were very few heavy firepower units and armored units of the Royal Guard left. Many of the Royal Guards abandoned their guns and surrendered as soon as the fighting began, and Victor von Doom had to leave a few small groups to guard the prisoners and lead them out of the city to prevent them from causing trouble. At the same time, another group of soldiers had to stay and guide the civilians to evacuate. Those civilians who could not be found by the elite team of [Exemptors] all jumped out at this moment.

This war is going very fast, even though Victor von Doom has slowed down his advance, trying to avoid casualties caused by impatience. But due to the heavy firepower of the Eternal City and the elite soldiers trained all over the world, it took only half an hour for him to cross the ruins of the city and arrive in front of the castle that had become rubble. The artillery fire gradually subsided. Except for the resistance encountered when entering the city, the subsequent offensive can be described as smooth sailing. The closer you get to the castle, the smoother the offensive will be. The rank and morale of the royal guards are inversely proportional. Whether it is a Molotov cocktail, an improvised explosive device, or a hostage-taking incident, they will all be easily destroyed by a girl wearing black power armor and wearing a fleur-de-lis and rose crest falling from the sky. Resolution - The Sisters will never miss a war waged by their monarch, and they will always stand by his side. Everything is going according to the plan, and all firepower points and resistance intensity are calculated. Victor von Doom feels that this is not so much a siege, but an armed parade, or a battle with artillery fire and blood. Mathematics problems formed, and his boss has already come up with the optimal solution.

Salomon, who was wearing golden power armor, had been waiting here for a long time. The Latvian royal family, dressed in expensive and exquisite clothes, knelt down in disgrace in front of the broken stone square. In front of the royal family was a large group of soldiers wearing royal military uniforms. These soldiers knelt down on the Eternal City's white leaflets and the stone bricks broken by the bombing - they held their heads in their hands, their knees were covered with blood, and advanced equipment such as firearms, anti-aircraft missiles and armored vehicles were thrown away randomly. At the designated location, a large number of prisoners were controlled by a white-haired girl wearing black power armor and a crimson cape, and a team of [Exemptors] wearing black bulletproof armor. All the royal guards within a radius of two hundred meters surrendered. This was the prestige and fear they gained by rushing into the royal guards wielding chain swords and explosive bombs. Some girls still had smelly minced meat on their armor.

The Praetorian Guards stood beside the monarch with helpless expressions.

This was the first time Hammurabi came into contact with the Sisters. Before that, he only knew that the Eternal City had such an armed organization composed entirely of women. The Commander of the Sisters, Tita, told Hammurabi what she had said to Constantine. Murabi repeated it. Even Hammurabi had to admit that Tita was right. The Praetorian Guards must rely on the Sisters to control the surrounding areas and completely eliminate any offensive attempts against the monarch. However, they did not stay with Salomon all the time. He entered the city earlier than everyone else, and he was also the first to end the battle.

It was only then that Victor von Doom discovered a body that had been torn into two pieces by a bomb lying at Salomon's feet. It was an elderly man with a frightened face, which was completely consistent with the information previously detected outside the city. This was the dark wizard - there was a gap that exploded outwards outside the collapsed castle, and below the gap was a bottomless tunnel and Room. No one saw the supernatural battle that Salomon went through. Even the royal guards only saw the golden figure ordering the Latvian royal family to kneel in front of him. Then they all surrendered, because those who did not surrender All dead.

Victor von Doom stepped forward and stood beside Salomon, a smile on his face covered with burn scars under the iron mask. Salomon nodded, and he stationed his long sword on the ground, facing the armored army below the ruins and a large number of soldiers holding crimson eagle flags. His voice was full of unspeakable passion, whether it was a prisoner kneeling on the ground, a rebel soldier holding a laser gun, or a civilian being gathered together, as long as he was alive, no matter what his native language was, no matter whether he could understand such a standard Latin, they understood every word he said.

This is the first step towards the liberation of Latvinia. From now on you will dedicate your life to a greater cause.

He doesn't need to explain his identity to everyone, he is the most perfect image in everyone's mind.

Although Dragan, Noval, Milos and Tiana were all arranged on the outside of the queue, and the speaker George and his assistant were on the other side, they could hear every word clearly. Whether this group of people were cowardly or brave, noble or despicable, everyone held their breath. No matter what hardships they had experienced before, they were forgotten at this moment. They devoted themselves to listening to this speech. Their courage completely drove away the fatigue caused by the battle. Each pair of eyes stared longingly at the golden color on the ruins. silhouette.

But those greedy thugs and plutocratic tyrants will not forget that our ideal is to completely end their rule and liberate the human race from the nihilistic internal friction, the economic system of slavery and shameless lies! They will not forget They will not forget that our ideal is to realize the value of everyone equally. They will not forget that what we pursue is the survival and freedom of the human race. They will not forget that our ideal is to completely end the war between humans. They will not forget that We must use the wealth gained from their greedy exploitation to save the people who were once enslaved by them!”

His voice gradually ignited the fire in the hearts of every listener. Along with his raised sword, the low-hanging leaden gray clouds were dispersed by the light blooming from his body, as if he was the scorching sun descending on the world.

Now they hear our name! When they lie on the soft bed made of the sweat of the masses, and sit on the sofa woven with the shed blood of innocent people, they will be frightened to death by our name! They will stop at nothing to discredit us , shaping us into slave masters like them - No! We are far more noble than them, because what we care about is not individuals, but the entire human race! We are not those who can compete with aliens because of wealth and power. We are the groveling slaves of man, we are human beings who advocate reason and science! We are the noblest race in the galaxy, and we deserve the best future!

The thunderous sound resounded throughout the city, and even the sky resonated, casting a strong but not dazzling light. The audience's faces were flushed, as if their bodies were filled with power again. Latvinians, and people from all over the world, there is a war waiting for us! It is a war waged by armies and politicians bribed by despicable people, and it is also a war to end the rule of ignorance and short-sightedness once and for all A war of interests is still a bloody war to forge the human race into the overlord of the galaxy. Let me hear your roar! Let the tyrants feel your anger!

For Latvinia! For unity!

Louder! Let those bastards far away tremble because of your anger! He shouted now in the smoke and ruins, the blood-red holy cloth tumbling in the strong wind.

For unity! For humanity!

Come on, stupid and short-sighted plutocrats and politicians! Throw you at our guns and swords, and we will smear your worthless lives on the pillar of shame that will be spurned forever! We will end your Life and domination, shatter the bloody shackles! We will spread reason and science, and no one or anything can stop mankind from marching towards the star sea! No matter how dark and dangerous the universe is, we will eventually win a great victory for future generations, and we will create The glorious civilization that belongs to mankind, I promise you this victory that belongs to you and mankind. For the sake of unity! For the destiny of the human race to rule the galaxy!

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