Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 992 The Great Father (Second Update)

It was not the first time for Salomon to be called his father.

When he takes a break from official duties to travel to war-torn places such as Iran, Syria, and Afghanistan, he often disguises himself as a teacher, doctor, or traveler, using methods consistent with his current identity to realize those things that have been torn apart by the war. people’s small wishes. He has delivered babies, treated infectious diseases and injuries, taught science and reason to teenagers, and been expelled more than once by superstitious local religious leaders (usually tribal elders). But the next time he came back blatantly with food, meat, vegetables, candies and books, so those who sold cannon shells, copper sheets and other war waste had to lower their heads to welcome him.

Part of this food is used to buy children. Salomon will send children under ten years old, and even their mothers, to the Eternal City for education (where he goes, most young adults die) . As for the books, many of them were atheistic books that were not allowed by the tribal elders, so he could only quietly distribute them to his temporary students along with candy.

But not all the children were bought by him from those places. Some older children left with him voluntarily, regardless of gender. Some can only speak the local dialect, some can understand a few English words, some have intact limbs, some have mutilated limbs, and some have suffered mental torture due to the war and witnessed the tragic death of their family members, and even themselves have suffered very cruel of infringement. Salomon once saw a twelve-year-old girl wandering with her disabled brother and carrying a child born as a result of atrocities. She could only make a living by dismantling landmines left by NATO and selling war waste such as shell skins.

He rarely gets angry unless he can't help it.

When Salomon talked to the people he carefully selected and revealed his thoughts, the boys and girls he chose would quickly agree with him without exception. Salomon would then drive the older children across the war-torn region to find those who had put them in their current situation. He would put on his armor, sword and bolter in hand, and walk straight into the battlefield. He made these children follow him, unable to harm them with shrapnel and bullets, and the boys and girls could witness with their own eyes the revenge accomplished in their name.

He told them that he would completely end the meaningless wars between humans, and that this ideal would be realized by their own hands.

He told them that there is no God in this world and does not need God. They will become the saviors of themselves and others, and the beautiful life in the future will be forged by their blood and sweat.

The children kissed his gauntlets, stained with blood and sand, and swore allegiance.

He is Bav, Pader, Baba, yes, yes.

No matter what pronunciation or language, it is what those children call him. They called him a great father, and they were willing to sacrifice their lives for him and for that great ideal - the child with missing limbs was equipped with mechanical prostheses, and the twelve-year-old girl who took the child learned how to keep accounts and could only speak Children in the local dialect were taught English, Latin and mathematics. Children who had been tortured to the point of death took up arms and received war training. Once ignorant and superstitious ideas were replaced by reason and science, they became a part of the immortal city and became the gears in building the future.

Salomon chose to believe them, and he gave them a small pendant. It was an eagle with spread wings carved out of gold, and it was also the symbol of the Eternal City.

When you look at me with your eyes of judgment, what do you see?

I saw war, shells, limbs, death... and trees and flames.

Robbie Reyes took a deep breath and closed his eyes in agony, completely unable to comprehend the meaning of what he was seeing. He regretted taking this challenge - even though Wanda reiterated to him with all this anger that the man in front of him who looked younger than him was her teacher, Robbie Reyes still felt a little unbelievable. Salomon saw his emotions, so he calmly closed the rune used to bind the spirit of vengeance in the cell, and invited him to participate in a competition - Salomon asked Robbie Reyes to use his The eyes of judgment came to examine his soul. For Ghost Rider, nothing can judge a person better than the Eye of Judgment. Robbie Reyes simply agreed and repeatedly stated that it would very likely harm the Mystic. After determining that Wanda's teachers were aware of the risks, Robbie Reyes ordered the Spirit of Vengeance to come to the real world.

Salomon nodded slightly without saying much.

Then Robbie Reyes regretted it, because it was not Salomon who might have been burned, but his soul.

He saw many things that he could not understand in just a few seconds. The spirit of vengeance howled and exited the curtain of the real world, returning to the sea of ​​souls with pain and fear. Robbie Reyes had no idea what was happening. When he woke up, he found himself leaning against a rough wall, his body covered in sweat, his palms covered with scratches, and his broken nails full of dried blood. The remaining memories only retain some chaotic images. Even so, he glimpsed some of Salomon's past.

Did you really do this? He panted and raised his head, staring at the ceiling carved with granite runes, as if his sight could penetrate the thick granite layers and alloy armor plates, Those children are really there. ?”

Of course, that's what that underground city above your head is for, the abode of justice and righteousness. What you see, that's what I did in those war zones, I gave them a new life, you You will receive the same gift.

Salomon knelt down in front of Robbie Reyes, not caring about the prisoner's stench.

The mystic's face remained normal, as if he had never been looked directly at or challenged by the eye of judgment. But I don't have time to deal with your troubles, Vengeful Spirit, so I need you to deal with it yourself. Please don't worry, you are not alone. You have your car, funding for operations in the Immortal City, and another Evil Spirit Knight. You will definitely want to see the person who transformed you into Ghost Rider again, so Johnny Blaze will also participate in this mission, and he will teach you how to become a real Ghost Rider. Don't say anything to me anymore At that time, you had no chance to refuse such stupid talk as selling your soul to the devil——

Salomon's tone suddenly became stern, -Look at yourself, crying to find your brother. You are still alive and well. I have seen many people who are more miserable than you. They can I didn't complain a single word, but worked hard to live. Just like your brother, he is much smarter than you, and he also knows that you can't appear in front of him. Do you think you can't live without him?


I believe you have also seen the situation of those children, because that is what I want you to see. Since you want to gain this power, no matter what the price you have to pay and what hardships are waiting for you ahead, you will give it I shut up and take responsibility. All those corrupted by the Dark Book must die, even if only their souls are left. Kill them and protect the real world from those people. This is your job. End of Duty Nothing but death, Robbie Reyes.”

This is so cool, brother! After listening to Salomon's narration, little Lorna said excitedly, When can I say such a cool thing!

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