Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 1001 Guards Training Camp (First Update)

Although the red sand beneath his feet was identical, Hammurabi Badia tasted the bitterness in the air.

The line of dawn and dusk stumbled across his shoulders. The huge sapphire inlaid on the edge of the shoulder armor reflected the last light of the planet, and then a fierce storm covered the sky with sand and dust. The power armor's detection system constantly warned of the presence of high-intensity ionizing radiation unsuitable for human survival in the surrounding area, and his brain immediately made an assessment of the oxygen content in the air. Even though the Guardsman's body could resist this radiation, he immediately closed the respiratory filtering system in the helmet and activated the oxygen internal circulation of the power armor to ensure that the blood oxygen content could cope with the subsequent battle.

Wherever you look, towering stone pillars are buried crookedly under the red sand, and only traces of colorful lines remain of the ancient murals. Primitive weapons and high-tech weapons are placed haphazardly together. The twisted totems that ordinary people cannot understand and the dry bones scattered around all tell the stories of what happened here.

Hammurabi Badiya removed his steel boots and carefully looked at the blurred lines on the stone slabs under his feet, trying to rely on his own knowledge to judge whether this artistic style could correspond to the development of human history on earth. He doesn't know the culture of this planet, nor why there was human civilization here, nor why this civilization was destroyed. He needs to read the knowledge in the power armor database between battles to fill his brain, absorb wisdom, and learn lessons. Because his mission is more than just fighting, he knows that the test he faces is not over yet, and there is a reason why he was put here.

The red sand full of iron oxide in the Arena of the Eternal City comes from this planet, the result of the complete oxidation and death of all the creations of a former human civilization. All the actions of a monarch have their purpose. Hammurabi did not even realize that he was thrown into the process. He humbly learned all the knowledge he was allowed to learn. In the database, this planet was once home to a large number of tribes that believed in extradimensional creatures. Now some of those dangerous tribes have been eliminated by commanders and monarchs and have become training camps for the Imperial Guard. The remaining part is his mission with Supiluliumas.

Supiluliumas. Supiluliumas, please answer when you receive it. He tried to call his companions through the communication channel, but electromagnetic interference rose and fell like the tide, and mysterious electromagnetic storms plagued communications. Supiluliumas is the new name of No. 3. Hammurabi subconsciously thought that he should be familiar with him. However, chemical brainwashing and spiritual transformation made him completely forget the past - but he didn't care, he just I want to focus on the mission, that’s all. The last communication attempt failed. The tiny bone conduction headphones implanted under the skin were still only filled with noisy current sounds and interference from electromagnetic radiation hitting the armor. Hammurabi closed the communication, turned the long sword hanging on the magnetic belt behind him, and wrapped his crimson cloak tightly so that it would no longer be filled with sand. He stuck his halberd into the sand for support and walked towards the camp location marked on the map. The rapidly flying gravel hit the gorgeous golden armor with a noise like a rainstorm. Hammurabi walked forward silently, alert to the cultists and beasts that might appear around him at any time. He believed that he could find Supiluliumas at the assembly point. This was just a training camp planet, a long-dead planet. Any qualified Guardsman could complete this training.

He embarked on his own journey.

Only by walking out of this place can it be regarded as the first step to truly assume the responsibility of protecting the monarch.

Salomon carefully estimated the time for Hammurabi and Supiluliumas to return, and then wrote down the work arrangements for these two people on the Janissary's schedule. After he and Constantine participated in the extraterrestrial trial together, he was still able to return to Earth within the scheduled time. He did not rely on the time spell placed in the Praetorian Guards training cabin to speed up the cultivation, but on the theory of relativity. That planet has Karma Taj's fixed portal, and it is on the list as one of the key monitoring objects. However, because a complete cleanup is too labor-intensive, Karma Taj cannot completely remove the corruption of that planet. Now Salomon has taken over most of Kama Taj's resources, and the planet is among its assets. He believed that after the two guardsmen returned, they would be able to begin fulfilling their mission. He had no more time to waste on the training of the Praetorian Guards. Constantine was special, and the rest of the training of the other Praetorian Guards had to be carried out in practice.

He felt his clothes were gently pulled a few times.

Salomon looked down and saw the girl standing next to his chair, one hand clutching his suit.

More than an hour had passed since Constantine left, and the door to the study was opened again, allowing anyone who lived here to enter and exit. Salomon saw that the girl had changed her clothes. The white dress that originally belonged to the sorority had been replaced by a modern black dress, and her hair had also been changed from the tightly tied style to a more natural style. The Cheshire Cat followed behind her, its big fluffy gray tail hanging down and swinging slowly. The short hair on its body was messy, and it looked like it had been touched all over. The girl was still tugging at the hem of Salomon's clothes. After a while, she raised her head and found that Salomon had noticed her - a silly smile immediately appeared on her face, and she muttered vague words as she tried her best. I want to express my thoughts with all my strength. Yet it wasn't until the Mystic made contact with her mind that she could convey the full meaning to him. After listening to that childish and pure thought, Salomon stretched out his hand and touched the girl's head, ignoring the Cheshire Cat's meowing and meowing complaints about how impolite this human cub was and how it disrespected its high status. cat.

They each talked about their own thing, and no one disturbed the other.

Okay, when mom calls us to eat, we must rush to the restaurant.

Salomon twisted her up in his arms with one hand, holding a book in the other hand, and then followed the Cheshire Cat who asked to lead the way out of the study. Yi! The girl cheered stupidly again, and then she lay on the mystic mage's shoulder and said words that no one could understand. The Cheshire Cat complained as he walked. He demanded that he be compensated with a large piece of tuna belly later, otherwise he would never forgive the child's rudeness and would never allow the girl to touch him.

Salomon pretended not to hear.

If anyone touches its head, the Cheshire Cat will purr loudly within a few seconds, then lie on the ground and spread its limbs. Its threat has never been effective. Even if Dinah doesn't feed it tuna belly, it usually secretly opens the refrigerator to eat a lot of delicious food. Dinah would find cat teeth marks on the fish in the kitchen every day, and the Cheshire cat's belly was always bulging. Sometimes the cat would even be caught because he ate too much and refused to give up the food in his mouth. , so angry that Dinah had to hunt down this fish thief every day.

Which mother are you talking about? The one with black hair or the one with white hair? Salomon asked.

The girl waved her hands and began to make gestures. Although she did not understand it herself, the mystic could still see the picture she imagined from her memory. In the eyes of children, everything is different from what adults see, so the picture Salomon sees has a child's filter - for example, the Cheshire cat is a ball of warm gray fur. , it will make various sounds when touched. Bayonetta is a black tower that emits sound, Joan of Arc is a white tower, and Salomon himself is a ball of light. As long as you are familiar with this filter, you can easily tell what the girl is thinking.

Oh? Did she say anything else?

The girl nodded seriously.

Please vote! Suddenly I found out it was my birthday, Gan! I just want to sleep now!

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