Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1006 Chapter 1002 The Orator and the Righteous Man (Second Update)

Dave looked like he was still chatting about his girlfriend Betty, but Victor von Doom didn't know him at all, so barely nodding to him was considered super-standard treatment. Victor said hello to Salomon and cast a spell to leave the valley. There is nothing more important in his eyes than Latovinia. The Immortal City handed over its personnel and armaments to him. He must fight for the Immortal. responsible for the city and the future of Latvinia. As for the two guards, they didn't care about anything except their duties. Only Salomon still maintained a polite smile - his back was turned to Dave, and he seemed to be listening carefully to Dave's chat.

But in fact, he was multitasking, listening to Dave while slowly counting the people and vehicles below. Salomon mentally estimated whether the next batch of fuel supplies, ammunition supplies, and food supply lists given by the Ministry of Military Affairs were consistent with the actual situation. His efficiency was far higher than that of all actuaries in the interior department.

However, after Salomon spent more than ten minutes calculating the next batch of military supplies needed for the camp, Dave had no intention of stopping. He was talking about Betty finding a job after graduation, and then using her first salary to treat him to a pizza, which moved Dave, who was dressed like a tramp at the time, to tears. There was nothing good to eat on that planet. After Merlin left him there, he ran away without looking back to prevent his disciples from rushing to keep him here. Now Dave plans to use some funds to rent a room. apartment and moved in with Betty. However, the Merlin School was so poor that even Merlin didn't have a single coin in his pocket. The old guy lived by cheating money.

He was turning around the corner to tell Salomon about this matter. His short life of studying abroad on an alien planet still could not change some of the most basic characteristics of this awkward engineering student. Of course I will help you pay for it, Dave. In fact, as long as you start working, you can get a sum of money every month, as well as social security and medical insurance from the Eternal City.

In fact, Salomon is still a little disappointed with Dave, but he can understand Dave's thoughts. It is understandable that he wants to make up for Betty's life. Not everyone can make a choice between family and work, and not everyone can face their mission calmly. While Dave was still worrying about the apartment, Salomon was considering details such as the lack of strategic depth in Latovinia and the security pressure that would be faced by actively expanding to the north. He did not continue to listen, but said bluntly, This is what you deserve. Not everyone who has just entered the magical world can study in N'Galai for so long. He said, Now, go Pick an apartment you like and the Immortal City will pay for it.”

The assault transport boat rose vertically, then began to accelerate, carrying passengers straight into the sky. My lord, the next visitor will arrive in six minutes. After Dave left, Hammurabi came over and whispered, Do you need to find a relatively comfortable meeting place, such as the one left in the previous camp? tent?

This is a good idea. Next, this guest doesn't like drinking very much. Can you and Supiluliumas make me two cups of tea? Just honey, not milk. Oh, thank you, I didn't know you I also brought my treasured honey. Is this what Constantine ordered?

Steve Rogers didn't realize at all that this giant in golden armor was standing in the corner of the tent. Only when Supiluliumas walked up to him and put down the teacup, did the cold feeling of death emerge from his body. Brushing the back of the neck. When the Imperial Guard placed a palm-sized teacup in front of him, it was still difficult for him to restrain his nervousness. The sharp intuition he had developed in special operations kept reminding him that he was a fool to come here. Decide.

Not everyone can remain calm after seeing the size of the Praetorian Guards, especially for Steve Rogers, a genetically modified warrior. He does not want to see other enhanced abilities become weapons in the world. . This is not some kind of jealous emotion, but he knows that if people like him appear on the battlefield in large numbers, it will be a disaster for all mankind.

However, things in the world did not go as he wished, and he had to admit that he could no longer keep up with this era. Before long, Salomon had mastered extremely powerful genetic modification technology. Steve Rogers discovered that he had never really known the man sitting across the long table. From the first time he met him, every action of Salomon had a meaning - from beginning to end, Even Nick Fury failed to discover Salomon's true identity. But he had to come, because Salomon showed him horrors that he thought had been lost to history.

The goal he had fought for his whole life was betrayed without mercy, the thing he hated never disappeared, and he, the soldier, never completed his mission. It was a negotiation, or so it seemed to Steve Rogers, even though he knew it wasn't.

He had already judged from the track marks outside the tent that there had once been a mechanized infantry here that did not use the armaments of any country in the world. Combined with the recent intelligence about the political turmoil in Latvinia, Steve Rogers soon understood that the man behind all this was Salomon, but he didn't know how the young man in front of him created such a terrifying thing. war potential.

If you have carefully read the books I gave you, you will understand my ideals, Steve Rogers. Salomon took a sip from the teacup and said calmly, What you hate is exactly what you want. What I hate is that the Eternal City has saved tens of thousands of civilians in Eastern Europe. The freedom of the human race as a whole that I pursue does not conflict with the personal freedom that you pursue. I believe you have read what I have given you. That information, you also know what kind of curse you received after appearing in Eastern Europe, but you still went there, which makes me quite admire. Only Tony Stark still can’t figure out why the Afghans are like this Hate him - the Avengers, in the eyes of those who are suffering, they are just a dog in America. So are you going to continue to be the dog on the leash, or do you do what you think is right?

What do you want me to do? Steve Rogers asked.

Put on your shield, bring your justice and morality to fight for justice for the common people.

I've been doing this. Steve Rogers wanted to say this, but the words came to his lips but he couldn't. He knows that even in the past, the war subjects he served continued to profit from it and committed aggression in the name of safeguarding justice. When he saw the report, he understood that the so-called super soldiers were just fools who were running around under the baton, and those brave and noble souls sacrificed their lives for the plutocrats they didn't understand at all.

The world has changed so much that he feels increasingly powerless. He is old. That is not physical aging, but exhaustion from the depths of the soul.

All the people who have paid for my ideals will get what they want. I will completely stop the unnecessary internal strife between human countries, and everyone will become the fuel for the human race to move towards the star sea, including myself. I will use them carefully, because I understand the value of everyone. Tony Stark can't understand this sentence, Nick Fury can't understand it, but I believe you can, you know the meaning of sacrifice, and you also know that peace must be purchased with blood. Salo Meng said with a sincere expression, completely unable to tell that he had just delivered a very inflammatory speech. I want to ask for your help, Steve Rogers, to help me create a world of true freedom, reason, and equality. Become the righteous person you want to be, and I swear to you, this time I will never There will be people who fail you and we will fight together.”

Last question. How do you ensure that everything you do is worth it?

In the face of doubts, Salomon's response was quite calm. Because I know I'm right, that's all.

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